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View Full Version : Hillary Clinton: I Want $300,000 And A Bowl Of Hummus

red states rule
12-03-2014, 04:21 AM
Seriously, does anyone think Hillary would be an effective President and not use the office to feed her massive ego and quench her thirst for power?

Meanwhile Hillary runs around whining about the income gap, high cost of education, and how she is not wealthy.

Over the Thanksgiving week, the Washington Post obtained rare email exchanges between Hillary’s representatives and UCLA regarding her planned speech appearance. When the fee was being discussed, UCLA asked if there was a special rate after being given the $300k figure.

Her representatives said that is the special rate, but don’t you dare forget Madam Secretary’s hummus (via WaPo (http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/plans-for-ucla-visit-give-rare-glimpse-into-hillary-clintons-paid-speaking-career/2014/11/26/071eb0cc-7593-11e4-bd1b-03009bd3e984_story.html?utm_content=bufferb6a54&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer%5C)):

At UCLA, efforts to book Clinton and then prepare for her visit were all-consuming, beginning almost immediately after she left her job as secretary of state on Feb. 1, 2013, until she delivered her Luskin Lecture for Thought Leadership (http://luskinthoughtleadership.ucla.edu/kofi.html) speech on March 5, 2014.

The documents show that Clinton’s representatives at the Harry Walker Agency exerted considerable control over her appearance and managed even the smallest details — from requesting lemon wedges and water on stage to a computer, scanner, and a spread of hummus and crudité in the green room backstage.

Top university officials discussed at length the style and color of the executive armchairs Clinton and moderator Lynn Vavreck (http://www.lynnvavreck.com/Site/Lynn_Vavreck.html) would sit in as they carried on a question-and-answer session, as well as the kind of pillows to be situated on each chair. Clinton’s representatives requested that the chairs be outfitted with two long, rectangular pillows — and that two cushions be kept backstage in case the chair was too deep and she needed additional back support.

After a lengthy call with a Clinton representative, UCLA administrator Patricia Lippert reported to campus colleagues, “She uses a lavalier [microphone] and will both speak from the audience and walk around stage, TED talk style. We need a teleprompter and 2-3 downstage scrolling monitors [for] her to read from.”

During a walk-through of Royce Hall five days before the lecture, the e-mails show, Clinton’s team rejected the podium planned for her use during her 20- to 30-minute speech, setting off a scramble on campus to find a suitable podium and rent a new university seal to match.


12-03-2014, 07:27 AM
Hillary couldn't mak a good wife, she couldn't run her house and know some want to hand her the keys to the country, some are just plain l stupid. Hillary has no idea which way is up, she couts on Bill to bail her out and we certainly can't have that

red states rule
12-04-2014, 05:24 AM
Hillary couldn't mak a good wife, she couldn't run her house and know some want to hand her the keys to the country, some are just plain l stupid. Hillary has no idea which way is up, she couts on Bill to bail her out and we certainly can't have that

She also led the way in trashing the women her hubby Bill assaulted when they spoke the truth about him

She also stood behind four coffins of murdered Americans and lied about their death being caused by a video

She out for her self and nobody else

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS5q9yaNrwlhMKLTIlwnXGtFavmOGugp WuPSjBHfUCdkQsQHHNPmA

12-04-2014, 09:13 AM

12-04-2014, 03:45 PM
US Attorney wants 4 year prison term for Clinton fund raiser
Hillary Clinton fundraiser convicted of making more than $180,000 in illegal campaign contributions. The request by Loretta Lynch, the U.S. attorney in Brooklyn, to reject leniency for wealthy hotelier Sant Singh Chatwal and have him sent to federal prison is the latest example of the tough stance Justice Department prosecutors are taking with those convicted of making so-called conduit contributions — campaign cash that is falsely reported as being made in the name of others. ...Chatwal, 70, is an immigrant from India who is chairman of the $1.5 billion Hampshire Hotels & Resorts empire, which owns luxury hotels around the world. ...Chatwal’s case has gotten some attention because of his blunt words — caught on tape by the wired informant — about the role of big money in politics, and why fundraisers such as himself give so much cash in the first place. “Without [money] nobody will ever talk to you,” Chatwal told the informant, according to court filings. “That’s the only way to buy them, get into the system.” ...“The evidence in this case reveals a man who believes that either the rules do not apply to him or that they can be subverted in pursuit of his own ends," Lynch wrote in a court filing...

There is no evidence in the case that Hillary Clinton or any of her campaign team were aware of Chatwal’s illegal contributions. But he is the latest in a series of fundraisers from her 2008 campaign — seven all told — who have been prosecuted for illegal campaign contributions, a record that has been attributed by campaign finance experts to the then senator’s heavy reliance on wealthy “bundlers” to raise cash for her run against Barack Obama.

article (http://news.yahoo.com/obama-s-attorney-general-pick-wants-to-throw-the-book-at-convicted-hillary-clinton-bundler-234614909.html)

I doubt that the Clintons don't know that Chatwal is one of their more significant contributors. Maybe, rather than “bundlers”, he could be called “bungler”.

red states rule
12-04-2014, 03:48 PM
Hillary whined she and Bill were "dead broke" when they left the WH

So we have Hillary who lived rent free for 8 years. Had all of her bills paid by taxpayers. Paid nothing for her transportation costs. All while Bill earned a huge salary as President

And she now wants to manage the nations finances like she did her own and Bill's?

12-04-2014, 03:49 PM
Clinton Baggage

Too much baggage...


red states rule
12-04-2014, 03:55 PM

red states rule
12-05-2014, 04:05 AM
Caution: Be ready to cringe and have a barf bag handy if you watch this video


12-05-2014, 04:52 AM
Seriously, does anyone think Hillary would be an effective President and not use the office to feed her massive ego and quench her thirst for power?

Meanwhile Hillary runs around whining about the income gap, high cost of education, and how she is not wealthy.

Yup, she'll pretty much continue down the road of least democratic resistance, and that's what worries me. Remember just a few years ago when she got behind banning violent video games? Whatever happened to that? Hmm, could it be related in some way to the demographics that say that ever increasing percentages of the voting public PLAY those games?

She'll jump on whatever issue gets her votes, and she doesn't give a rat's ass aside from that.

red states rule
12-05-2014, 04:54 AM
Yup, she'll pretty much continue down the road of least democratic resistance, and that's what worries me. Remember just a few years ago when she got behind banning violent video games? Whatever happened to that? Hmm, could it be related in some way to the demographics that say that ever increasing percentages of the voting public PLAY those games?

She'll jump on whatever issue gets her votes, and she doesn't give a rat's ass aside from that.

I also recall in 2008 the White House was Hillary's to lose

She did

While she may run I suspect she will have a knock down drag out primary and show what a lousy candidate she really is