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View Full Version : One lesson Castro has NOT taught Maduro

12-10-2014, 08:51 AM
The Castro brothers have learned to release some of the frustration of their subjects as the below example illustrates. Doing so lets takes some of the wind out of the sails for anyone wanting to organize against the government.

New comedy wave tests limits on criticism in Cuba


One example:

In a recent live show, Panfilo joked about U.S. customs agents confiscating state-baked rolls he was bringing to his sister in Miami, testing them for traces of drugs and explosives. They found nothing suspicious, but couldn't believe the products were really bread."How am I supposed to tell this guy that we actually eat this stuff?" Panfilo asked, as the audience broke into laughter.

One of the commentators put it better than I could:

If "bread and circuses" works to keep 'em down on the farm, the ruthless Cuban regime will allow it. Otherwise critics will get an all-expenses-paid trip to the Cuban Gulag for an indefinite period. Armando Valladares tells the truth about this "socialist paradise" which is really a hell on Earth for those trapped there.