View Full Version : Atheist group sues Florida city over prayer vigil

12-02-2014, 07:43 AM
Again I have to ask if you are a atheist and don't believe in God why try to take that right away from those that do ?

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12-02-2014, 10:08 AM
Again I have to ask if you are a atheist and don't believe in God why try to take that right away from those that do ?

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Completely agree.

But I think I know what many of them would argue (since I've atheist friends myself). Some atheists see belief in God as something people are prone to, as something that's a throwback to primitive, more superstitious times. I have one such friend who believes that Mankind is being held back by such 'superstitions' ... and that we'd evolve for the better if religions were abandoned (... and he cites religious wars as proof of their supposed negative worth).

Needless to say, he has no answers for the origin of existence ...

red state
12-02-2014, 10:19 AM
Jeff, it has much to do with ENVY. They want the happiness and HOPE that we have but refuse to ACCEPT that happiness and hope due to hate, disregard and selfishness toward a Creator (whom they see as evil, overbearing and/or non-caring). In essence, they are not true atheists cuz true atheists would not devote (WASTE) their time on fairy tales or things of non-existence. This tells you how many TRUE atheists are out there (not many).

Look at Disney. They have stricken GOD from just about everything it seems and when confronted about it say that they are simply trying to be fair and SAFE. Recently, they blocked a little girl from posting on their site because of the word GOD. They kept telling the child to be "NICE". When confronted, they said that it was GD that they were trying to avoid but we all know the REAL reason why the girl was blocked. They are mad and liberalism truly is a mental disorder. Would we protest and strike rights to others just because they believed in leprechauns? No.....but they do.

12-02-2014, 05:26 PM
"A real Atheist has Nothing to complain about since they insist, there is no God, no Faith, or anything to Believe.

Real Atheists who have a brain, and intelligence STAY QUIET, and enjoy their Misery, all by themselves."

(a quote from aboutime)

12-02-2014, 06:09 PM
Again I have to ask if you are a atheist and don't believe in God why try to take that right away from those that do ?

I would call myself an Atheist if pushed to define my beliefs. I have no answer to your question. People like those suing irritate me to no end. I couldn't possibly care less who, what, or how you or anyone else worships. I just don't care.