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12-02-2014, 07:19 PM

`ICYMI: Pajama Boy Gets Mugged at Gunpoint in DC, Says He Pretty Much Deserved It Because of "Privilege"
Katie Pavlich | Dec 02, 2014

In case you missed it over the weekend, Georgetown University student Oliver Friedfeld was mugged at gunpoint by in Washington D.C. Instead of pressing charges or expressing anger toward his attacker, Friedfeld said he "deserved" to be beat up because of his "privilege." He also said Americans should expect an occasional mugging or break-in because of the sins of their ancestors. More from Campus Reform:

A Georgetown University (GU) student who says he was mugged at gunpoint says he “can hardly blame" his assailants.

Senior Oliver Friedfeld and his roommate were held at gunpoint and mugged recently. However, the GU student isn’t upset. In fact he says he “can hardly blame [his muggers].”
“Not once did I consider our attackers to be ‘bad people.’ I trust that they weren’t trying to hurt me. In fact, if they knew me, I bet they’d think I was okay,” wrote Friedfeld in an editorial featured in The Hoya, the university’s newspaper. “The fact that these two kids, who appeared younger than I, have even had to entertain these questions suggests their universes are light years away from mine.”

Friedfeld claims it is the pronounced inequality gap in Washington, D.C. that has fueled these types of crimes. He also says that as a middle-class man, he does not have the right to judge his muggers.

“Who am I to stand from my perch of privilege, surrounded by million-dollar homes and paying for a $60,000 education, to condemn these young men as ‘thugs?’” asks Friedfeld. “It’s precisely this kind of `‘otherization’ ` that fuels the problem.”`


12-02-2014, 07:20 PM
`WTF does "otherizarion" even mean?.....................

*F'n moron.

12-02-2014, 08:33 PM

`ICYMI: Pajama Boy Gets Mugged at Gunpoint in DC, Says He Pretty Much Deserved It Because of "Privilege"
Katie Pavlich | Dec 02, 2014

In case you missed it over the weekend, Georgetown University student Oliver Friedfeld was mugged at gunpoint by in Washington D.C. Instead of pressing charges or expressing anger toward his attacker, Friedfeld said he "deserved" to be beat up because of his "privilege." He also said Americans should expect an occasional mugging or break-in because of the sins of their ancestors. More from Campus Reform:

A Georgetown University (GU) student who says he was mugged at gunpoint says he “can hardly blame" his assailants.

Senior Oliver Friedfeld and his roommate were held at gunpoint and mugged recently. However, the GU student isn’t upset. In fact he says he “can hardly blame [his muggers].”
“Not once did I consider our attackers to be ‘bad people.’ I trust that they weren’t trying to hurt me. In fact, if they knew me, I bet they’d think I was okay,” wrote Friedfeld in an editorial featured in The Hoya, the university’s newspaper. “The fact that these two kids, who appeared younger than I, have even had to entertain these questions suggests their universes are light years away from mine.”

Friedfeld claims it is the pronounced inequality gap in Washington, D.C. that has fueled these types of crimes. He also says that as a middle-class man, he does not have the right to judge his muggers.

“Who am I to stand from my perch of privilege, surrounded by million-dollar homes and paying for a $60,000 education, to condemn these young men as ‘thugs?’” asks Friedfeld. “It’s precisely this kind of `‘otherization’ ` that fuels the problem.”`


We should all remember this idiot. He was the test patient at Georgetown Medical School where every student got to experiment on their ability to perform Lobotomies, and get better grades if this idiot was able to speak, and breath following their test operations.
But...as we can all see. The Lobotomies were all FAILURES!

12-02-2014, 08:54 PM
That story's from The Onion, right? No one could possibly be that stupid.

12-02-2014, 09:09 PM
That story's from The Onion, right? No one could possibly be that stupid.

*No its not...Leftists are really that stupid...


12-02-2014, 09:31 PM
That story's from The Onion, right? No one could possibly be that stupid.

5stringJeff. Oh, yes they could!:laugh: Where should we start? Voters for Obama? Voters for Congressman Johnson...Of Guam rolling over fame? Debby Wasserman Schultz? Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi? Obama? Holder?

Tell me when to stop.:laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-02-2014, 09:32 PM
*No its not...Leftists are really that stupid...


Hell, I have been aware that they libs/leftists /dems are that stupid for at least 30 years now!
Carter, Clinton, Al Gore, and now the scum Obama confirms it in spades!
The very rare one is the one that has enough common sense to get in out of a damn pouring rain..
Tis exactly why this nation has fallen so very far so very fast! --Tyr

02-10-2016, 09:44 PM
I just read this story from another site. I will never understand liberal/Jewish mindset in this country.

When we play along with a system that fuels this kind of desperation, we can’t be surprised when we’re touched by it.

Losers like this deserve the mugging. I wonder if he will be so sympathetic with his attackers if he is killed? What will he think then?

02-16-2016, 03:56 PM

`ICYMI: Pajama Boy Gets Mugged at Gunpoint in DC, Says He Pretty Much Deserved It Because of "Privilege"
Katie Pavlich | Dec 02, 2014

In case you missed it over the weekend, Georgetown University student Oliver Friedfeld was mugged at gunpoint by in Washington D.C. Instead of pressing charges or expressing anger toward his attacker, Friedfeld said he "deserved" to be beat up because of his "privilege." He also said Americans should expect an occasional mugging or break-in because of the sins of their ancestors. More from Campus Reform:

A Georgetown University (GU) student who says he was mugged at gunpoint says he “can hardly blame" his assailants.

Senior Oliver Friedfeld and his roommate were held at gunpoint and mugged recently. However, the GU student isn’t upset. In fact he says he “can hardly blame [his muggers].”
“Not once did I consider our attackers to be ‘bad people.’ I trust that they weren’t trying to hurt me. In fact, if they knew me, I bet they’d think I was okay,” wrote Friedfeld in an editorial featured in The Hoya, the university’s newspaper. “The fact that these two kids, who appeared younger than I, have even had to entertain these questions suggests their universes are light years away from mine.”

Friedfeld claims it is the pronounced inequality gap in Washington, D.C. that has fueled these types of crimes. He also says that as a middle-class man, he does not have the right to judge his muggers.

“Who am I to stand from my perch of privilege, surrounded by million-dollar homes and paying for a $60,000 education, to condemn these young men as ‘thugs?’” asks Friedfeld. “It’s precisely this kind of `‘otherization’ ` that fuels the problem.”`


The future of our country. :rolleyes: