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View Full Version : Sebelius: Americans don’t like Obamacare because their “financial literacy is low”

red states rule
12-03-2014, 04:17 AM
It is nice to see how libs really feel about the folks and the low opinion they have of those they claim to care about

Still, Sebelius didn't dispute the point that many Americans don't fully understand how health insurance and the Affordable Care Act work, including the trade-offs involved in expanding coverage.

"A lot of Americans have no idea what insurance is about," she said. "I think the financial literacy of a lot of people, particularly people who did not have insurance coverage or whose employers chose their coverage and kind of present it to them, is very low — and that has been a sort of stunning revelation. It's not because people hid it from folks. It's because this is a complicated product."

Sebelius, now 66, served as Kansas insurance commissioner before being elected governor of the Sunflower State.


12-03-2014, 04:22 PM
It is nice to see how libs really feel about the folks and the low opinion they have of those they claim to care about

red states. Actually. What she, and Obama always neglect to say, or admit is. How THEY depend on the Ignorance...or lack of knowledge of Americans across the board. That permitted Obama and Sebelius to FOOL so many Americans. Namely...the IGNORANT, SELFISH ONE'S IN THE CONGRESS who are Democrats.

You know? Like Pelosi, and Reid...just for starters.

red states rule
12-04-2014, 04:26 AM