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View Full Version : Charles Barkley comments on Ferguson decision

12-01-2014, 02:51 PM
Charles Barkley was a longtime NBA player. He's now an announcer, amongst other things. He was always known for being outspoken and having a "big mouth". He was interviewed and asked about the Ferguson events. His answers will now have him labeled an uncle tom. Take the race out of this and look solely at the facts, as someone who never even heard of the case before, and most say they got it right or that it shouldn't have even come that far. MANY folks lied and were busted lying. Some still refuse to believe this or are too dumb to read about what transpired in the grand jury and what was said, and what PROOF was given. Some made up their minds and no facts in the world were going to change their beliefs.

Anyway, on to Charles Barkley:

Former NBA star Charles Barkley recently called Ferguson looters "scumbags," praised police officers who work in black neighborhoods, and said he supports the decision made by the grand jury not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the Michael Brown shooting.

During an interview on 97.5 The Fanatic in Philadelphia on Tuesday, the day after the Ferguson decision was announced, host Mike Missanelli asked Barkley about it and why "black America" doesn't trust the ruling.

His response surprised some listeners.

"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."

And in a marked departure from other prominent black leaders who have questioned tactics used by officers and, in some cases, accused officers of racial profiling and outright racism, Barkley supported police officers, especially those who work in black neighborhoods.

“[W]e have to be really careful with the cops, because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods," he said. "We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad.... Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn't for the cops?”

His comments are in sharp contrast with those made by other black leaders on the Ferguson case. Rev. Al Sharpton and civil rights activist Jesse Jackson have both criticized the Ferguson decision and racial profiling by police. President Obama is scheduled to hold meetings with civil rights groups Monday on law enforcement and how to rebuild trust in black communities.

Other black athletes have also reacted to the Ferguson decision. Prior to Sunday’s kickoff against the Oakland Raiders, St. Louis Rams football players Stedman Bailey, Tavon Austin, Jared Cook, Chris Givens and Kenny Britt entered the field with their hands up, referring to the "hands up, don't shoot," rallying cry of Michael Brown supporters.

Rest here - http://news.yahoo.com/why-charles-barkley-supports-ferguson-grand-jury-decision-163736319.html

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-01-2014, 07:25 PM
Charles Barkley was a longtime NBA player. He's now an announcer, amongst other things. He was always known for being outspoken and having a "big mouth". He was interviewed and asked about the Ferguson events. His answers will now have him labeled an uncle tom. Take the race out of this and look solely at the facts, as someone who never even heard of the case before, and most say they got it right or that it shouldn't have even come that far. MANY folks lied and were busted lying. Some still refuse to believe this or are too dumb to read about what transpired in the grand jury and what was said, and what PROOF was given. Some made up their minds and no facts in the world were going to change their beliefs.

Anyway, on to Charles Barkley:

Former NBA star Charles Barkley recently called Ferguson looters "scumbags," praised police officers who work in black neighborhoods, and said he supports the decision made by the grand jury not to indict officer Darren Wilson in the Michael Brown shooting.

During an interview on 97.5 The Fanatic in Philadelphia on Tuesday, the day after the Ferguson decision was announced, host Mike Missanelli asked Barkley about it and why "black America" doesn't trust the ruling.

His response surprised some listeners.

"The true story came out from the grand jury testimony," Barkley said, adding that he was made aware of "key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story..." He continued, "I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other. "

He also called those who rioted after the decision was announced "scumbags," and said "There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people's businesses, burning down police cars."

And in a marked departure from other prominent black leaders who have questioned tactics used by officers and, in some cases, accused officers of racial profiling and outright racism, Barkley supported police officers, especially those who work in black neighborhoods.

“[W]e have to be really careful with the cops, because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods," he said. "We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad.... Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be if it wasn't for the cops?”

His comments are in sharp contrast with those made by other black leaders on the Ferguson case. Rev. Al Sharpton and civil rights activist Jesse Jackson have both criticized the Ferguson decision and racial profiling by police. President Obama is scheduled to hold meetings with civil rights groups Monday on law enforcement and how to rebuild trust in black communities.

Other black athletes have also reacted to the Ferguson decision. Prior to Sunday’s kickoff against the Oakland Raiders, St. Louis Rams football players Stedman Bailey, Tavon Austin, Jared Cook, Chris Givens and Kenny Britt entered the field with their hands up, referring to the "hands up, don't shoot," rallying cry of Michael Brown supporters.

Rest here - http://news.yahoo.com/why-charles-barkley-supports-ferguson-grand-jury-decision-163736319.html

He gets it right and is brave enough to speak out. Now what percent of the black population does he represent?
Most likely less than 5%.. And that ladies and gentlemen tells us just how bad the next two years are going to be because Obama can use the hell out of that total ignorance and tendency for violence, IMHO. In fact, he banks on it.. -TYR

12-02-2014, 01:08 AM
Charles is outspoken and this time I am glad he was, I wish more of these sport figures would use there heads before spilling trash for people to hear.

red states rule
12-04-2014, 04:07 AM
and now a response from the tolerant and opened minded left

Former NBA great Charles Barkley is making headlines again with some recent negative comments he made about the Ferguson rioters and the media coverage of them. When Barkley’s comments were brought up on Fox News Channel’s The Five, former Democratic campaign manager Bob Beckel criticized Barkley’s commentary, almost calling it self-serving: “He has not seen a poor neighborhood in 20 years, number one,” Beckel said. “He’s running as a Republican for the Senate. He’s putting his nose in this and he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

However, Beckel’s information was a bit outdated. Barkley only considered running for governor of Alabama back in 1995 as a Republican, then again in 2010 as a Democrat. He's obviously forgotten Barkley's softball interview with Obama for TNT earlier this year.)

See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/melissa-mullins/2014/12/03/bob-beckel-hits-charles-barkley-ferguson-riots-he-has-not-seen-poor#sthash.4Nkdr5KS.dpuf

12-04-2014, 07:17 PM
Bob Beckel is an "alleged" recovering alcoholic. Metinks he's fallen off the wagon of late, because he's been pretty outrageous since it became apparent that the vaunted "O" Team was coming apart @ the seams! LOL!

12-04-2014, 08:07 PM
Bob Beckel is an "alleged" recovering alcoholic. Metinks he's fallen off the wagon of late, because he's been pretty outrageous since it became apparent that the vaunted "O" Team was coming apart @ the seams! LOL!





red states rule
12-05-2014, 03:36 AM
and Bob is so tolerant


