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red state
12-02-2014, 10:26 AM

This guy may be learning the hard way that it is not acceptable to steal the valor of our military. I hope they throw the book at all these scum. I never thought about it but many are doing it to get discounts and stuff at stores (which is FRAUD on another level). And I just thought they were scum who like to spin TALL tales of being this or that and doing this or that. This guy had symbols that indicated he had served in three wars (impossible for his age) and I'm glad a REAL Army vet caught him. Many of us know these guys are fake but don't know enough to call them out on their obvious LIES.

God bless our REAL men and women in uniform!!!!

12-02-2014, 10:46 AM

This guy may be learning the hard way that it is not acceptable to steal the valor of our military. I hope they throw the book at all these scum. I never thought about it but many are doing it to get discounts and stuff at stores (which is FRAUD on another level). And I just thought they were scum who like to spin TALL tales of being this or that and doing this or that. This guy had symbols that indicated he had served in three wars (impossible for his age) and I'm glad a REAL Army vet caught him. Many of us know these guys are fake but don't know enough to call them out on their obvious LIES.

God bless our REAL men and women in uniform!!!!

I don't think you should destroy someone's life for some stupidity. Sending a message that this is unacceptable is enough. He should get deferred adjudication, no more than that.

red state
12-02-2014, 01:49 PM
If he is involve in fraud that acquired him things that he shouldn't have acquired (at the expense of honor, good will and TRUST from a store owner or others) he should have the book thrown at him. This includes an IRS audit or some form of audit that could possibly reveal amounts that such a scumbag may have received after abusing the trust and good will of others who actually honor our military.

I agree that if some old fraudulent fart who simply talks too much about "the good ole days when he knifed 100 enemy soldiers one night or shot five enemy generals at 10 miles away during a 50 mph wind storm" should be chastised for the blow hard he or she is BUT when they have the UNIFORM on and are getting discounts and possibly some sort of clearance to events and so forth, they should be prosecuted just as those posing as police officers should be prosecuted. I believe new laws have been introduced in most place BUT I was almost certain that it has ALWAYS been against the law to pose as an officer (of any kind....be it military or police).

So, I believe that is the fine line between what you and I may agree on...I believe it is a reasonable line that must not be crossed but I still dislike anyone who would steal any valor from our military who actually served.

Just happened to see this on Fox & Friends this morning and thought it'd be a good conversational piece since I'm not on here as much and seldom provide an actual thread. Thanks for your participation and comment.....I see your point but I still believe these guys deserve more punishment than I would get if speeding or throwing trash out of my window. Still, law is law and I'm OK with them being sentenced to whatever the LAW demands from such fraudulent individuals. Perhaps they should be FORCED to go to basic training or join the National Guard. Hhhhmmmm....if they actually had to serve, they'd probably think twice about lying (especially if they had received some sort of money or deal from their lies).

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-03-2014, 11:01 AM
If he is involve in fraud that acquired him things that he shouldn't have acquired (at the expense of honor, good will and TRUST from a store owner or others) he should have the book thrown at him. This includes an IRS audit or some form of audit that could possibly reveal amounts that such a scumbag may have received after abusing the trust and good will of others who actually honor our military.

I agree that if some old fraudulent fart who simply talks too much about "the good ole days when he knifed 100 enemy soldiers one night or shot five enemy generals at 10 miles away during a 50 mph wind storm" should be chastised for the blow hard he or she is BUT when they have the UNIFORM on and are getting discounts and possibly some sort of clearance to events and so forth, they should be prosecuted just as those posing as police officers should be prosecuted. I believe new laws have been introduced in most place BUT I was almost certain that it has ALWAYS been against the law to pose as an officer (of any kind....be it military or police).

So, I believe that is the fine line between what you and I may agree on...I believe it is a reasonable line that must not be crossed but I still dislike anyone who would steal any valor from our military who actually served.

Just happened to see this on Fox & Friends this morning and thought it'd be a good conversational piece since I'm not on here as much and seldom provide an actual thread. Thanks for your participation and comment.....I see your point but I still believe these guys deserve more punishment than I would get if speeding or throwing trash out of my window. Still, law is law and I'm OK with them being sentenced to whatever the LAW demands from such fraudulent individuals. Perhaps they should be FORCED to go to basic training or join the National Guard. Hhhhmmmm....if they actually had to serve, they'd probably think twice about lying (especially if they had received some sort of money or deal from their lies).

Careful my friend. This has in the past been a taboo subject here. Just look at the ones that came here and raced away when they got the first few questions. No names but we've had 'em come here in the past and I dont give a damn who the hell dislikes me saying that!
Its a damn fact.-Tyr


'Fake' Army Ranger in viral video may face federal charges

By Amy R. Connolly | Dec. 2, 2014 at 3:42 PM

PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- A man dressed as a highly decorated Army Ranger at a Philadelphia shopping mall on Black Friday -- and caught on video in a confrontation over his uniform -- may face federal criminal charges.
U.S. Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick sent a letter to Zane Memeger, U.S. attorney for the eastern district of Pennsylvania, to see if the man, if indeed a phony, could be charged under the Stolen Valor Act of 2013, which makes it illegal to pose as a war hero to gain benefits. It is unclear if the man received any military benefits while at the mall. Fitzpatrick, who lives in the Philadelphia area, was a bill cosponsor.

The incident unfolded when U.S. Army veteran Ryan Berk noticed the man's uniform didn't look right. Berk took out his phone and began asking him questions about his service and uniform, including details about combat patch placement. The video went viral with more than 2 million views.

12-03-2014, 11:05 AM
Careful my friend. This has in the past been a taboo subject here. Just look at the ones that came here and raced away when they got the first few questions. No names but we've had 'em come here in the past and I dont give a damn who the hell dislikes me saying that!
Its a damn fact. --Tyr

Why would it be a taboo subject? All I'm saying is don't give that guy a criminal record so he will work for a living instead of dealing drugs or some such thing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-03-2014, 11:14 AM
Why would it be a taboo subject? All I'm saying is don't give that guy a criminal record so he will work for a living instead of dealing drugs or some such thing.

Can not answer you without starting a crapstorm methinks.
The internet is blasted with guys claiming that which they never earned. For me the tell is when they come on a site--any site- telling exploits that would make Rambo blush. Then refuse to back any of it up or even answer simple questions..
Three of my best friends in real life were highly decorated war veterans and I take the same dim view and attitude towards stolen valor as they did.
And I am never shy about openly discussing it. -Tyr

12-03-2014, 01:02 PM
Can not answer you without starting a crapstorm methinks.
The internet is blasted with guys claiming that which they never earned. For me the tell is when they come on a site--any site- telling exploits that would make Rambo blush. Then refuse to back any of it up or even answer simple questions..
Three of my best friends in real life were highly decorated war veterans and I take the same dim view and attitude towards stolen valor as they did.
And I am never shy about openly discussing it. -Tyr

I think an apt penalty would be for him to get probation with community service for the USO or DAV. Do you suppose those who REALLY served in the military would let him serve out his probation without heaping on abuse?

12-03-2014, 01:42 PM

12-03-2014, 04:03 PM

There are thousands of phonies out there. All you have to do is ask a few simple questions, and they run away.

12-03-2014, 04:14 PM
Why would it be a taboo subject? All I'm saying is don't give that guy a criminal record so he will work for a living instead of dealing drugs or some such thing.

What you refuse to understand is. He is the kind of phony who robs other REAL veterans of their livelihood by lying about his so-called RECORD to get recognition, and even jobs. Using the excuse of dealing drugs is lame.

red state
12-04-2014, 09:24 PM
I don't want to forget about the store owners, churches and regular folks who HONOR, GIVE and HELP those in the military but I will ignore the money and admiration that the phonies STEAL for a moment to discuss that they are breaking the law impersonating officers and they are taking money out of the regular enlisted when they take advantage of OUR good will and THANKFULNESS to vets (real vets). I truly believe this happens more than we think and my hat is off to those who blow the whistle or, as AT mentioned, ask those crucial questions that nail the scum bags.

AGAIN, if they are breaking the law, I am all for them paying the highest price (laid out by law). If that price is wash a REAL service person's car for a year.....so be it. If it is 20 lashes and 30 days in the hole......GOOD. If it is 10 years in the pen......I'm all for it cuz it is the law and is NOT too much of a punishment for one pretending to be one of our BEST when the fakes are one of our WORSE.

I'm doing something I've never done........that is, to give myself at least three of these: :clap::clap::clap:

12-04-2014, 10:06 PM
I honor that man who called out the fake man. Some people have no class. It amazes me what people will do.

"Oh, I served in every war since World War Two. I have received the Congressional Medal of Honor four times. I have killed thousands of enemies. Also, I was a Ranger, Seal, AND Green Beret."

Meh. People who will lie and cheat about such a thing deserve to be pariahs in the community. Disgusting behavior and anyone who would lie about that does not deserve trust. I would not hire him for anything as he would likely steal from other people at work.

12-04-2014, 10:19 PM


May 23, 2013
The national commander of America’s largest and oldest major combat veterans organization is applauding Congress this week for passing the Stolen Valor Act of 2013, which now heads to the White House for the president’s signature.
John E. Hamilton, a triple Purple Heart recipient who leads the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, said Congress followed the roadmap laid out by the U.S. Supreme Court when they overturned the Stolen Valor Act of 2005 last year. In their writings, the high court suggested any future legislation had to be narrower in focus than just to penalize people for simple lying, which they ruled as protected speech in a 6-3 decision.
“Now the new language is bullet-proof,” said Hamilton, “because the focus is on the intent to profit from the lie, to obtain money, property or something of a tangible benefit, which is what con artists have been doing throughout history.”
The VFW-supported legislation was introduced by Rep. Joe Heck and Sen. Dean Heller, both from Nevada. H.R. 258 passed overwhelmingly in the House on Monday by a vote of 390-3. The Senate passed its companion, S. 210, last night by unanimous consent.
Not every combat award is covered, but the ones most worn by wannabe heroes will be protected once the bill becomes law. Protected are the Medal of Honor, service crosses, Silver Star, Purple Heart, and combat badges such as the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Combat Action Badge, Combat Medical Badge, Combat Action Ribbon and Combat Action Medal. The maximum punishment under the bill would be a $100,000 fine and up to one year in jail for each offense.
“The VFW is very pleased with Congressman Heck and Senator Heller and all their co-sponsors,” said Hamilton, who served in Vietnam as a Marine Corps rifleman. “We want all con artists to pay a very severe penalty — and a very public price — for daring to steal the valor of those too few who survived and of the great many who did not.”

link (http://www.vfw.org/News-and-Events/Articles/2013-Articles/Stolen-Valor-Act-Passes-Congress!/)

12-04-2014, 10:21 PM
Let a real Ranger company give the fake Ranger a real blanket party. That'll do it.

red state
12-04-2014, 11:34 PM

“Now the new language is bullet-proof,” said Hamilton, “because the focus is on the intent to profit from the lie, to obtain money, property or something of a tangible benefit, which is what con artists have been doing throughout history.”

I hope it passes and I hope those fined the 100k will see their STOLEN money go to good causes (like the Wounded Warrior Project). No, not all of these fakes have profited from their lies but similar to Vietnam slogans from our vets of that day: "Get them all...Let JUSTICE sort them out".

Thanks NamVet!!!!

12-05-2014, 07:10 AM
Why would it be a taboo subject? All I'm saying is don't give that guy a criminal record so he will work for a living instead of dealing drugs or some such thing.

I saw this video on Live Leak about a week ago, I understand what you are saying about at least let him work but any POS that would try something like this is useless and I am sure lives off the Government ( us ) anyway, I suggest one of two things

1) Let the real soldier stomp the every living piss out of him and then let him go on his way

2) Put a rifle in his hand and a parachute on his back and drop him over Raghead land and let him be a soldier, hell if he survives then maybe he can actually make a living in the real world !!

Just my 2 cents but I hold the up most respect for our Soldiers ( Hero's ) and this POS thought he would act like one, time to pay the piper.

12-05-2014, 07:14 AM
I don't want to forget about the store owners, churches and regular folks who HONOR, GIVE and HELP those in the military but I will ignore the money and admiration that the phonies STEAL for a moment to discuss that they are breaking the law impersonating officers and they are taking money out of the regular enlisted when they take advantage of OUR good will and THANKFULNESS to vets (real vets). I truly believe this happens more than we think and my hat is off to those who blow the whistle or, as AT mentioned, ask those crucial questions that nail the scum bags.

AGAIN, if they are breaking the law, I am all for them paying the highest price (laid out by law). If that price is wash a REAL service person's car for a year.....so be it. If it is 20 lashes and 30 days in the hole......GOOD. If it is 10 years in the pen......I'm all for it cuz it is the law and is NOT too much of a punishment for one pretending to be one of our BEST when the fakes are one of our WORSE.

I'm doing something I've never done........that is, to give myself at least three of these: :clap::clap::clap:

Have a fourth there small :clap:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-05-2014, 08:32 AM
I don't want to forget about the store owners, churches and regular folks who HONOR, GIVE and HELP those in the military but I will ignore the money and admiration that the phonies STEAL for a moment to discuss that they are breaking the law impersonating officers and they are taking money out of the regular enlisted when they take advantage of OUR good will and THANKFULNESS to vets (real vets). I truly believe this happens more than we think and my hat is off to those who blow the whistle or, as AT mentioned, ask those crucial questions that nail the scum bags.

AGAIN, if they are breaking the law, I am all for them paying the highest price (laid out by law). If that price is wash a REAL service person's car for a year.....so be it. If it is 20 lashes and 30 days in the hole......GOOD. If it is 10 years in the pen......I'm all for it cuz it is the law and is NOT too much of a punishment for one pretending to be one of our BEST when the fakes are one of our WORSE.

I'm doing something I've never done........that is, to give myself at least three of these: :clap::clap::clap:

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:, I think it deserves twice that many.. --Tyr