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12-06-2014, 12:05 AM
`Crazy world we live in. Some man just stabbed 4 people one car away from me on the train," said the user, @Chris_Maynard.
Amtrak said the train had been traveling to Port Huron at the time of the incident, and it said the company is working to arrange alternate transport for 172 passengers.`


https://s.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/juz8J9cBPwUKVtZzrclgNA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTMxNztweW9mZj0wO3E9Nz U7dz00NTA-/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/Reuters/2014-12-06T030924Z_1_LYNXNPEAB501K_RTROPTP_2_USA-MICHIGAN-STABBING.JPG



`He didn't do it, he had his hands up`

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-06-2014, 12:10 AM
`Crazy world we live in. Some man just stabbed 4 people one car away from me on the train," said the user, @Chris_Maynard.
Amtrak said the train had been traveling to Port Huron at the time of the incident, and it said the company is working to arrange alternate transport for 172 passengers.`


https://s.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/juz8J9cBPwUKVtZzrclgNA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9ZmlsbDtoPTMxNztweW9mZj0wO3E9Nz U7dz00NTA-/http://media.zenfs.com/en_us/News/Reuters/2014-12-06T030924Z_1_LYNXNPEAB501K_RTROPTP_2_USA-MICHIGAN-STABBING.JPG



`He didn't do it, he had his hands up`

Two words..
Conceal carry......:beer:

A shame so many walk around defenseless against such crap.

Conceal carry--then shoot the bastards when they attempt this shit.. -Tyr

Anton Chigurh
12-06-2014, 12:20 AM
Mass stabbings and slashings in gun free zones.

Almost like, the guns weren't the ones doing the killing?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-06-2014, 12:27 AM
Mass stabbings and slashings in gun free zones.

Almost like, the guns weren't the ones doing the killing?

Gun free zones in public places are illegal IMHO.
Nobody has a right to void my ability to defend myself or my family.
Yielding to being forced to conceal carry was enough(actually too much) but now they say no carry at all--fffk them..
Better to be judged by 12 than to be carried by 6.. Tyr