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View Full Version : `Dem`... representatives make 'hands up, don't shoot' motion on House floor`

12-02-2014, 07:48 PM
`The Congressional Black Caucus took over the House floor for an hour Monday night to discuss the shooting of Ferguson resident Michael Brown
Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries led the charge and began his remarks by saying, 'Hands up don't shoot'
'It’s a rallying cry of people all across America who are fed up with police violence,' the New York lawmaker said
Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge called grand jury's decision not to indict Brown's white, police officer shooter 'yet another slap in our face'
Texas' Al Green said hands up dont shoot 'has become the new symbol' calling attention to 'a movement that will not dissipate, it will not evaporate'
'Young people of color refuse to live in a democratic society in a state of fear,' Congresswoman Yvette Clarke said`

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/12/02/23AAEA3400000578-2857549-New_York_Rep_Hakeem_Jeffries_makes_the_hands_up_do n_t_shoot_gest-8_1417531142112.jpg
`New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries makes the 'hands up don't shoot' gesture on the House floor on Monday night as he kicked off an hour of Congressional `Black Caucus` speeches on the shooting of Ferguson, Missouri, resident Michael Brown`


12-02-2014, 07:50 PM
`Pants up....don't loot!`
`We need more funding for Mental Illness!

How can one claim to be rational and sane, when presented with the physical evidence and eyewitness testimony and still hold onto the belief that Young Master Brown was murdered?`

12-02-2014, 08:04 PM
*This is what Democrats do: false narratives about phony victims in an attempt to garner more fake votes.
I have absolutely no respect for the Party Of Lies`


12-02-2014, 08:25 PM
It is so, so refreshing to see how so many dumb Democrats have no fear of showing how literally stupid they can be.

The congressional black caucus is still trying to figure out how to keep Guam from tipping over. If they hold their hands up. Will that stop the Island from SLIPPING into the Cesspool of Ignorance too?

12-02-2014, 08:39 PM
The fact that "hands up don't shoot" came from Ferguson, and turns out to be an incorrect statement altogether... THEN people STILL run with it. Yep, I agree, it shows just how stupid they are, or ignorant, or both. But the idiots perpetuating this statement need to read the grand jury transcripts about witnesses testimony and this guy having his hands up - which he didn't, and yelling don't shoot, which he didn't. He didn't have his back turned. He wasn't shot in the back as they said. It was proven that he was a thug, at least that day, and had just committed a robbery. Witnesses stated they saw him struggle and a shot go off in the car. Witnesses saw him try and bull rush the officer. The initial witnesses were basically proven to be liars - and the biggest of them all was his friend that was there that started these claims. He was outright busted for lying about this and what went down.

This shithead doing this on the house floor, in light of the fact that it's all a lie, is a slap in the face to the police, and anyone with a working brain.

12-02-2014, 08:42 PM
It is so, so refreshing to see how so many dumb Democrats have no fear of showing how literally stupid they can be.

The congressional black caucus is still trying to figure out how to keep Guam from tipping over. If they hold their hands up. Will that stop the Island from SLIPPING into the Cesspool of Ignorance too?


red states rule
12-03-2014, 03:47 AM
I recall the family of the thug Michael Brown hired one of the best forensic pathologists around in Michael Baden. I have heard a peep out what he found - has anyone heard anything?

So far every report has shown clearly Brown did NOT have his hands up, did not run away, and did not get on the ground to surrender

It is clear the left continues to push their LIE only to pour gasoline on the fire, keep other thugs angry, and to keep the riots going

Then you have the Al Sharptons who are making big bucks off of the dead thug. (now if he would only pay his taxes)

So why should they stop? They are getting the results they want

12-03-2014, 04:06 AM
`The Congressional Black Caucus took over the House floor for an hour Monday night to discuss the shooting of Ferguson resident Michael Brown
Democratic Rep. Hakeem Jeffries led the charge and began his remarks by saying, 'Hands up don't shoot'
'It’s a rallying cry of people all across America who are fed up with police violence,' the New York lawmaker said
Ohio Rep. Marcia Fudge called grand jury's decision not to indict Brown's white, police officer shooter 'yet another slap in our face'
Texas' Al Green said hands up dont shoot 'has become the new symbol' calling attention to 'a movement that will not dissipate, it will not evaporate'
'Young people of color refuse to live in a democratic society in a state of fear,' Congresswoman Yvette Clarke said`

Young people of color, you have my blessings to go live somewhere else. Anywhere else.

red states rule
12-03-2014, 04:11 AM
Libs never seem to like facts when they are confronted with them


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-03-2014, 07:28 AM
The fact that "hands up don't shoot" came from Ferguson, and turns out to be an incorrect statement altogether... THEN people STILL run with it. Yep, I agree, it shows just how stupid they are, or ignorant, or both. But the idiots perpetuating this statement need to read the grand jury transcripts about witnesses testimony and this guy having his hands up - which he didn't, and yelling don't shoot, which he didn't. He didn't have his back turned. He wasn't shot in the back as they said. It was proven that he was a thug, at least that day, and had just committed a robbery. Witnesses stated they saw him struggle and a shot go off in the car. Witnesses saw him try and bull rush the officer. The initial witnesses were basically proven to be liars - and the biggest of them all was his friend that was there that started these claims. He was outright busted for lying about this and what went down.

This shithead doing this on the house floor, in light of the fact that it's all a lie, is a slap in the face to the police, and anyone with a working brain.

When people refuse to believe the truth and rather believe a lie the making of a Hitler type dictatorship is looming large. Obama taught them that lies are the gospel. That any truth disproving the narrative is to be abjectly and completely ignored!
That's what libs, leftists/socialists and Dems do--walk in a fantasy world. Which is the only way they can justify their insane actions..
By and large the majority of them are scum, liars and shitheads themselves so going along with the Obama narrative fits so damn well.
After all --finally he seems to be actually doing something for them.. :rolleyes:
After six years of shafting them, he placates them by helping them to do what comes so easily and naturally to them--riot.
Don't blame me if that truth offends-- I am not the one that spent 40 years crying how everybody owes them so much and everybody must baby them--the lousy dems did that while buying their votes with out tax dollars.
If the truth hurts tough. That is the God's honest truth of the matter.
They sold out to a 50+ year long scam and still don't see it.. And that is amazing blindness that succeeds because the black culture has been molded by the Federal government to be compliant, subservient, gullible and dumbed down to reality(thank dem party propaganda and public education for that).....Tyr

12-03-2014, 07:29 AM
The guy on the house floor showed his ignorance, you can dress them up but ya can never get the ghett out of them ( at least guys like this )

12-03-2014, 08:56 AM
We need to GUT this damn government down to get these ugly ass people OUT of it

this is a DISGUSTING display for elected Representatives of the people in this country

Last time it was frikken HOODIES


When are the people going to say ENOUGH of these Agitators in our Government. and notice its always, the Black Caucus

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-03-2014, 10:57 AM
We need to GUT this damn government down to get these ugly ass people OUT of it

this is a DISGUSTING display for elected Representatives of the people in this country

Last time it was frikken HOODIES


When are the people going to say ENOUGH of these Agitators in our Government. and notice its always, the Black Caucus

And a "white caucus" would be shut down so fast it would make your head spin!!
The fact a black caucus exists points directly to what they truly want..
Not ffing equal but far superior treatment and ultimate power.
For a good look at how well things go when they hold the power I direct you to the African nations they had control in the for the last 50 to 60 years. Every damn one of them a hellhole, starvation and tyranny. They can not even feed themselves(something that simple) when in control.
Never fear , the dear leader --the messiah Obama-- that talks shit a mile a minute will save us all. :rolleyes:
ffing pathetic , the dem party and Obama the maggot.. --Tyr

12-03-2014, 02:19 PM
And a "white caucus" would be shut down so fast it would make your head spin!!
The fact a black caucus exists points directly to what they truly want..
Not ffing equal but far superior treatment and ultimate power.
For a good look at how well things go when they hold the power I direct you to the African nations they had control in the for the last 50 to 60 years. Every damn one of them a hellhole, starvation and tyranny. They can not even feed themselves(something that simple) when in control.
Never fear , the dear leader --the messiah Obama-- that talks shit a mile a minute will save us all. :rolleyes:
ffing pathetic , the dem party and Obama the maggot.. --Tyr

Just think if it was a white and Republican caucus.

damn heads would EXPLODE all over that floor, the media would be shitting themselves and the Democrat base, well we know how that would go. They went stupid over some poor woman's writings on her OWN Personal Facebook page. the make me ILL with their petty antics

12-03-2014, 02:56 PM
just ran across this: Mr. Sowell is one black man if we have to look at "skin color" all the time like they with, Obozo I'd vote for in a heartbeat if he ran for President


12-03-2014, 03:59 PM
Just think if it was a white and Republican caucus.

damn heads would EXPLODE all over that floor, the media would be shitting themselves and the Democrat base, well we know how that would go. They went stupid over some poor woman's writings on her OWN Personal Facebook page. the make me ILL with their petty antics

stephanie. I agree totally with you, and everyone else about this. And, as I have tried to say many, many times here. Where it always falls on deaf ears (so to speak). The underlying problem, cause, reason, or excuse for all of this Liberal Stupidity is...and will continue to be. LACK OF EDUCATION.

People who have attended at least elementary, and high school...who graduated at least. Know the differences between LIES, and TRUTH if they paid attention, and actually earned their High School Diploma...Honestly.

Otherwise. There can be NO QUESTION, after seeing the results of TWO Obama elections. How terrible, and useless our Educational system is, and has become.
When people aren't even smart enough to know when they are being played as fools...uneducated fools. There is really something wrong with our society.

red states rule
12-05-2014, 04:34 AM
Seems to me Rev Al "tax cheat" Sharpton and the Dems are the modern day PT Barnum. They are taking in millions from the SUCKERS who are buying into the lies they are pushing on a daily basis