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12-08-2014, 02:32 PM
After six years of cutting and running from terrorists who are killing us, "Rules of engagement" that prevent our troops from fighting back and going after them, failure to reinforce our people who are under active attack, and withdrawing from hard-won territory to let the previously defeated enemy have it back, it's hardly surprising that our military members are starting to wonder why they should even bother, and what the point would be in re-enlisting.

The rot starts at the very top. And has been spreading downward and multiplying for years now.



Survey: Morale of the Military Alarmingly Low

Katie Pavlich | Dec 08, 2014

According to a new survey from the Military Times, the morale of the United States military has taken a major hit over the past six years as troops feel lost, without a mission and "adrift."

A Military Times survey of 2,300 active-duty troops found morale indicators on the decline in nearly every aspect of military life. Troops report significantly lower overall job satisfaction, diminished respect for their superiors, and a declining interest in re-enlistment now compared to just five years ago.

According to the Military Times survey, active-duty troops reported a stunning drop in how they rated their overall quality of life: Just 56 percent call it good or excellent, down from 91 percent in 2009. The survey, conducted in July and August, found that 73 percent of troops would recommend a military career to others, down from 85 percent in 2009. And troops reported a significant decline in their desire to re-enlist, with 63 percent citing an intention to do so, compared with 72 percent a few years ago.

The reasons for the decrease are fully analyzed in the Military Times piece, which can be read in its entirety here, but a lack of leadership from Washington, uncertainty, lack of mission and draconian budget cuts seem to be the biggest reasons for the drop in morale.

With a lack of direction over the course of the past few years combined with suffocating rules of engagement that prevent troops from doing their jobs, these numbers aren't surprising but are extremely alarming for both the short-term and long-term health of the military as a whole.

12-08-2014, 02:40 PM
Obama and company have been trying to degrade our military since before he took office. And, Obama seems to be convinced. Members of the military are as dumb, and uninformed as the people who voted him into office.

Many of us (as veterans), I'll speak for myself now, since I live in a high concentration area of Military, from all branches; have been aware of, and trying to warn common citizens about what Obama, and Congress(Dems) are aiming at CHANGING in our military, across the board.

All one needs to do is look at the extremely high numbers of Forced Retirements, and Literal Firings from the Pentagon. Even to the point of presenting PINK SLIPS to our Soldiers, and Marines still in harms way, actively fighting our enemies.

So. We must all now recognize. No matter what anyone wants to call me as you IGNORE my posts. This morale problem has been developing since Obama took office, and the Dems in Congress have been his partners.
Our military HAS BEEN DEGRADED to dangerous levels we haven't seen since Jimmy Carter days.

Anyone who wants to call me a liar, or suggests I am Crying Wolf on this matter. STAY STUPID.

12-08-2014, 04:12 PM
It's simple, Obama is accomplishing exactly what he wanted, our military is loosing what little moral it had left, we have fighting in our streets, the race relations is gone back 20 years , yup mission right on track !!

12-08-2014, 06:26 PM
It's simple, Obama is accomplishing exactly what he wanted, our military is loosing what little moral it had left, we have fighting in our streets, the race relations is gone back 20 years , yup mission right on track !!

Jeff. There will always be those who will laugh this off, and call it another conspiracy theory based on hatred for Obama. But anyone with a brain, and a lick of common sense, can see how everything taking place...across the board, with relation to Obama's promise of CHANGING AMERICA....IS happening.

All of the clues are jumping out at us. And though I also suspected claims of Martial Law, by Obama was a stretch at first. It's very easy to see how Obama/Holder, and the Dems in Congress are almost hoping for more riots, and lawlessness they can blame on HATE FILLED WHITE AMERICANS who do not like Obama because We are Racists.

Obama isn't the brightest bulb on the tree, but with all of the racist professionals supporting him, and his need to always please America's Enemies, while seeking permission from the Muslim Brotherhood for things like the NON-USE of certain words...Terrorists, Illegals, and so on. What else are we expected to BOW DOWN and believe?

12-08-2014, 09:33 PM
Obama and company have been trying to degrade our military since before he took office. And, Obama seems to be convinced. Members of the military are as dumb, and uninformed as the people who voted him into office.

Many of us (as veterans), I'll speak for myself now, since I live in a high concentration area of Military, from all branches; have been aware of, and trying to warn common citizens about what Obama, and Congress(Dems) are aiming at CHANGING in our military, across the board.

All one needs to do is look at the extremely high numbers of Forced Retirements, and Literal Firings from the Pentagon. Even to the point of presenting PINK SLIPS to our Soldiers, and Marines still in harms way, actively fighting our enemies.

So. We must all now recognize. No matter what anyone wants to call me as you IGNORE my posts. This morale problem has been developing since Obama took office, and the Dems in Congress have been his partners.
Our military HAS BEEN DEGRADED to dangerous levels we haven't seen since Jimmy Carter days.

Anyone who wants to call me a liar, or suggests I am Crying Wolf on this matter. STAY STUPID.

Not doubting you for a minute. However, it would be forceful to put forward the increase you are paying for benefits now, as opposed to a couple years ago.

The military are getting screwed, AT is a case in point.

12-08-2014, 09:50 PM
Not doubting you for a minute. However, it would be forceful to put forward the increase you are paying for benefits now, as opposed to a couple years ago.

The military are getting screwed, AT is a case in point.

Understood Kathianne. That increase for benefits you speak of were promised as part of a deal with the U.S. Government when I first entered the navy, and every four years after that. When I, and every other member of the military sign a Contract with Uncle Sam. Giving our life in return for a pension, and free medical for us, and our families.

BUT...those contracts have been violated by Uncle Sam with millions of us Veterans after many of us finally learned...at retirement. The Govt. wasn't really keeping their side of the bargain/contract. So...most of us who are no longer in uniform, and retired. Have to contribute for our Medical needs, and prescription meds on a monthly basis. ALL OF WHICH comes out of our Pensions, which haven't exactly...if ever, been near, or equal to the civilian COST OF LIVING.
And now. We hear crybabies who work for Fast Food joints WHINING because they aren't making 15 dollars an hour?
Civilians never consider how WE VETERANS, active, and retired work 24 Hour days, 7 days a week when deployed, or in theaters of operations, with weapons, or on ships around the world.
Military Americans will never be competitive with civilians when it comes to pay, hours, or benefits. But then. How many Americans are willing to give their entire life to protecting civilians who complain about everything?

12-08-2014, 09:56 PM
`the sooner America gets rid of the "Cancer" the better it will be for all...so much cleaning up to do...all through gov...

12-08-2014, 11:03 PM
`the sooner America gets rid of the "Cancer" the better it will be for all...so much cleaning up to do...all through gov...

We got rid of a decent chunk of the cancer last Nov. 4, booting 9 Democrats out of the Senate and replacing them with Republicans.

Still a lot left to excise, though. Plus some RINOs who vote for Democrat policies such as amnesty and entitlements. Let's get to it.