View Full Version : America -- the other side

12-01-2014, 10:57 PM
Recently watched a film entitled "And All This Madness." It's a documentary about the 9-11 attacks. Not really the attacks themselves, but the aftermath and people's opinions of such.
Not the hateful, vengeful people. The people who sought to understand why it happened.
I guarantee that none of you will enjoy it. But you might learn something.

12-02-2014, 07:43 AM
Recently watched a film entitled "And All This Madness." It's a documentary about the 9-11 attacks. Not really the attacks themselves, but the aftermath and people's opinions of such.
Not the hateful, vengeful people. The people who sought to understand why it happened.
I guarantee that none of you will enjoy it. But you might learn something.

ISIS send you that?

12-02-2014, 05:14 PM
ISIS send you that?

Sounds to me like gabby really hates this nation so much. She freely advertises, and tries to recruit new ISIS members who are as dumb as she is. "Ya know? Birds of a feather?"

12-02-2014, 06:42 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-02-2014, 10:04 PM
Recently watched a film entitled "And All This Madness." It's a documentary about the 9-11 attacks. Not really the attacks themselves, but the aftermath and people's opinions of such.
Not the hateful, vengeful people. The people who sought to understand why it happened.
I guarantee that none of you will enjoy it. But you might learn something.

Not the hateful, vengeful people.

^^^^^^ Right there reveals your ignorance on the subject. Do you even understand the concept of righteous anger?
Or hitting back to try to stop or limit future attacks ?
Or the level of evil that would do what the ffing scum did on 9/11?
I think you do not..
I know my anger is as justified as any ever has been in this world. I know Islam is pure evil and is a false religion based upon the greed, power madness and the self-serving goals of a child molesting piece of human shit named Mohammad.....
Sure they ALL are not jihad'ing at any given moment.
The survival strategy is to keep the main body safe(the head) by fighting with "multiple tails".... its worked for 1400+ years and now its working exactly as planned as we wasted a few trillion hitting multiple tails.
If I had been in charge they would have been utterly destroyed long, long before now!

You tell me what kissing their asses has gotten us since 9/11....
Or lying that the muslims here are not enemies of this nation too when their holy Koran COMMANDS them to be just that!!
They work from within using lying , deceit and propaganda to gain useful idiots , the dem party as allies..
You have not a clue and are as blind as a bat on this topic..-Tyr

red state
12-03-2014, 01:01 AM
Here, HERE!!!!! :clap:

Anton Chigurh
12-03-2014, 01:10 AM
The people who sought to understand why it happened.We do understand.

Because there is a hateful, vengeful cult out there called Islam. Whose most radical believers insist all homosexuals must be killed, women must be sexually mutilated and subjugated, and girls should not be educated. Oh and, all should convert, or die. Among many other things.

It's pretty simple stuff.

12-03-2014, 07:39 AM
We do understand.

Because there is a hateful, vengeful cult out there called Islam. Whose most radical believers insist all homosexuals must be killed, women must be sexually mutilated and subjugated, and girls should not be educated. Oh and, all should convert, or die. Among many other things.

It's pretty simple stuff.

For most but not for a Liberal !!

12-03-2014, 09:07 AM
^^^^^^ Right there reveals your ignorance on the subject. Do you even understand the concept of righteous anger?
Or hitting back to try to stop or limit future attacks ?
Or the level of evil that would do what the ffing scum did on 9/11?
I think you do not..
I know my anger is as justified as any ever has been in this world. I know Islam is pure evil and is a false religion based upon the greed, power madness and the self-serving goals of a child molesting piece of human shit named Mohammad.....
Sure they ALL are not jihad'ing at any given moment.
The survival strategy is to keep the main body safe(the head) by fighting with "multiple tails".... its worked for 1400+ years and now its working exactly as planned as we wasted a few trillion hitting multiple tails.
If I had been in charge they would have been utterly destroyed long, long before now!

You tell me what kissing their asses has gotten us since 9/11....
Or lying that the muslims here are not enemies of this nation too when their holy Koran COMMANDS them to be just that!!
They work from within using lying , deceit and propaganda to gain useful idiots , the dem party as allies..
You have not a clue and are as blind as a bat on this topic..-Tyr

It would seem that getting the Communists and the Islamists fighting again is the answer. Fighting in Afghanistan had lots to do with the fall of the Soviet Union. The US should avoid falling into the same trap.