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View Full Version : Audit: Taxpayer dollars paid for eco group’s $25G Christmas party

red states rule
12-06-2014, 06:45 AM
Remember folks - you are UNDER TAXED and the government is in dire need of VITAL revenue to keep government functioning

$25,000 for a Christmas party.

$11,000 for premium coffee services.

Millions more for questionable construction costs.

All this was billed to taxpayers by an obscure federally funded science group, according to a scathing new inspector general report (http://www.nsf.gov/oig/reports/15-6-001-neon.pdf).

The audit, conducted by the National Science Foundation inspector general and the Defense Contract Audit Agency, detailed spending by the Colorado-based National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). The nonprofit, designed to operate a network of ecological observatories across the continent, is solely funded by the National Science Foundation.

The report found that spending at the group has gotten out of control.

"Given the present lack of controls, there is virtually no accountability over the contingency funds ... NSF does not have sufficient safeguards over the significant and unsupported contingency costs included in NEON's award budget," the report said.

The report, and the spending, was the subject of a House science committee hearing Wednesday morning.

Among the spending was a slew of items billed to the National Science Foundation between mid-September 2012 and mid-April 2013, under a so-called "management fee." They included the lavish Christmas party, the coffee services, $3,000 for alcohol-fueled Board of Directors dinners, $3,000 for T-shirts and more. It also included $112,000 for lobbying, according to the report. According to a whistle-blower document, the Christmas and holiday party costs included more than $12,000 for expenses at a Westin.


12-06-2014, 10:21 PM
`Given the present lack of controls, there is virtually no accountability over the contingency funds......In other words... just the way liberals and democrats like it. * Waste the tax payers money on their ideology. These people wonder why the republicans took back the Senate and the House.......An intrinsic difference between how republicans govern and how democrats govern is that their ideology couples with their government work in a seamless way and we never envision that for ourselves...nor should we. `

`They imagine government in their image and all their government workers think the same....so they cannot tell ethically where they end and the government begins giving you things like .....`Lois Lerner.`

12-06-2014, 10:54 PM
$25,000 for a Christmas party.

$11,000 for premium coffee services.

I would of expected this figure to be much higher, after all how much did we pay for a pizza for the Obama family a few years back, as for the 11 grand hey a good cup of coffee cost :rolleyes:

red states rule
12-08-2014, 03:57 AM
It is basic human nature

When you are spending other peoples money you do not give a damn how much anything costs. Which is a common trait with both parties and the federal workers who write the checks for such crap