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View Full Version : Happy Turkey Day, One And All

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-27-2014, 09:24 AM
T-Day Memories

Sit ye around your family table
sing, laugh, enjoy tell a fable --(or three)
Don't call 'em tall tales or lies
besides time to eat and that includes those pies

Now Uncle will tell about his 50 year old wreck
as he chews on a long turkey neck
And Aunt Jane will knock ya down soaked in perfume
good Lord, let some air into this room

Mom declares sit and lets say grace
then its on , the food grabbing race
Plates clatter, utensils go a clashing
always one or two end up crashing

Big bro' cries for the biggest best slice of turkey breast
hasn't a damn care for any of the rest
Soon food is entering gullets to beat the band
act too crazy get the back of Mom's hand

Yes, the good ole days were fun and fine
after meal maybe shots of good whiskey but never wine
Turn the TV back on and watch the game
going right on to sleep being so lame

Rip , roar and cry as your favorite team roundly loses
Over there Uncle Joe loudly snoozes
Another one gone, another T-day in the ole bag
wash them dishes and dry 'em with an old rag

I want to wish ALL to have a very fabulous Thanksgiving day and blessings that continue to be gifts from God.
Today we thank God for our family, his love, our blessings received and the Salvation gifted by way of his Son.

AFTER ALL THAT--TIME TO EAT!!!! - :dance:-Tyr

11-27-2014, 09:34 AM
Tyr God Bless you and yours Bro
and God Bless you all and your Families!
have A great great Thanksgiving folks

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-27-2014, 09:51 AM
Tyr God Bless you and yours Bro
and God Bless you all and your Families!
have A great great Thanksgiving folks
Same to you and yours my friend. We are so blessed to have been born and live in this nation.
Despite its ills it is still the best place to live on earth.
And T-day is the time to reflect on all our blessings from God. After that reflection, give thanks
and even ask blessings for others...
I hope one and all here remember Gaffer and all his family today. Asking for God's special blessing there... -Tyr

11-27-2014, 11:01 AM
A very happy Thanksgiving to my favorite bunch of turkeys. :cheers2:

11-27-2014, 02:38 PM
*Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

`Dont worry about the Liberal Turkeys......Just cook `em well and eat them...:laugh: http://liberalbias.com/images/content/liberal-turkey.jpg and eat `em

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-27-2014, 11:27 PM
ok, family got together at my oldest sister's home. All family was there except the baby sister Stella. She had travelled to Nashville to her daughter's home. We had only four guests there this year, usually we have anywhere from 6 to 9 guests.
I ate like a damn pig and rather pleased with my day of breaking my heath diet!!
We had three dressings were brought , two large turkeys, ended up with three hams, roast beef , one peppered ham that was to die for. Brown beans, corn, three kinds of mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, broccoli casserole, butterbeans, fresh greens, spinach, five cheeses, cornbread , rolls, fried taters, two homemade gravies, fresh vegetables, cokes , tea, cranberry juice , lemonade, and several brands of cold beer, wine and one bottle of Jack Daniels. I drank no alcohol at all but pigged out like a damn fat pig..
FOUR CAKES, 7 PIES AND A FRUIT SALAD. I had one large slice pecan pie and one large slice Hershey's chocolate pie.
We had enough food for 40 people, less than 27 total was there.

All told we had about 23 adults and three kids.. Everything went so well, not a single argument(unusual) and we all had a blast.
The very best one since my dad died in 1969. Would have been perfect had Stella been there too.
I am still in shock that it all went this well. I guess we've all gotten old enough to settle down and not squabble like kids.
Of course I never was in on the trouble crap in the past--usually was the guy separating the fighters and making peace reign .
This year. no trouble , so my day and holiday was fantastic!! -Tyr

11-28-2014, 07:12 AM
OK so Turkey day is now over and if y'all are like me y'all are looking for the Rolaids this morning, my wife did a great job yesterday, every single thing she made was excellent and heck I couldn't fit half on my plate ( God knows I tried ) :laugh: Had great Company, my Best friend ( Brother ) his dad and a couple others stopped by and now as I make my coffee and see the kitchen looking normal again I realize it is time to rip open the left overs, yup next week I will have to hit the Gym harder than ever to make up for it, but man it was worth it :laugh:

I hope all had a great Thanksgiving and have a happy and safe Holiday season !!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-28-2014, 11:24 AM
OK so Turkey day is now over and if y'all are like me y'all are looking for the Rolaids this morning, my wife did a great job yesterday, every single thing she made was excellent and heck I couldn't fit half on my plate ( God knows I tried ) :laugh: Had great Company, my Best friend ( Brother ) his dad and a couple others stopped by and now as I make my coffee and see the kitchen looking normal again I realize it is time to rip open the left overs, yup next week I will have to hit the Gym harder than ever to make up for it, but man it was worth it :laugh:

I hope all had a great Thanksgiving and have a happy and safe Holiday season !!!

I bet I was a bigger pig yesterday than you were ... :p

Great to see you had such a wonderful day my friend!! --:beer:--Tyr