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View Full Version : Who, exactly, "can't breathe"?

12-11-2014, 12:11 PM
The problem is far more than one obese, high-cholesterol, high-blood-pressure cigarette vendor who decided to fight the police who were enforcing the law.

(The law is, in fact, part of the problem.)


red state
12-11-2014, 12:51 PM
The problem is far more than one obese, high-cholesterol, high-blood-pressure cigarette vendor who decided to fight the police who were enforcing the law.

(The law is, in fact, part of the problem.)

Yes, that cartoon covered all but it seems that you have jumped in one of the cars that the cartoon listed. I am sure, after the facts, that the Ferguson cop was simply doing his job but our racist DoJ and POTUS (with aid from the media) ruined this cop's life to the extent that he will never again be a cop. On the other hand, from what I've been able to research/read, the "wanna-b MMA fighter" cop was WAY out of line by keeping the hold on the guy when he should have been cuffing the guy. The fat, law-breaker was obviously "manageable" after the initial hold and I'm sure Tyr could explain that another approach was then a better tactic once the fat, law-breaker was down and easily maneuverable. Tyr, if I'm wrong about how you would have handled it, I'll accept that as "professional testimony" from a former bouncer of Memphis, TN. From my experience and from opinion of my nephew (formally Memphis Police and now Melbourne PD) the guy was HIGHLY controlled and WELL on his way of being cuffed and stuffed. So, the obsessive hold was no longer necessary......especially with the guy saying that about the breathing. I realize that there are some guys not so easy to man-handle but this guy was not such a man.....especially with the numbers of police that were there.

Of course, had they tasered the guy and he had a heart attack, we'd still be in the same boat (the Ferg boat). All I know is that the cartoon is spot on and we should be careful of how quickly we jump in any of the vehicles represented in this great cartoon. This fat, weak-hearted law breaker, should have been arrested (especially after being warned) YET, he still sold illegal cigs on the streets (possibly even stolen cigs) but the situation could have been handled differently with HOPEFULLY a different outcome.

12-11-2014, 01:46 PM
Can't breathe & hands up don't shoot. <------ Will be MUCH more believable when these folks riot, protest and demand change - within their own neighborhoods, where 99% of black folks actually die.

12-11-2014, 02:07 PM
Can't breathe & hands up don't shoot. <------ Will be MUCH more believable when these folks riot, protest and demand change - within their own neighborhoods, where 99% of black folks actually die.

Against the real problem; Gubmint.

12-11-2014, 02:28 PM
Against the real problem; Gubmint.

Definitely a huge part of the problem, but they can't blame all of the problems in that direction. A little self responsibility is needed for change to ever happen. And I still say the problems start at home, at the dinner table, with Mom and Dad.

12-11-2014, 02:35 PM
Definitely a huge part of the problem, but they can't blame all of the problems in that direction. A little self responsibility is needed for change to ever happen. And I still say the problems start at home, at the dinner table, with Mom and Dad.

Which gubmint killed.

12-11-2014, 02:40 PM
Which gubmint killed.

They certainly didn't help matters. But when given a choice, eat with family and teach your kids, or buy a 9mm and peddle crack on the corner instead - I don't blame the government for that.

12-11-2014, 02:45 PM
They certainly didn't help matters. But when given a choice, eat with family and teach your kids, or buy a 9mm and peddle crack on the corner instead - I don't blame the government for that.

I blame the individual for their actions but I blame the government for creating the conditions that caused him to see that as a better choice.

12-11-2014, 04:27 PM
Everyone reading this. Please STOP for a second, and try this?

Try holding your breath, and while doing so. Try to say "I Can't Breath".