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View Full Version : Gruber won’t commit to turning over documents he produced for ObamaCare

red states rule
12-09-2014, 05:05 PM
Prof Gruber was not so damn arrogant when he was before Congress today

You’re watching this less for the particulars, which are summarized well enough in the headline, than for the righteous spectacle of Jason Chaffetz tormenting this jackhole for his arrogant unaccountability. Gruber’s opening statement (http://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Gruber-Statement-12-9-ObamaCare1.pdf) this morning was noteworthy for two things. One was his attempt to minimize his role in the creation of O-Care. I’m not the “architect” of the law (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2014/12/09/gruber-on-capitol-hill-i-am-not-the-architect-of-obamacare-n1929471), he insisted. I’m not a policymaker. I’m just an economist who ran “microsimulations” for the federal and state governments. That’s a lie, of course: Gruber helped write the statute (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/29/business/jonathan-gruber-health-cares-mr-mandate.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0), a fact he hasn’t been shy about noting (https://twitter.com/morgenr/status/542345480013746177) before other audiences. The other key point was that, contrary to the YouTube clips of him crowing that the White House had put one over on stupid American voters in crafting the law, he says he thinks it was passed in a fully transparent manner. That’s also a lie (“if you like your plan” was transparency at work?), and that’s what Chaffetz is getting at here. American taxpayers have paid him millions for his health-care work (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/11/18/controversial-economist-gruber-has-earned-millions-from-taxpayers-at-federal/) over the last 10 years at the federal and state level. He produced plenty of documents in the course of that work; presumably, since they paid for them — and since this process is allegedly so transparent — the voters have a right to see them, yes?

Nope, says Gruber. You’ll need to talk to my lawyer if you’re interested in that.

You know what Gruber documents I want to see? Not his contracts with HHS and state governments, as interesting as they might be. What I want to see is what he said in correspondence about whether consumers who buy their new plans on the federal exchange are entitled to subsidies under the law.

That’s the issue at the heart of the Halbig case that the Supreme Court will soon be hearing; Gruber famously claimed more than once (http://www.debatepolicy.com/archives/2014/07/25/uh-oh-more-audio-emerges-of-jon-gruber-saying-only-state-obamacare-exchanges-will-be-eligible-for-subsidies/) in front of audiences that only consumers on individual state exchanges would be eligible for subsidies, a potential dagger in the White House’s heart as they prepare to argue Halbig in court. He tried to spin that today, claiming that his earlier statements were made on the assumption that all 50 states would eventually create their own exchanges. That means the feds would never need to create their own exchange, which in turn means federal consumers would never be eligible for subsidies — because there wouldn’t be any “federal consumers,” see? But this too is a lie: Go back and listen to the clip of Gruber in early 2012 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbMmWhfZyEI#t=19), years after O-Care was passed and several states had already declined to build exchanges of their own. Clearly, Gruber knew at the time that the feds might have to build their own exchange for those states; and yet, instead of saying “no biggie, federal consumers can get subsidies too,” he says the opposite, that the fact that consumers in those states can’t get subsidies should put political pressure on the state legislatures to think twice and build their own exchanges. The guy’s lying, straight up.



red states rule
12-10-2014, 03:55 AM
Damn, NBC finally mentioned Gruber after 32 days of silence

After a month in which NBC Nightly News gave more prominence (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/rich-noyes/2014/12/09/ten-stories-nbc-nightly-news-aired-instead-covering-gruber-scandal) to ugly Christmas sweaters, grape salad, Al Roker's 34-hour weather report, and a live broadcast of Peter Pan starring Brian Williams' daughter, Allison, the broadcast finally discovered Jonathan Gruber.

On Tuesday evening, NBC’s evening newscast acknowledged the name Jonathan Gruber for the first time and his insulting comments regarding ObamaCare a full 32 days after the group American Commitment unearthed (http://youtu.be/G790p0LcgbI) the first Gruber video on November 7.

Williams began the 2-minute-and-12-second segment by remarking that “it is unlikely that most Americans have heard the name Jonathan Gruber until a few weeks ago, when a video emerged of him insulting their intelligence.” His statement can be viewed as rather ironic, considering the fact that the viewers of his own program were kept in the dark on the ObamaCare architect, depriving them knowledge of the story until now.

The segment, reported on by NBC News lead Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O’Donnell, was rather thorough as it included O’Donnell attempting to personally interview Gruber and his lawyers as they left the hearing and declared that Gruber bucked the trend of most congressional witnesses have in that he, instead, “made things worse” for himself “during a four-hour public shaming.”

In summarizing the one-month of news on Gruber that NBC Nightly News completely ignored, O’Donnell played clips from two Gruber videos and stated that: “Gruber was under fire for saying, at conferences, that American voters are stupid and were misled in order to get the health care law passed.”

As mentioned earlier in this post, O’Donnell attempted to seek comment from Gruber outside the hearing, asking him “how difficult was this for you” and “how did you not mean what you were saying” to which Gruber stayed silent. At the segment’s conclusion, O’Donnell grilled one of Gruber’s lawyers: “Why won't you tell taxpayers how much Dr. Gruber was paid? Seems like a simple request, sir.”

O’Donnell concluded her story by remarking that, in reference to the non-responses from Gruber and his lawyers, “[a]fter words got him into trouble, tonight, Gruber is done talking.”

While NBC Nightly News ended its silence on Gruber, the same cannot be said for NBC’s Spanish-language counterpart and fellow NBC Universal network Telemundo. Its evening newscast, Noticiero Telemundo, made no mention of Gruber appearing before Congress on Tuesday. Further, the program has yet to even mention Gruber and any of his unprofessional remarks.


red states rule
12-11-2014, 03:35 AM