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11-29-2014, 05:36 PM
I laugh thinking of lefties soiling themselves. I'm not as outraged as this pastor, but I enjoy his boldness.


11-29-2014, 06:08 PM
I laugh thinking of lefties soiling themselves. I'm not as outraged as this pastor, but I enjoy his boldness.

I think he's about 2 pickles shy of a full jar. But yeah, it would be funny to watch the liberals responses to this. And I bet many of them would turn around and swear the next day that every conservative wants this new plan activated.

I think most people with common sense know that someone like this speaks for himself. Just another idiot like Phelps thinking he can make a few $$ off of preaching his hate.

Oh, and I almost forgot about the accusations about this guy representing Christianity. No doubt he is a "true Christian" or maybe even a conservative Christian. :rolleyes:

11-29-2014, 08:36 PM
I Like Him :laugh: :thumb:

11-30-2014, 04:41 PM
:wtf::badsnort: :cuckoo: :bang3: :facepalm99:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-30-2014, 06:47 PM
I Like Him :laugh: :thumb:

A bit strong and hard to take but his foundation in biblical scripture is right on base.
He is preaching that the perversion(homosexuality) is not to be embraced and never to be considered normal behavior.
That is based on solid biblical scripture, any supposed Christian church that teaches otherwise and accepts the
modern appeasement /all inclusiveness should be fled away from immediately and never returned to IMHO.
For such churches are no longer places any Christian should be a part of..
Folks, when churches start voiding Christian principles they are no longer---- Christian churches!!
And neither is any Christian denomination that does that, be it Catholic, Methodist or Presbyterian.
A fact, an undeniable biblical truth.. -Tyr

11-30-2014, 07:38 PM
There's a huge difference between preaching that homosexuality is a sin, which Scripture supports, and preaching that homosexuals should be segregated and starved because they are irredeemable, which Scripture repudiates.

11-30-2014, 08:24 PM
There's a huge difference between preaching that homosexuality is a sin, which Scripture supports, and preaching that homosexuals should be segregated and starved because they are irredeemable, which Scripture repudiates.

Honestly if at all possible if you can show thee people the right way that is the thing to do, God hats the sin but loves the sinner

11-30-2014, 08:25 PM
Fred Phelps would have loved it.
The preacher in that video would be a good Muslim extremist.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-30-2014, 11:02 PM
Fred Phelps would have loved it.
The preacher in that video would be a good Muslim extremist.

You had no need to add in the word extremist ...
The guy
went a bit extreme, the perverts are not to be slaughtered be it by starvation or any other means. They are to be shown the light and if they reject that light they are to be shunned.
Christ forbids executing any person for disbelief or sin , even such perversion as is the gay lifestyle..
Yet you fail to mention in your comment that in Islam gays are commanded to be executed by stoning or hanging and that is not in some extremist version of Islam but is in every version of it as an whole.
Yet you defend Islam when it still commands murder as a method of cleansing. Not merely suggests but COMMANDS IT! -Tyr