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View Full Version : Al Sharpton's non-profit money woes revealed

12-14-2014, 08:32 AM
This idiot has been in trouble for not paying taxes for over 25 years, why in the hell is he not in jail ? And this guy is a regular at the WH :rolleyes:

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12-14-2014, 10:05 AM
It takes some serious cash ta have a well dressed community racist shat stirrer!!!

12-14-2014, 02:51 PM

12-14-2014, 04:56 PM

They won't throw this piece of trash in jail because if they do then the animals will riot AGAIN, same reason Obama gets away with what ever he wants, I say let them riot and let the National Guard and the local police do there job. Set a curfew for say 7 pm and if you are caught out after that time ( without good reason , such as having to work, medical emergency ect... ) arrest them, as for the rioters and looters, open fire, one night of this and things will quiet down very quickly.

12-14-2014, 05:23 PM
They won't throw this piece of trash in jail because if they do then the animals will riot AGAIN, same reason Obama gets away with what ever he wants, I say let them riot and let the National Guard and the local police do there job. Set a curfew for say 7 pm and if you are caught out after that time ( without good reason , such as having to work, medical emergency ect... ) arrest them, as for the rioters and looters, open fire, one night of this and things will quiet down very quickly.

Sorry Jeff, but THAT'S what Obama wants. He and Al stir up the people enough to riot. Then Obama calls out Holder with his Gasoline Can, and Al steps forward with his Electric Match.

Truth is. If they did set some kind of curfew. Obama would probably jump at the chance to declare Martial Law everywhere it happens. And THAT isn't what we want Obama to do...under any circumstance.