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View Full Version : Kissing Criminal Buttocks

12-09-2014, 05:28 PM
Quickly, Dorian Johnson was with Michael Brown the day he robbed the convenience store and he was there when the gentle giant was shot by Darren Wilson. Dorian Johnson stated Wilson shot Michael Brown in the back while Brown had his hands up. Dorian Johnson lied to police and is now rewarded with a job by the city of St. Louis.

CRIME DOES PAY… Mike Brown Pal & Shooting Witness Dorian Johnson Hired By St. Louis City Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, December 8, 2014, 5:05 PM http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAoHBwgHBgoICAgLCgoLDhgQDg0NDh0VFhEYIx8lJCIfIi EmKzcvJik0KSEiMEExNDk7Pj4+JS5ESUM8SDc9Pjv/2wBDAQoLCw4NDhwQEBw7KCIoOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Oz s7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozv/wAARCAAXAI4DASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGwAAAgIDAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBAgMEBQf/xAA5EAACAQMBBAYIBQMFAAAAAAABAgMABBEFBhIhMRMUFUFh0S IjMlFygaGxM0JikfA0UnFDksHh8f/EABoBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFAAb/xAArEQABBAAEAgoDAAAAAAAAAAABAAIDEQQUITFBUQUSE2FxgZ GhscEy0fD/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AHjajaeW0uGsLFwsi/iSd48BSlJqV1IS8l3Mx55aQ1TXWkj12+WTIYXD8/FuH0xW3soNNl1qMakeAx0St7Bfu3v+KwZC+aWia1XsYoI8Nhuu G3pfeVq9enyR1iTIOPaPCsy9pvD0yQ3zRYz0ixSFT8wMVfax51 2iuRcJEjZG6Yu9e7PfnHPPlXftdYttI0DRri4kuwxSUpFCQEk4/nz7s8PnXMhHXcHGgEJJHCJj2NBLuHkSlxG1KWETxxXzwkZ6VY3 KnHDmBiiN9RmhM8Ud7JCAT0ixuVGOfEDFN+iXMcmlaZKHaOaRr h4YVfdSRt9vRPDx4Vqol4+yLEWtykqvOZEhlEYjOT7QJ9ID3VJ lRQNna/j9qtm3BxBaBrXuR9JYaa+jkSNxdLJIBuIysGfPLA5nPhRLNfQI WmF3Eobc3pFdRvDuye+mLSLu0u9Ig1a6OZtGVlwfzgj0PrwFYr O8hk0jTLu/YNG2ps0jNyyQeJ+eKUYcV+W+vwpTO8EjqbGj46nTyA9VxpO04Y BPLFeRxH/UZHC/uax9Pe+q/qvXfhei3rO70f7uOOVN8Pa8Gr3tzqsynR2VzlpQUdD7IVc/z51oW9nPqEOztzZRiSC1f1zb49WA4PHPgD/DROF5E/xGqRuL0sgVz4bE146e64UR1OaWSOKO8d4/bRUclP8AI7qxLdXTOI1knLk7oQFt4nljHPNNulzTXt3qUMVvK1 pNfMetQTBGQ+/nkrw/6pWswsO1tvCkxnVL5FWQ/nAfnSPgqiDuVNFMXl4IGgv24onfULUA3KXkAY4BmR0B/epY6mtt1lorwQYz0pR93Hvz7qYdV17TkvZdMmNzOrXqtN1ggrG FYEhPDh963V7YTaKS8uLhOxSpbfMqmMpjgN3PP5fvyqTLNJoOJ +vFQHFSNaC5oFi9eO2g70oQPqN0jPbJdzqntNGrMB8xVgNVaET C3vzEV3ukEUm6V55zjGMUxaCrXumNaiCe3sDNK8d3DOE3Bx4MP/fpmucNQu02ImYXcrbl90KuGIzHuD0f8eFLlwGgknZSCZ5eWgDQ geq5kGrXts4eG7mQg/3kg/KnrZraDti3eOYAXMON7HJh7wPvXmHS+Nd7Y/rMuqyi1zvCA5PhvLQwsj2PA4J+kMHG+EuIojimPazZF9Xk69Ys qXQGHVuAkA5ce4/zhSHNo2p20u5Lb7rj9an7Giir88LS61R6Nx0ob2Z1A2VX0/UZXLyRMzE8Szgn71U6bqBGDCcD9a+dFFVRECtjNPrYKRp+oAcI jw/WPOp7P1HiOib/AHjzoopuxahm38gqjTdQAIEJx8a+dT2dqGAOhOPjHnRRXdi1HN P5BWNjqTIEKMVHIGQY+9QthqSghY2AI4gSDH3oopBGEM06tghb DUVBCxsARxxIPOo7N1DOeg4/GvnRRTCJqOafewUHTb8kkwcfjXzq/UdT3Am427nl0gx96KKBiAQOKfyCgWGoqpURsFPMCQedR2bqGMd CcfGvnRRRETUc0/kFsWWzer38ojgthzwWaRQB9a9I2b2ej0CzKb/S3EuDLIB9B4CiirUETWm1gdJY6WS4zoPlf//Z (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/12/only-37-of-americans-believe-ferguson-grand-jury-made-wrong-decision/)
http://www.debatepolicy.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAoHBwgHBgoICAgLCgoLDhgQDg0NDh0VFhEYIx8lJCIfIi EmKzcvJik0KSEiMEExNDk7Pj4+JS5ESUM8SDc9Pjv/2wBDAQoLCw4NDhwQEBw7KCIoOzs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Oz s7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozs7Ozv/wAARCAAXAHEDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGwAAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYBBAUCAwf/xAA0EAABAwMBBQMMAgMAAAAAAAABAgMEAAURIQYSEzFBFWHRFD NRUmJxcoGRkqHwIrEjJDL/xAAaAQABBQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAAIEBQYB/8QAKBEAAQQABAUEAwAAAAAAAAAAAQACAxEEExQhEjFBUaEFImH RUrHw/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwB42o2ndiSFQIKwlxPnHOo7hSku4y3VFS5 Ly1E9Vkk1xfVON32clzIUJC+ferT8Yqmw7mQ2PbH91n53vkkNl bTC4WOKEcI6c1oqdnofEdQlpeJ0aKV75z7POukG5uIU4hiepCC QpSWnCEkc8nHSnJ96HcNrRFew1MgLStlwDzqCkEpPzJx+5qpS+ 5s9M4DUlaky3yeA8G8DJ1OSMjuo+lFn3Hr4UHWOoW0C68pVDtw IaIRLIeOGiEL/AMnw+n5V6Jbu687sW4qAOCQw7oR8qYtm3HYVnYbnvIZemLJgJc TktkpI3u7Ofz31Qtkq6RLffWJLzzb0VAIwo/xUVHJHv9NN04oWTv8ASLqHEuDQNiO+9mvH7WMiRNddDTSpLjhO A2gKKjjnoNfTUvvToygmSJbBUNA6lSM+7NWdkHlO7WRCpRKlFw knqdxVbLO0NrfucCG4p91tiQpwvzFAqCiCBy6An8D0UyOFrm2X Vv8ASLNI+OThay6Fnz9LAeNyjNJefbmNNq0C3ELSPqahLlwXGV KQiWphPN1KVlIxz15Uzti7xV3N2/OpVbltLCd5wKDhPLdGdNP3rXlGQ9N2USiS29CaYilTUht4cNwd ApOeZ/eeKJphfM8kDVGroHcCx8jp8hL7ibqygrdjz2kJ5rcacSkfMjFV zOfAyZDg96zWvdbjMXshaluSXVKfU6HSVn+eF6Z9NYlpcfVdoo jNtOPcQbgdxu5780B8QDgGk715UyLidG57gNifC9kz5AOUyHQQ caLIxTBs/tZIalNxZ7pdZcO6HFnKkE9/UVW24FubuKFx1ATVD/YSj/k+/wBqlcOkkAaknGnWne+CT2nkmtijxkAc5tX/AGy+20VheTXf11fdRV1mHsVlcgfmFQ2s2RXd3PLoKkolAYWlWg cA5a9D+6UhvWW5x3eG7G3VjpxEn+jRRUaeFpdauPTcdKGcB3A5 Ljs64Zzwjn4x41PZ9xwcNK+8eNFFR8lqt9W/sFHZ9wJ80dPbHjU9n3HXLR+8eNFFLJalqn9goFtnjUM4Pxp8aj s2fnPB1z66fGiilktXdU/sF2qDc1JCVNqKQNAXB41HkFy3dzhq3eeOIMZ+tFFMywuDFOrkF ybbcCMFk4Htp8alNtnggpY1B9dPjRRT8lq7qn9guuzLnIdJLJW tRySXE6n603bMbEvx5Lc+67qdwhTbAO9k9CojT5CiijwQML9+i qvUcfM2MNbQtPdFFFT1m1//2Q== (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/12/socialist-professor-forces-students-to-recite-anti-republican-anti-american-pledge/)

The prosecution’s star witness in Michael Brown’s shooting death has a record (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/08/breaking-michael-brown-star-witness-has-a-warrant-for-his-arrest-for-stealing-lying-to-cops-video/).
Dorian Johnson was arrested in Jefferson City, Missouri for stealing and lying to police.
http://4-ps.googleusercontent.com/hk/9dO3E1tyAM9FEJoQjUgzLfLy1j/www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/xdorian-johnson.jpg.pagespeed.ic.sBK1XrzrTlpHkZS3DJTx.jpg (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/dorian-johnson.jpg)
Johnson was with Michael Brown the day he was shot dead in Ferguson.
Dorian Johnson also was with Mike Brown when he robbed (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/08/now-theres-video-michael-brown-robbing-ferguson-convenience-store/) the local convenience store.
As of September 3, 2014, Dorian Johnson still had a warrant out (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2014/09/top-witness-to-mikebrown-shooting-described-as-repeated-liar-untrustworthy-video/) for his arrest for stealing.
St. Louis television channel FOX 2 interviewed a man from mid-Missouri about Dorian Johnson. Kelly Lewis witnessed Dorian Johnson stealing and lying to police.

Dorian Johnson was recently hired by the City of St. Louis to do work.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch (http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/nick-pistor/michael-brown-witness-dorian-johnson-hired-to-do-work-for/article_bf6cb909-2f78-5b5e-a712-d2557b834cea.html) reported:

Dorian Johnson, who rose to fame as a witness to Michael Brown’s fatal encounter with Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, has been hired to do work for the city of St. Louis.
Jeff Rainford, Mayor Francis Slay’s chief of staff, has confirmed that Johnson was hired under a state grant through the city’s Agency on Training and Employment, or SLATE.
Officials said he is doing work for the city. The job, listed as a temporary position, pays about $8.50 an hour.
Rainford said Johnson met the low income eligibility requirements for the hiring.
Johnson, 22, was with Brown at Ferguson Market and Liquor when Brown stole a box of Swisher Sweets cigarillos and shoved a store employee. Johnson was walking with Brown when they were stopped in the street by Wilson.
Johnson couldn’t be reached for comment.


It was Dorian Johnson that initially claimed Michael Brown had his hands up and said, "I don't have a gun, stop shooting". That led to the 'hands up, don't shoot' meme and eventually protest chant that characterized August's angry protests. In fact, it's a large part of why the incident took on the nature it ultimately did.

That's partly why some Wilson supporters feel Dorian Johnson should be held to account for his statements.

A close friend said: ‘Dorian Johnson is the one who started it all. If it was up to me he should be charged. ‘He got right on CNN, he got right on TV and started blabbering his mouth off. I could tell by his voice that he was lying.
... The friend also criticized Johnson for claiming that he hid behind a car but also claimed to have seen everything that happened. The friend said: ‘That’s just not possible’.

In his TV interviews after Brown’s death on CNN and MSNBC Johnson said that Wilson told him and Brown to ‘get the f***onto the sidewalk’ as he drove past in his police SUV.
Johnson had claimed "Wilson shot Brown in the back.


red states rule
12-09-2014, 05:31 PM
Meanwhile Officer Wilson had to leave the Police force, has to look over his shoulder after the NY Times published his address, and has a contract on him thanks to the Black Panthers

What the hell is going on in this world?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-09-2014, 08:54 PM
Just as I said for 4 long years--wait until Obama gets a second term and no longer must hold back because of another election .
Much of this is engineered by him.. Fact.. -Tyr

12-09-2014, 09:30 PM
Meanwhile Officer Wilson had to leave the Police force, has to look over his shoulder after the NY Times published his address, and has a contract on him thanks to the Black Panthers

What the hell is going on in this world?

`A mixture of things...for "Gain and agenda" *from several `groups`.....Brought to the `American people` from stupidity and Ignorance ......`

red states rule
12-10-2014, 03:52 AM
More proof that liberalism rewards failure and punishes those who work hard

So a thug and criminal gets a job and a Police Officer loses his livelihood for doing his job and protecting himself

Welcome to Liberalville

12-10-2014, 11:33 PM
Meanwhile Officer Wilson had to leave the Police force, has to look over his shoulder after the NY Times published his address, and has a contract on him thanks to the Black Panthers

What the hell is going on in this world?

It's the faggot mentality...

red states rule
12-11-2014, 02:36 AM
Once again the liberal media is taking the side of the criminal and giving him fawning coverage

St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter Nick Pistor has quite an odd take (http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/nick-pistor/michael-brown-witness-dorian-johnson-hired-to-do-work-for/article_bf6cb909-2f78-5b5e-a712-d2557b834cea.html) on Dorian Johnson, the closest eyewitness to the killing of Michael Brown by Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson in early August.

The occasion enabling Pistor to publicly purvey his perception was news on Monday that Johnson had taken a job with the City of St. Louis. Before getting to those details, let's look at Pistor's astonishing opening paragraph (bolds are mine throughout this post):

Michael Brown witness Dorian Johnson hired to do work for city of St. Louis
Dorian Johnson, who rose to fame as a witness to Michael Brown's fatal encounter with Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, has been hired to do work for the city of St. Louis.
"Rose to fame"? How about "became infamous"?

A montage of key figures in the Brown killing at the Post-Dispatch (click through to number 4 at the link) describes Johnson as follows: Johnson, 22, was walking with Brown when they encountered Wilson. Johnson was with Brown during the incident a short time before at the Ferguson Market and Liquor. Johnson told reporters that Wilson ordered them to stop walking in the street and cursed them. Johnson said the officer reached out of his vehicle window and grabbed Brown by the throat and then arm, and one shot was fired as they struggled. Johnson said he and Brown then ran. He said Wilson got out of his car and fired again, hitting Brown, who then turned and raised his hands in the air before Wilson fired the fatal shots, according to Johnson. His statement is the origin of the protesters' chant of "hands up, don't shoot." Thus, neither Pistor nor the Post-Dispatch will acknowledge that Johnson's "hands up" claim was a lie. The related forensic evidence shows that Johnson lied.
