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View Full Version : `Liberal Apologist for Black Crime Murdered in Oakland CA`

12-07-2014, 09:04 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/s960x960/1979389_10205088691520008_4705778048883562652_o.jp g

http://newyorkcityguns.com/2014/12/southern-police-law-center-apologist-for-black-crime-is-murdered-by-black-criminals-irony-is-ironic/ (http://newyorkcityguns.com/2014/12/southern-police-law-center-apologist-for-black-crime-is-murdered-by-black-criminals-irony-is-ironic/)

http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2014/12/black_crime_claims_life_of_apologist_for_black_cri me.html

``David Ruenzel knew, better than most, about the white privilege that killed him.
As a writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of this favorite topics was rooting out racism. And how white racism is permanent. White racism is everywhere. And white racism explains everything.`


`In keeping with his wishes.....it's OK then......I wonder if there was realization at the end.....before everything went black............`

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-07-2014, 10:17 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/s960x960/1979389_10205088691520008_4705778048883562652_o.jp g

http://newyorkcityguns.com/2014/12/southern-police-law-center-apologist-for-black-crime-is-murdered-by-black-criminals-irony-is-ironic/ (http://newyorkcityguns.com/2014/12/southern-police-law-center-apologist-for-black-crime-is-murdered-by-black-criminals-irony-is-ironic/)

http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2014/12/black_crime_claims_life_of_apologist_for_black_cri me.html

``David Ruenzel knew, better than most, about the white privilege that killed him.
As a writer for the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of this favorite topics was rooting out racism. And how white racism is permanent. White racism is everywhere. And white racism explains everything.`


`In keeping with his wishes.....it's OK then......I wonder if there was realization at the end.....before everything went black............`

Perhaps he found out------------------------- be a fool, defend evil and Karma bites you on your way out. -Tyr

12-07-2014, 11:43 PM
There are plenty of sickening liberals. He won't be missed.

red states rule
12-08-2014, 04:41 AM
What goes around - comes around

Unfortunate for us we still have millions more just like him

May God have mercy on his soul

12-08-2014, 08:17 PM
According to what I read about Holder today.

The great murderer who took the life of this Liberal...will NOT be captured since..

PROFILING is now illegal across the nation. Unless we say "The Perp looked like Obama, or Holder?"

Perhaps, in the STARTREK manner. The Perp will Live Long, and Prosper.