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11-26-2014, 01:56 PM
more riots from the past..


hunnington Beach CA, After surfer competition


Vancouver, 2011. Because a hockey team lost.


Keene, NH, 2014. Because pumpkins. College students no less. educating them doesn't seem to matter.

Lexington, KY, 2012. Because a basketball team won a game.

law breaking thug animals all should be shot. Plus it's Obama's fault.


11-26-2014, 02:09 PM
The difference for Ferguson is that the Obama regime created added liability for the police. Much of the mayhem would have been prevented if the local police hadn't been forced to engage in defensive policing with a focus on legal liability instead of public safety.

11-26-2014, 02:39 PM
Yup, I have zero problem if the law intervened and handled things exactly the same. There might be differences in WHY someone riots - but they are all guilty of violence and destruction. I don't care the color, bring in the guard and put a stop to it. Just seems that unfortunately, it's more race than others that tend to get violent more quickly and more often.

Sorry I may feel the same no matter who riots, Rev, and your desire to somehow show a discrepancy was somehow blown out of the water. Here in the USA, the black folks tend to get violent like this more than others. Count in the whole world and Muslims charge to the front by a mile.

11-26-2014, 03:57 PM
Yup, I have zero problem if the law intervened and handled things exactly the same. There might be differences in WHY someone riots - but they are all guilty of violence and destruction. I don't care the color, bring in the guard and put a stop to it. Just seems that unfortunately, it's more race than others that tend to get violent more quickly and more often.

Sorry I may feel the same no matter who riots, Rev, and your desire to somehow show a discrepancy was somehow blown out of the water. Here in the USA, the black folks tend to get violent like this more than others. Count in the whole world and Muslims charge to the front by a mile.
Jim someone in another thread said they'd never heard of whites rioting I thought i'd point out a few times. seriously that's all i had in mind.
you shouldn't have read so much into it But now... you've got me thinking.

yeah blacks are just terrible it's not as bad when whites riot over football and surfing that makes much more sense. If they were a minority that had to put up with racist police for generations they'd follow the law like they do at the sporting events and pumkin festivals.

As far as people killing others I think European and whites still hold the record --if we MUST always make it about how bad races are--- just the facts. Slaughtering of natives in north and south america, slaughter Indians in India, the natives in Australia, Africans in Africa, and the wholesale slaughtering each other in 2 world wars and 1000's of years of smaller wars. Moa may have the most in singular count. but Stalin WHITE, Hitler WHITE, set the bar. We had a list of the worst people in the history a while back.
no one mentioned that most of those people were white. should we always point that out. just to be honest?

it's just a fact BTW, not racist to mention it. right?
yep the most murderous people on earth are whites. they've got the body count.

I'll bring it up next time a white person is in the news doing something wrong. seems murder and violence it's in the white culture.
You can see it in all the calls for shooting blacks who horribly BLOCKED A ROAD. and threw rocks at the police. Shooting people dead over that will teach them a lesson. :rolleyes:
and killing Iranians who never attacked us, and killing Muslims and torturing them .."before they get us.". you see how whites are. some not all mind you.
kill kill kill the answer for every problem.

not you though jim.
but white people in general.
is it racist to say so?
can't be, It's just fact.

11-26-2014, 04:15 PM
Rev when one of these professional teams win you are correct folks act a fool and go crazy but the police put a stop to it, they are allowed to, nope the Justice department isn't trying to tell the world it is OK that the animals ( yes white or black when they act this way they are animals ) are justified in what they are doing and that it is only a handful that are burning down cities, well if that was true the first night they made 44 arrest but yet there was stuff burning again last night, and although this happened in Ferguson there are Peaceful ( as far as I know thank goodness ) demonstrations all over the country, all because some lawless animal that had just committed strong armed robbery at a convenience store decided he was the toughest thing on earth and thought he could scare the cop, guess what he lost. All riots are stupid I agree with you but how long has this one been going for and the cops made 44 arrest as of last night, yes there is a major problem here. How many arrest, no bodies would of been there if that was all white Bikers that decided to riot and you know that. Imagine if the Hells Angels made it clear to all they where going to riot and burn the town down what the response would be.

11-26-2014, 04:35 PM
Jim someone in another thread said they'd never heard of whites rioting I thought i'd point out a few times. seriously that's all i had in mind.
you shouldn't have read so much into it But now... you've got me thinking.

Fair enough, but maybe you should have pointed that out. I assumed you were egging on all of us that took issue with the black community over the Ferguson riots.

yeah blacks are just terrible it's not as bad when whites riot over football and surfing that makes much more sense. If they were a minority that had to put up with racist police for generations they'd follow the law like they do at the sporting events and pumkin festivals.

Again, since replying to me.... No rioting is OK in my book. And no one is worse or better - unless comparing levels of crime (misdemeanor, felony...) And I don't care if it were for generations, that doesn't make it ok for anyone, any race, to get violent and destroy property of innocent people. Not to mention, the majority of the folks I saw were fairly young, teens and 20's, maybe 30's. Hardly enough to say "generations".

s far as people killing others I think European and whites still hold the record --if we MUST always make it about how bad races are--- just the facts. Slaughtering of natives in north and south america, slaughter Indians in India, the natives in Australia, Africans in Africa, and the wholesale slaughtering each other in 2 world wars and 1000's of years of smaller wars. Moa may have the most in singular count. but Stalin WHITE, Hitler WHITE, set the bar. We had a list of the worst people in the history a while back.
no one mentioned that most of those people were white. should we always point that out. just to be honest?

Works for me. Killing for no reason or being violent via riots in responses... We are still talking about riots in responses, no?

it's just a fact BTW, not racist to mention it. right?
yep the most murderous people on earth are whites. they've got the body count.

Of course it's not racist, not even close.

I'll bring it up next time a white person is in the news doing something wrong. seems murder and violence it's in the white culture.

Still wouldn't be racist if you were speaking facts. Don't get mad at the messenger for pointing out facts, by implying they are racist as a result. See how stupid it is? Imagine me accusing you of racist stuff when your comments were not? Racism is racism, and it has definitions. Pointing out someones sexual preference is not racist. Talking about crime percentages within specific races is not racist. Some don't care to hear FACTS at times and therefore immediately want to label that person a racist. It doesn't make it so.

You can see it in all the calls for shooting blacks who horribly BLOCKED A ROAD. and threw rocks at the police. Shooting people dead over that will teach them a lesson. :rolleyes:

I don't really even know what you're saying here. But rather than guess, I'll leave that between you and the other person who spurred this thread, as I know I said nothing of the sort.

and killing Iranians who never attacked us, and killing Muslims and torturing them .."before they get us.". you see how whites are. some not all mind you.

Nothing racist that I see there, but also nothing I said. Just covering everything even thought not all directed at me...

kill kill kill the answer for every problem.

Maybe we should have bombed Iran about their nukes a long time ago. We should have nuked Afghanistan too. Just drop endless bombs on Isis instead of precision targets. I believe if what you say is true, there would be a LOT more dead people out there. Oh, and this isn't racist either.

not you though jim.
but white people in general.
is it racist to say so?
can't be, It's just fact.

I know it's not about me. And even though I disagree with your comments, they still aren't racist. You seem to think that anyone that posts facts about races, or between races, is somehow then racist.

FJ will love me posting this definition.

<section class="def-pbk"> <header class="luna-data-header"> noun
1. a person who believes in racism (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/racism), the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others.

</section> <section class="def-pbk"> <header class="luna-data-header"> adjective </header> 2. of or like racists or racism (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/racism) : racist policies; racist attitudes.

race (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/race)2(n.) + -ist (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/-ist)

11-26-2014, 04:43 PM
Kim Kardashian has a fat ass - racist
Kim Kardashian is a Pig - racist
She likes to date black men - racist
she has implants that make her butt bigger - racist
black folks (men) tend to like the huge asses - racist
she is a whore - racist
her whole family dates black men - racist
she profits from her sex tape - racist
she further profits recently from getting naked, as a mother - racist

I sure have made a lot of racist comments, all in one thread no less.

And then it was Ferguson, and pointing out facts and discussing the case - racist. I don't think a single member stated anything about superiority or inferiority, but it was racist nonetheless. Simply pointing out the disgusting response from the community and surrounding community was racist. No matter what was said, some seemed to call the other racist. Some getting worse and speaking about arming themselves, or how they would handle themselves - racist

That about covers it for me. If you think there were WORSE than what I'm pointing out, it surely wasn't from me. And if not from me, I think when someone wants to call another a racist, they should quote specifics and discuss it - instead of making up half quotes and leaving others wondering.

11-26-2014, 04:46 PM
Kim Kardashian has a fat ass - racist
Kim Kardashian is a Pig - racist
She likes to date black men - racist
she has implants that make her butt bigger - racist
black folks (men) tend to like the huge asses - racist
she is a whore - racist
her whole family dates black men - racist
she profits from her sex tape - racist
she further profits recently from getting naked, as a mother - racist

I sure have made a lot of racist comments, all in one thread no less.

And then it was Ferguson, and pointing out facts and discussing the case - racist. I don't think a single member stated anything about superiority or inferiority, but it was racist nonetheless. Simply pointing out the disgusting response from the community and surrounding community was racist. No matter what was said, some seemed to call the other racist. Some getting worse and speaking about arming themselves, or how they would handle themselves - racist

That about covers it for me. If you think there were WORSE than what I'm pointing out, it surely wasn't from me. And if not from me, I think when someone wants to call another a racist, they should quote specifics and discuss it - instead of making up half quotes and leaving others wondering.

Jim you are a racist, heck you could of saved all that typing and just asked me I would of vouched for ya :laugh:

11-26-2014, 04:59 PM
Jim you are a racist, heck you could of saved all that typing and just asked me I would of vouched for ya :laugh:

It's easier apparently to just sit back and let people label you a racist. It's too damn time consuming to research things that just weren't said!!

11-26-2014, 05:05 PM
"racist == 1. a person who believes in racism (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/racism), the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others."
Ok, soo

Is Al Sharpton a racist?
got any quotes about superiority
Is Obama racist?
got any quotes about superiority?
Is Rev Wright a racist?
got any quotes about superiority?
Is Jesse Jackson a racist?
got any quotes about superiority?
Is Chris Rock a racist?
got any quotes about superiority?
Heck ..Are the people who voted for Obama just because he's black racist?
Are the people who DIDN"T vote for Obama just because he's black racist?
got any quotes about superiority? if not they're not. right?

Based on this standard seems some folks need to revise some previous statements round the board here.
Unless of course it's different for black people.

11-26-2014, 05:13 PM
So Rev, you've already proved 100% without a doubt that you have an issue with white people. A part of me is kinda glad some of these posts are hitting you the wrong way. Sometimes people are more blatant about it, and sometimes people lurk in the shadows about it. The latter I think best describes you. People say that everyone is a racist a little bit, but I'll trust the guy willing to stand up for his beliefs over the guy afraid to speak them. Whether your issue is just deep rooted dislike, or a hidden racist, that I'm unsure of.

11-26-2014, 05:32 PM
So Rev, you've already proved 100% without a doubt that you have an issue with white people. A part of me is kinda glad some of these posts are hitting you the wrong way. Sometimes people are more blatant about it, and sometimes people lurk in the shadows about it. The latter I think best describes you. People say that everyone is a racist a little bit, but I'll trust the guy willing to stand up for his beliefs over the guy afraid to speak them. Whether your issue is just deep rooted dislike, or a hidden racist, that I'm unsure of.
holycraponastick wow, and it goes there.

so is "having an issue" the same as racist Jim?

i just want to be clear, you being all up front an honest like.

and i'd like you to answer my previous post.
everyone on the list has been called a racist by someone on this board at one time or another.
you being UP FRONT and all. and posting a definition. i'd like an answer please.

11-26-2014, 05:44 PM
holycraponastick wow, and it goes there.

so is "having an issue" the same as racist Jim?

i just want to be clear, you being all up front an honest like.

and i'd like you to answer my previous post.
everyone on the list has been called a racist by someone on this board at one time or another.
you being UP FRONT and all. and posting a definition. i'd like an answer please.

I answered EVERY one of your posts. As to the "holycraponastick" - don't like being called a racist when you didn't say anything racist yourself? The same here, I assume my point is taken. And Jeff will vouch for the fact that I made these comments on purpose as a plan, to see how YOU like being referred to indirectly with racist stuff when you said nothing of the sort.

Me? I'm an open book. 100% honest and always have been. I don't beat around the bush nor do I avoid questions. And yet somehow I got linked up as a racist, for stating I saw nothing racist in a thread. I don't like it and I'm sure you don't like it. I'm DIRECT and quote people and am not afraid to ask direct questions. I don't like it implied that I am somehow being racist, or am a racist, because I somehow missed a few word that someone else saw as racist. And the quote system would have cleared this up in a few minutes.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-26-2014, 06:25 PM
"racist == 1. a person who believes in racism (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/racism), the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others."
Ok, soo

Is Al Sharpton a racist?
got any quotes about superiority
Is Obama racist?
got any quotes about superiority?
Is Rev Wright a racist?
got any quotes about superiority?
Is Jesse Jackson a racist?
got any quotes about superiority?
Is Chris Rock a racist?
got any quotes about superiority?
Heck ..Are the people who voted for Obama just because he's black racist?
Are the people who DIDN"T vote for Obama just because he's black racist?
got any quotes about superiority? if not they're not. right?

Based on this standard seems some folks need to revise some previous statements round the board here.
Unless of course it's different for black people.

Hey hoss, I didn't and do not revise a damn thing I said about blacks, why the ffk should I?
Its ffing true.
Next time you want to use my comment to highlight racism(as I am racist as hell) do not do so in a comment to Jim, make the damn accusation directly to me.
I'll tell you the exact same thing I told logroller and the others..
Truth is not racist.
Don't like that kiss my ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!--Tyr

11-26-2014, 07:03 PM
I made the comment directly to you in the other thread Tyr.
in the form of a question. and to jim in the same post.

Jim and i went around the world because he didn't see it.

so your saying it's OK to for white sluts to date blacks but Not white women who are not sluts?

that's a fact?
and NOT racist?
notice the question marks please.

and the post you quote from me above was directly to Jim BTW.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-26-2014, 07:24 PM
I made the comment directly to you in the other thread Tyr.
in the form of a question. and to jim in the same post.

Jim and i went around the world because he didn't see it.

so your saying it's OK to for white sluts to date blacks but Not white women who are not sluts?

that's a fact?
and NOT racist?
notice the question marks please.

and the post you quote from me above was directly to Jim BTW.

Truth is not racist.
I stand by every word I post. If you have a problem with it or do not understand then its your problem.

Do not ever bring any of my family into a discussion in a rude manner again.
I do not take kindly to rudeness no matter how cleverly it is disguised..

Do not use my family to make any damn point.. got it!!!
I don't play that shit hoss!---

A man would apologize IMHO.. -Tyr

11-26-2014, 07:48 PM
I answered EVERY one of your posts. As to the "holycraponastick" - don't like being called a racist when you didn't say anything racist yourself? The same here, I assume my point is taken. And Jeff will vouch for the fact that I made these comments on purpose as a plan, to see how YOU like being referred to indirectly with racist stuff when you said nothing of the sort.

Me? I'm an open book. 100% honest and always have been. I don't beat around the bush nor do I avoid questions. And yet somehow I got linked up as a racist, for stating I saw nothing racist in a thread. I don't like it and I'm sure you don't like it. I'm DIRECT and quote people and am not afraid to ask direct questions. I don't like it implied that I am somehow being racist, or am a racist, because I somehow missed a few word that someone else saw as racist. And the quote system would have cleared this up in a few minutes.

Ok see Jim
IMO I think part of the problem might be this.
say for instance someone see's somebody doing something they don't like, and that person is of another race so they call that person a racial slur.

In my mind that person has in FACT made an offensive racist comment.
it should not even be questioned if it's offensive or not it just is.
In my mind it doesn't necessarily mean the person is a full on Klansmen, or hard core redneck.
it could mean they have a bad habit or a blind spot or they have some low level to mid level "race issues".
It's not my place to judge that off of one or 2 comments.
but the fact stands that the comment was in fact flat RACIST.
and in the best of world the person would apologize, and hopefully that's the end of it for all parties involved.

Now i could be wrong but it seems that some people seem to think if they are personally called on a racist comment or action.
that then they are BRANDED as as a stromfront member or closet klansmen. So instead of admitting a wrong they DENY being a racist of ANY level or having ANY racial issues.
And begin to justify various misc racist comments and actions.

To be sure some on all sides make false accusations even of racist comments.
Implying Blacks are too low level to date decent white women is racist.
Using the N word is racist. no matter how much "all" blacks use it.
Calling a Asian person SLANT Eyes or "kung fu" is racist.
Calling Italians WOP and dego, Hispanics wetbacks.
assuming all Hispanics are illegals
Assuming that all blacks are on welfare that you see driving a car is racist.
Assuming all blacks are criminals is racist.
Bringing up race every time a problem is pointed out where the people involved happen not to be white and assuming whites never do those things is racist and NOT simply "fact".

but hey sorry you know what racist acts and comments are,
but again you guys act as if whites seldom to NEVER do anything racist worth mentioning unless they are part of the klan or stromfront.

And a person who's not racist has no need to negatively focus on the race of people because race is not a fact that fundamentally makes a difference in a persons humanity.

11-26-2014, 07:52 PM
Truth is not racist.
I stand by every word I post. If you have a problem with it or do not understand then its your problem.

Do not ever bring any of my family into a discussion in a rude manner again.
I do not take kindly to rudeness no matter how cleverly it is disguised..

Do not use my family to make any damn point.. got it!!!
I don't play that shit hoss!---

A man would apologize IMHO.. -Tyr

Tyr, I respect you and your heritage, ALL of it.
and I'd NEVER say that your people were OK to date as long as they were only SLUTS of my race dating them.

the fact that you take great OFFENSE at my comment makes my point.
but you STILL don't see how the opposite is offensive.

I'm very sorry you don't get it.

But i wish nothing but the very best for you, your family, your ancestors and relatives native Americans and "Irish"(?) correct?

11-26-2014, 08:09 PM
Ok see Jim
IMO I think part of the problem might be this.
say for instance someone see's somebody doing something they don't like, and that person is of another race so they call that person a racial slur.

In my mind that person has in FACT made an offensive racist comment.
it should not even be questioned if it's offensive or not it just is.
In my mind it doesn't necessarily mean the person is a full on Klansmen, or hard core redneck.
it could mean they have a bad habit or a blind spot or they have some low level to mid level "race issues".
It's not my place to judge that off of one or 2 comments.
but the fact stands that the comment was in fact flat RACIST.
and in the best of world the person would apologize, and hopefully that's the end of it for all parties involved.

Now i could be wrong but it seems that some people seem to think if they are personally called on a racist comment or action.
that then they are BRANDED as as a stromfront member or closet klansmen. So instead of admitting a wrong they DENY being a racist of ANY level or having ANY racial issues.
And begin to justify various misc racist comments and actions.

To be sure some on all sides make false accusations even of racist comments.
Implying Blacks are too low level to date decent white women is racist.
Using the N word is racist. no matter how much "all" blacks use it.
Calling a Asian person SLANT Eyes or "kung fu" is racist.
Calling Italians WOP and dego, Hispanics wetbacks.
assuming all Hispanics are illegals
Assuming that all blacks are on welfare that you see driving a car is racist.
Assuming all blacks are criminals is racist.
Bringing up race every time a problem is pointed out where the people involved happen not to be white and assuming whites never do those things is racist and NOT simply "fact".

but hey sorry you know what racist acts and comments are,
but again you guys act as if whites seldom to NEVER do anything racist worth mentioning unless they are part of the klan or stromfront.

And a person who's not racist has no need to negatively focus on the race of people because race is not a fact that fundamentally makes a difference in a persons humanity.

Well then save your long winded comments for the next racist you come across.

11-26-2014, 08:16 PM
Well then save your long winded comments for the next racist you come across.

looks like you missed the point again
there are racist COMMENTS
if a person is a hard core racist or if they made a mistake and it's not really the deep part of the their character is something else.

But racist comments will be called out from time to time.

And I'm still waiting to see if Obama, Sharpton, Wright etc are racist by your standard of superiority quotes Jim.