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View Full Version : And they call it the Affordable Care Act?

red states rule
12-02-2014, 04:22 AM
The "success" of Obamacare continues. Where are all the defenders of Obama "crowning first term achievement"?

As we enter year 2 of Obamacare (the ACA), we see a couple of unexpected developments:
1) Americans cannot afford health care, as explained by Gallup (http://www.gallup.com/poll/179774/cost-barrier-americans-medical-care.aspx):
One in three Americans say they have put off getting medical treatment that they or their family members need because of cost. Although this percentage is in line with the roughly 30% figures seen in recent years, it is among the highest readings in the 14-year history of Gallup asking the question.

Here is the alarming fact:
Among Americans with varying types of medical coverage (including no coverage), uninsured Americans are still the most likely to report having put off medical treatment because of cost.
More than half of the uninsured (57%) have put off treatment, compared with 34% with private insurance and 22% with Medicare or Medicaid.
However, the percentage of Americans with private health insurance who report putting off medical treatment because of cost has increased from 25% in 2013 to 34% in 2014Did I miss a big chunk of the movie? Did I fall asleep during the climax of the story? Wasn't the ACA supposed to fix this problem?

2) The marketplace for small businesses is off to a slow start, according to The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/health-science/healthcaregovs-insurance-marketplace-for-small-businesses-gets-off-to-a-slow-start/2014/11/30/9f83c8ee-74ca-11e4-a755-e32227229e7b_story.html):
More broadly, interviews with brokers and others suggest that, in the two weeks since the marketplace’s health plans went on sale for 2015, interest within the niche they are intended to help seems scant.

Scant? I guess that's like attendance at the old Montreal Expos games.

Maybe things will change, and millions will rush to make Obamacare a success. Or maybe millions will pay higher prices and get that medical treatment that they are putting off.

Of course, maybe things will get worse, and Obamacare will continue its slow march to implosion.

I don't know, but I think that I hear a bunch of liberals praying every night that Chief Justice Roberts doesn't screw it up the next time that the law comes before the court.
