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12-16-2014, 12:11 AM
Five years from now, if we looked back, what would we see? And what would we be doing next?



Nothing Succeeds Like Liberal Secession: Blue America Without Red America Would Be A Basket Case

Kurt Schlichter | Dec 15, 2014

The July 4, 2019, ceremony marking the final dissolution of the United States of America was quite amicable compared to the anger and bitterness of the preceding five years. The 2014 election results created a map clearly defining “Red America” and “Blue America,” and it sparked a debate, unlike any in the last 150 years, over whether the United States should remain united. For many in the leftist coastal states – their progressivism constrained by the overwhelming Congressional advantage of the conservative interior states – the answer was, “No.”

As liberal thought leader Michael Tomasky wrote of the South, “Practically the whole region has rejected nearly everything that’s good about this country and has become just one big nuclear waste site of choleric, and extremely racialized, resentment…. Forget about the whole fetid place. Write it off. Let the GOP have it and run it and turn it into Free-Market Jesus Paradise. The Democrats don’t need it anyway.”

Soon, it became an article of faith within the liberal elite that it was not only their party that did not need the rest of America. Blue America itself, they argued, did not need Red America, economically, intellectually or morally. It was not long until newly-elected Governor De Blasio of New York demanded a national convention to discuss a parting of the ways. The President, her health poor and her heart firmly with the Blue America, half-heartedly tried to stop the movement, but more and more high profile Democrat politicians joined the chorus. The President yielded and called for a “national conversation on the way forward as separate nations.” Red America, furious at her continuation of Barack Obama’s rule by decree and interference in its affairs, agreed to attend.

Two years later, President De Blasio, elected leader of the Democratic States of North America, and President Abbott of the Republic of America, stood together on the platform on the border at St. Louis to sign the Dissolution Pact. The countries split the national debt and apportioned federal assets, while agreeing to temporarily share the currency. They divided the military (along with all nuclear capabilities), but signed a mutual defense agreement. There would be free travel between and through the new nations. “We will remain good neighbors,” President De Blasio remarked, “Even if we are no longer brothers, sisters, or differently-gendered siblings.” President Abbott politely maintained a poker face.

Of course, back home in the Blue America’s capital, New York City, President De Blasio was less charitable. “We are no longer held back by the reactionary, racist policies of the past,” he thundered. “Together, we will build a new dawn of progress that places people before profits and promotes peace instead of perpetual war!” Blue America – New England and the mid-Atlantic seaboard, back through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, the West Coast and Hawaii, immediately set to drafting a new constitution. It featured 216 new affirmative rights, including “the right to a living wage,” “the right to abortion upon demand at government expense,” and “the right to define one’s own life experience in terms of race and gender.” Embarrassingly, the rights to free speech and the free exercise of religion did not make the leaked initial draft; they were hastily added, but there was no right to keep and bear arms. In fact, the first law the new People’s Assembly passed was to confiscate all privately-owned weapons. The second was to legalize all illegal aliens, and the third to triple welfare payments.

Red America reaffirmed the United States Constitution. Then the Congress began a review of all existing laws, statutes and regulations, repealing thousands of them. It also limited social spending dramatically, making known the expectation that able-bodied adults would support themselves and their families. The resulting non-military federal government in Red America was about one quarter the size of Blue America’s.

The world was unsure how to deal with the new reality. The international elite and its lapdog media quickly took to portraying Red America with the same kind of venom as Blue American liberals. President De Blasio was taped at a private confab at the United Nations – which remained in New York – telling the foreigners that Blue America, “feels a greater kinship to our progressive friends in Europe than those redneck, racist, Jesus freaks next door.”

Red America stopped paying its UN dues and sent John Bolton to be its ambassador. After Israel, Red America became the most investigated and censured of any UN member state.

Blue America had little use for the military it inherited. Though the Pact had stipulated that both new nations would maintain a certain level of combat readiness, in Blue America the services were first in line to be cut. Forced to meet America’s defense needs alone, Red America slashed non-military spending and instituted two years of mandatory military service for every citizen as the only way to meet the need for manpower.

Many left Red America, some to avoid the draft and a larger number to collect the enhanced welfare benefits Blue America was giving away. Yet, many more came in from Blue America. By casting off useless regulations and cutting taxes (Blue America’s “Fair Share Act” increased the top income tax rate to 74.5% on earnings over $250,000), Red America unleashed a whirlwind of economic activity. Red America, already prosperous, grew even richer.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

red state
12-16-2014, 01:22 AM
Good read but it'd never work that way. Partially because if we were to do it right now, we'd still have problems with liberal influenced States, such as Texas, allowing border invaders to cross. Part of the cause would be the same encouragement from blue states that B.O. is handing out to the border invaders right now. We'd have a heck of a time paying to have the border invaders removed....unless we starved them on toward their blue state destination. Still, it would not work because the blue states would soon fall into a state of chaos due to their policies and, like hoards of zombies, would move in to TAKE what they feel is theirs. In that regard, we'd have invaders from our North, as well as from our South. WAR would be a certainty.

No, I do not believe a "friendly solution and peaceful parting of the ways" would ever happen to begin with. An all out civil war would be necessary cuz a you put it....too many from both sides would be looking to flee to their preferred political beliefs. Even in that case, way too many would refuse to give up their land and wealth....their farms and family. I wouldn't blame them a bit.

REVOLUTION, not civil war or a breaking away would be the outcome. What I fear most is that we'll all go down the drain together. That's what we're doing now. If we had a REAL leader or hopes of one.....we'd see many more Fergusons and that alone would ignite an unCivil War. The pain of weeding out the dependency of those addicted on drugs, welfare and power would be too great for them to tolerate and they've been TAKING for so long, they feel that it is their duty and RIGHT to TAKE and TAKE and TAKE. You would be forced to kill that kind.

12-18-2015, 04:04 AM
Very good read of one possible outcome. Perhaps you might enjoy reading this book as it goes into great detail about how revolution was won.


12-18-2015, 08:41 AM
Sheer commonsense offers a prognostication of where all that would lead.

The Right wing side would be driven by a sense of freedom and its people would be able to follow their human natures. Capitalism would thrive, enterprise rewarded from the fruits of its efforts. Though Big Government machinery might exist to step in under extreme situations making its intervention vital, for the most part it'd stay out of peoples' lives. Dynamism would be the order of the day, and that side of the divide would go from strength to strength, prospering to an unprecedented extent, unshackled by Leftie control-freaking analism.

On the side of the Left ... overweaning control would win out. The Leftie 'masters' would implement controls operating on two distinct levels ... one, preparation of the psychological environment so that, through State-run propaganda initiatives, how everyone would think would become pre-determined. The ordinary citizen's very perceptions of what constituted 'right-minded thinking' would be dictated to them, and in a manner that few would be even aware of.

Two - legislation would follow, following the supposed 'will' of the 'people'. It'd be draconian, it'd be suffocating in its nature, and intrusions into everyone's lives would be extreme .. all in the name of control.

Tax hikes would become commonplace, 'for the good of society'. Gun control would, eventually, reach British levels, with various circumventions of the Constitution (which the Leftie Government may have outlawed in any case) being circumvented. Capitalistic dynamism would slowly die a death. People might be convinced they were leading a life in which the Utopian 'benefits' of an ordered life would be properly realised, but, those benefits would, 'strangely', be forever out of reach. But, the illusory PROMISE of them would be forever perceived, rather like someone dangling an unreachable carrot in front of a donkey's nose ...

Indeed, the Democrats might like to amend their logo to depict exactly THAT ...

On the one side .. the joys of proper freedom, achievements being commonplace, and a happy and productive existence. On the other ... the illusion of a never-realised Utopia which everyone would be forever dreaming about. A sense of civic responsibility and civic standards drilled into you, but with no ultimately positive outcome resulting.

Freedom versus slavery .. in a nutshell.

12-18-2015, 09:58 AM
Let's do this.

Black Diamond
12-18-2015, 10:02 AM
It could start with Texas. Oklahoma would probably follow soon after. :cool:

12-18-2015, 10:59 AM
Five years from now, if we looked back, what would we see? And what would we be doing next?



Nothing Succeeds Like Liberal Secession: Blue America Without Red America Would Be A Basket Case

Kurt Schlichter | Dec 15, 2014

The July 4, 2019, ceremony marking the final dissolution of the United States of America was quite amicable compared to the anger and bitterness of the preceding five years. The 2014 election results created a map clearly defining “Red America” and “Blue America,” and it sparked a debate, unlike any in the last 150 years, over whether the United States should remain united. For many in the leftist coastal states – their progressivism constrained by the overwhelming Congressional advantage of the conservative interior states – the answer was, “No.”

As liberal thought leader Michael Tomasky wrote of the South, “Practically the whole region has rejected nearly everything that’s good about this country and has become just one big nuclear waste site of choleric, and extremely racialized, resentment…. Forget about the whole fetid place. Write it off. Let the GOP have it and run it and turn it into Free-Market Jesus Paradise. The Democrats don’t need it anyway.”

Soon, it became an article of faith within the liberal elite that it was not only their party that did not need the rest of America. Blue America itself, they argued, did not need Red America, economically, intellectually or morally. It was not long until newly-elected Governor De Blasio of New York demanded a national convention to discuss a parting of the ways. The President, her health poor and her heart firmly with the Blue America, half-heartedly tried to stop the movement, but more and more high profile Democrat politicians joined the chorus. The President yielded and called for a “national conversation on the way forward as separate nations.” Red America, furious at her continuation of Barack Obama’s rule by decree and interference in its affairs, agreed to attend.

Two years later, President De Blasio, elected leader of the Democratic States of North America, and President Abbott of the Republic of America, stood together on the platform on the border at St. Louis to sign the Dissolution Pact. The countries split the national debt and apportioned federal assets, while agreeing to temporarily share the currency. They divided the military (along with all nuclear capabilities), but signed a mutual defense agreement. There would be free travel between and through the new nations. “We will remain good neighbors,” President De Blasio remarked, “Even if we are no longer brothers, sisters, or differently-gendered siblings.” President Abbott politely maintained a poker face.

Of course, back home in the Blue America’s capital, New York City, President De Blasio was less charitable. “We are no longer held back by the reactionary, racist policies of the past,” he thundered. “Together, we will build a new dawn of progress that places people before profits and promotes peace instead of perpetual war!” Blue America – New England and the mid-Atlantic seaboard, back through Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, the West Coast and Hawaii, immediately set to drafting a new constitution. It featured 216 new affirmative rights, including “the right to a living wage,” “the right to abortion upon demand at government expense,” and “the right to define one’s own life experience in terms of race and gender.” Embarrassingly, the rights to free speech and the free exercise of religion did not make the leaked initial draft; they were hastily added, but there was no right to keep and bear arms. In fact, the first law the new People’s Assembly passed was to confiscate all privately-owned weapons. The second was to legalize all illegal aliens, and the third to triple welfare payments.

Red America reaffirmed the United States Constitution. Then the Congress began a review of all existing laws, statutes and regulations, repealing thousands of them. It also limited social spending dramatically, making known the expectation that able-bodied adults would support themselves and their families. The resulting non-military federal government in Red America was about one quarter the size of Blue America’s.

The world was unsure how to deal with the new reality. The international elite and its lapdog media quickly took to portraying Red America with the same kind of venom as Blue American liberals. President De Blasio was taped at a private confab at the United Nations – which remained in New York – telling the foreigners that Blue America, “feels a greater kinship to our progressive friends in Europe than those redneck, racist, Jesus freaks next door.”

Red America stopped paying its UN dues and sent John Bolton to be its ambassador. After Israel, Red America became the most investigated and censured of any UN member state.

Blue America had little use for the military it inherited. Though the Pact had stipulated that both new nations would maintain a certain level of combat readiness, in Blue America the services were first in line to be cut. Forced to meet America’s defense needs alone, Red America slashed non-military spending and instituted two years of mandatory military service for every citizen as the only way to meet the need for manpower.

Many left Red America, some to avoid the draft and a larger number to collect the enhanced welfare benefits Blue America was giving away. Yet, many more came in from Blue America. By casting off useless regulations and cutting taxes (Blue America’s “Fair Share Act” increased the top income tax rate to 74.5% on earnings over $250,000), Red America unleashed a whirlwind of economic activity. Red America, already prosperous, grew even richer.

(Full text of the article can be read at the above URL)

They wouldn't be a basket case. They'd be nonexistent. They'd have to go out and get a job. And protect themselves. I see downfall already. :laugh:

Abbey Marie
12-18-2015, 03:30 PM
@Russ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3576), you've been talking about what would happen in a "divided America" for years.
Care to discuss? :cool:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-18-2015, 06:54 PM
We would have to defend the new cowardly lib/dem nation from invaders .
And that wouldnt sit well with we true patriots and real fighters.
So it wouldnt work, they = the cowards and ignorant bastards would drag us down or else force us to defend them!
And I'd rebel in a damn Minnesota second , about defending such son of a bitches!!!
As would millions. Let 'em rot!! And find out the truth of their insanity!! Get their damn just rewards...
They are basically maggots anyways IMHO..-TYR

12-18-2015, 06:59 PM
@Russ (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3576), you've been talking about what would happen in a "divided America" for years.
Care to discuss? :cool:

Yes, I love this concept. :cool:
Talk about frustration on the Blue America side. All the people that Blue side would want to tax at a 85% rate would be living in Red America. Blue would have tons of entitlement programs, but no one to tax to pay for them.:laugh:

12-18-2015, 07:18 PM
That has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Even from a far-right site like TownHall.

First of all, what decides if a state is "red" or "blue?" Would there be a popular vote? Or perhaps decided by the per capita number of trailer parks or gun ownership? What would happen to those who identify as independent? Would they be deported?

You guys are beyond wacko sometimes. :cool:

12-18-2015, 07:44 PM
That has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Even from a far-right site like TownHall.

First of all, what decides if a state is "red" or "blue?" Would there be a popular vote? Or perhaps decided by the per capita number of trailer parks or gun ownership? What would happen to those who identify as independent? Would they be deported?

You guys are beyond wacko sometimes. :cool:

Read this for possible answers:


12-18-2015, 08:33 PM
Yes, I love this concept. :cool:
Talk about frustration on the Blue America side. All the people that Blue side would want to tax at a 85% rate would be living in Red America. Blue would have tons of entitlement programs, but no one to tax to pay for them.:laugh:

....:laugh:So True Russ....Isn't that Interesting.... "How that works"

...Or....."...25 Examples Of What America Would Be Like If Everyone Was A Liberal"

"1) America's <nobr>credit rating (http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2012/08/28/25_examples_of_what_america_would_be_like_if_every one_was_a_liberal/page/full#)</nobr> would get so low that it would force President Dennis Kucinich to petition the UN for donations to pay for Social Security, Medicare, and his newly implemented 350 weeks of unemployment plan.

2) There wouldn't be a <nobr>Pledge (http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2012/08/28/25_examples_of_what_america_would_be_like_if_every one_was_a_liberal/page/full#)</nobr> of Allegiance said in schools, no one would sing the Star Spangled Banner before any sporting event, and no one would celebrate the 4th of July.

3) Gas would cost $9 a gallon (http://www.rightwingnews.com/john-hawkins/7-things-to-expect-if-obama-is-elected-to-a-second-term/). Liberals would consider this a plus because it would cause more people to get tax credits to buy government subsidized $40,000 electric cars.

4) Seven year olds would be able to vote (http://www.rightwingnews.com/liberals/matthew-yglesias-let-seven-year-olds-vote/). Free candy and endorsements from cartoon characters would become a staple of campaigning.

5) The corporate tax rate would be 15 percent higher, most American workers would be unionized and tax rates would soar. As a result, our economy would be stagnant and our unemployment rate would permanently be in the 10-20% range.

6) Prison sentences would be short, crime would be rampant, and the police would be so undermanned and tied down with regulations that they wouldn't evenbother to lock people up for committing crimes like burglary. (http://www.rightwingnews.com/uncategorized/britain-moves-toward-decriminalizing-burglary/).

7) There would be price controls (http://www.rightwingnews.com/interviews/10-questions-with-thomas-sowell-2/) on electricity, gasoline, and most <nobr>household (http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2012/08/28/25_examples_of_what_america_would_be_like_if_every one_was_a_liberal/page/full#)</nobr>goods. Of course, there would also be regular shortages of electricity, gasoline, and most household goods.

8) Children would be taught to be androgynous, gender-confused weirdos in school (http://www.rightwingnews.com/education/swedish-preschool-devoted-to-producing-androgynous-children/) rather than risk exposing them to "gender stereotypes."

9) Conservatism would be considered hate speech (http://www.rightwingnews.com/canada/canadian-conservative-party-passes-bill-to-repeal-law-banning-offensive-speech/) that could draw a massive fine or even jail time for repeat offenders.

10) The good news is that housing would be free. The bad news is that it would mostly be in ugly cement buildings with drug addicts, former homeless people, the severely mentally ill, and career criminals peppered all through the complex for the sake of "diversity."

11) Wearing a cross, mentioning the Bible, or advocating Christian beliefs anywhere outside of a church would be illegal because it might "offend people." (http://www.rightwingnews.com/religion/british-postal-service-refuses-to-deliver-offensive-christian-cds/)
12) Meat, 32 ounce sodas, and trans fats would be illegal. Crack, meth, and heroin would be legal.
13) America's military would be so weak we'd have to rely on Mexico and Canada to defend us from potential threats.

14) The Israelis would be driven into the sea, Taiwan would be swallowed by China, and Russia would begin to gobble up the countries that broke free after the Soviet Union fell.

15) Not only would partial birth abortions be legal, but a mother would be allowed to kill her child for three months after he’s born without penalty (http://www.rightwingnews.com/abortion/legalizing-fourth-trimester-abortion/).

16) Stopping <nobr>sex offenders (http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2012/08/28/25_examples_of_what_america_would_be_like_if_every one_was_a_liberal/page/full#)</nobr> from <nobr>teaching school (http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2012/08/28/25_examples_of_what_america_would_be_like_if_every one_was_a_liberal/page/full#)</nobr> or adopting children (http://www.rightwingnews.com/culture/british-report-not-letting-sex-criminals-adopt-children-is-discriminatory/) would be considered discriminatory.

17) Activists would be able to sue on behalf of individual plants and animals in court (http://www.rightwingnews.com/civil-rights/ecokooks-plants-should-be-able-to-sue/).

18) The government would control health care top-to-bottom. It would take six months to get an operation, which would be considered a feature, not a bugbecause a lot of old people would die in the interim and save the government money (http://www.rightwingnews.com/uncategorized/liberals-need-to-admit-that-socialized-medicine-means-letting-old-people-die-to-save-money/).

19) Only government employees would be able to legally own guns...."


http://townhall.com/columnists/johnhawkins/2012/08/28/25_examples_of_what_america_would_be_like_if_every one_was_a_liberal/page/full

12-18-2015, 08:46 PM
That has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Even from a far-right site like TownHall.

First of all, what decides if a state is "red" or "blue?" Would there be a popular vote? Or perhaps decided by the per capita number of trailer parks or gun ownership? What would happen to those who identify as independent? Would they be deported?

You guys are beyond wacko sometimes. :cool:

Gabby, your comment is like someone watching The Wizard of Oz and saying "C'mon, I don't think that could ever happen". Of course it wouldn't happen that way, but the story makes a good analogy. The whole point is to contrast what a Blue America and a Red America might be like.
Red America would have lots of business people, military people, rednecks, and generally hard working people. It would have low taxes, small government, and not a lot of social programs, which is one reason it could keep taxes low.
Blue America would have great restaurants and incisively written, left-leaning sitcoms and drama shows. It would have no military, but would still have high taxes to pay for a "can't say no" attitude in Congress. But they wouldn't know who to raise the taxes on.
My guess is that Blue America would be conquered by someone like Albania within two weeks.

12-18-2015, 09:50 PM
Gabby, your comment is like someone watching The Wizard of Oz and saying "C'mon, I don't think that could ever happen". Of course it wouldn't happen that way, but the story makes a good analogy. The whole point is to contrast what a Blue America and a Red America might be like.

Sorry, but as a educated person, I have lost the ability to become as incredibly simple minded as you are.
If I am going to stoop to that level, I would prefer "Blue America" to be a place where no one owned guns. Or where racism and all forms of prejudice were not tolerated. Where every was equal, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or religious preference.
In "Blue America," only Anglo Christians would be eligible for citizenship. All decisions would be made by wealthy adult males. Unless designated by social stature, every person over the age of 12 would work 12-hour days, six days a week, at a wage decided on by their employer. There would be no unions, no safety regulations and no compensation to anyone who became injured or otherwise unable to work. Any person unable or unwilling to work would be sent to debtor's prisons. A minimum of two years of military service would be required of all males reaching their 18th birthday.

Abbey Marie
12-18-2015, 10:52 PM
Sorry, but as a educated person, I have lost the ability to become as incredibly simple minded as you are.
If I am going to stoop to that level, I would prefer "Blue America" to be a place where no one owned guns. Or where racism and all forms of prejudice were not tolerated. Where every was equal, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or religious preference.
In "Blue America," only Anglo Christians would be eligible for citizenship. All decisions would be made by wealthy adult males. Unless designated by social stature, every person over the age of 12 would work 12-hour days, six days a week, at a wage decided on by their employer. There would be no unions, no safety regulations and no compensation to anyone who became injured or otherwise unable to work. Any person unable or unwilling to work would be sent to debtor's prisons. A minimum of two years of military service would be required of all males reaching their 18th birthday.

Gabby, Russ has an Engineering degree and an MBA. And he is far from simple-minded.

12-18-2015, 11:07 PM
Sorry, but as a educated person, I have lost the ability to become as incredibly simple minded as you are.
If I am going to stoop to that level, I would prefer "Blue America" to be a place where no one owned guns. Or where racism and all forms of prejudice were not tolerated. Where every was equal, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or religious preference.
In "Blue America," only Anglo Christians would be eligible for citizenship. All decisions would be made by wealthy adult males. Unless designated by social stature, every person over the age of 12 would work 12-hour days, six days a week, at a wage decided on by their employer. There would be no unions, no safety regulations and no compensation to anyone who became injured or otherwise unable to work. Any person unable or unwilling to work would be sent to debtor's prisons. A minimum of two years of military service would be required of all males reaching their 18th birthday.

Your Blue America sounds like a cruel place.

12-18-2015, 11:08 PM
Gabby, Russ has an Engineering degree and an MBA. And he is far from simple-minded.

But did he get his degrees from Berkeley?

Black Diamond
12-18-2015, 11:31 PM
Gabby, Russ has an Engineering degree and an MBA. And he is far from simple-minded.

Y'all are really nice. You and Russ. Amazing.

12-18-2015, 11:40 PM
My apologies for not listing the first instance as "Blue" and the second as "Red."

In "Red America," only Anglo Christians would be eligible for citizenship. All decisions would be made by wealthy adult males. Unless designated by social stature, every person over the age of 12 would work 12-hour days, six days a week, at a wage decided on by their employer. There would be no unions, no safety regulations and no compensation to anyone who became injured or otherwise unable to work. Any person unable or unwilling to work would be sent to debtor's prisons. A minimum of two years of military service would be required of all males reaching their 18th birthday.

Also, my apologies to Russ for insulting his intelligence. How does someone that smart and talented become a conservative? It boggles the mind. :p

12-18-2015, 11:44 PM
My apologies for not listing the first instance as "Blue" and the second as "Red."

Also, my apologies to Russ for insulting his intelligence. How does someone that smart and talented become a conservative? It boggles the mind. :p

God made only a select few to be true conservatives. They are the "chosen" ones, created to lead others. Russ seems to be in that category with me. It is a sign of the end of the world that so few follow.

12-19-2015, 06:14 AM
Instead of looking at this emotionally, lets be pragmatic.

Blue States would have

80% of the country's fresh water

85 percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs

90 percent of the high tech industry

two-thirds of the tax revenue

Red States would have

The majority of the oil

Military bases

88% of all obese Americans and their projected health care costs

22% higher divorce rate

Highest rates for collecting disability

92% of the Mosquitoes in the US

Hmm, I'll stay where I am thanks

12-19-2015, 08:29 AM
That has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Even from a far-right site like TownHall.

First of all, what decides if a state is "red" or "blue?" Would there be a popular vote? Or perhaps decided by the per capita number of trailer parks or gun ownership? What would happen to those who identify as independent? Would they be deported?

You guys are beyond wacko sometimes. :cool:

It's pretty much spot on. You wouldn't have to worry though. You'd be kept alive by your conservative husband. Why, I don't know. In survival mode, feeding a pointless is ..well ... pointless.

12-19-2015, 10:41 AM
Sorry, but as a educated person, I have lost the ability to become as incredibly simple minded as you are.
If I am going to stoop to that level, I would prefer "Blue America" to be a place where no one owned guns. Or where racism and all forms of prejudice were not tolerated. Where every was equal, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or religious preference.
In "Blue America," only Anglo Christians would be eligible for citizenship. All decisions would be made by wealthy adult males. Unless designated by social stature, every person over the age of 12 would work 12-hour days, six days a week, at a wage decided on by their employer. There would be no unions, no safety regulations and no compensation to anyone who became injured or otherwise unable to work. Any person unable or unwilling to work would be sent to debtor's prisons. A minimum of two years of military service would be required of all males reaching their 18th birthday.

I have to keep adjusting to the transatlantic difference here ... where I'm from, blue = Conservative, red = Leftie (as in, 'reds under the bed').

No unions means they're not around to create havoc in society ! I should know, having seen JUST THAT, and in spades, in my own. We found that the more you curb them, the more of a chance society has to prosper. Dispensing with them altogether, therefore, sounds ideal to me !!

What 'social advances' needing to be made. HAVE been made, and are enshrined in law. So that one's done 'n' dusted ....

Compulsory military service ... interesting. Why ever not ? It could cure hooliganism, maybe overnight. At minimum, it'd add to state security, in an age when it was never more important.

Oh, by the way, Gabby, in our media, a stark difference between our societies is receiving media attention (I'm undecided about starting a thread on it !). Turns out that both America and the UK have issued official guidelines as to how to respond if you find yourself caught up in a terrorist situation. The British version tells people to .. 'Run, hide, tell' ... that's to say, this is how people 'should react' if actively caught up in a terrorist attack .. the emphasis being on - when there's a proper chance to - tell authorities what you know of the incident, and let THEM handle it.

The American version is different. Yours is .. 'Run, hide, FIGHT'. Your people teach confrontation towards terrorists, but here, the message is exactly the opposite. Now .. could that be because YOU have something to fight WITH, as in, citizens are altogether more likely to be armed, therefore ABLE to fight ???

Lefties in your part of the world (led to it by Obama, no doubt, if he ever had the chance of it) would disempower those would-be fighters, and let terrorists rampage around, killing when they'd otherwise be STOPPED.

Is this your idea of a brave new world (or Leftie America, anyway) ... disempowerment in the face of murderous terrorist aggression ? Do tell .....

12-19-2015, 11:07 AM
[QUOTE="Drummond;787321"]Compulsory military service ... interesting. Why ever not ? It could cure hooliganism, maybe overnight. At minimum, it'd add to state security, in an age when it was never more important./QUOTE]

You're in favour of compulsory service?

12-19-2015, 11:13 AM
[QUOTE="Drummond;787321"]Compulsory military service ... interesting. Why ever not ? It could cure hooliganism, maybe overnight. At minimum, it'd add to state security, in an age when it was never more important./QUOTE]

You're in favour of compulsory service?

Could cure you wimpy lefties not being able to hold up your end of the damned table.

12-19-2015, 11:17 AM
[QUOTE="Drummond;787321"]Compulsory military service ... interesting. Why ever not ? It could cure hooliganism, maybe overnight. At minimum, it'd add to state security, in an age when it was never more important./QUOTE]

You're in favour of compulsory service?

Until now, I hadn't thought much about it. But I certainly don't have anything against it.

As I said, though ... why ever not ? It definitely does have an advantage or two. Think of all the teenagers going on drinking binges of a Friday night, when instead they could be receiving a course in good discipline, and what's more, actually doing some GOOD for their country .. ?

Doubtless you'll disapprove, Noir ...

12-19-2015, 11:50 AM
Until now, I hadn't thought much about it. But I certainly don't have anything against it

If I remember right you were unhappy a few weeks back that the Goverment in Wales were changing organ donation after death from being an 'opt in' scheme to an 'opt out' one, no?

12-19-2015, 02:55 PM
Sorry, but as a educated person, I have lost the ability to become as incredibly simple minded as you are.

Ahem... simple minded? Never mind, I just saw your retraction.

Abbey Marie
12-19-2015, 03:46 PM

At least around here, we talk about actually drawing a line down the middle of the country and thereby dividing the country in half. Not keeping red states/blue states as they are. It makes a huge difference, and I have no doubt which half would thrive.

12-19-2015, 08:10 PM

At least around here, we talk about actually drawing a line down the middle of the country and thereby dividing the country in half. Not keeping red states/blue states as they are. It makes a huge difference, and I have no doubt which half would thrive.

Very true. If some of these so-called blue states didn't have a giant, rat Democrat infested population, they'd have nothing. There's nothing in IL but Chicago that isn't rural rednecks, but they control the state. You dump the coastal goofs out of CA and FL and you got nothing but rural rednecks. I personally think it's crap that one or two cities in a state where all the cockroaches hide from the light get to dictate the law.

12-19-2015, 08:10 PM
If I remember right you were unhappy a few weeks back that the Goverment in Wales were changing organ donation after death from being an 'opt in' scheme to an 'opt out' one, no?

Correct. But I fail to see any connection between the two.

How does compulsory military service equal the plundering of body parts ?? :rolleyes: Are you saying that military service necessitates the donation of a kidney, for example ? Do those leaving military service find it necessary to get a medical checkup to find out who whipped what organ out, when nobody was looking ??:rolleyes:

12-19-2015, 08:12 PM
Correct. But I fail to see any connection between the two.

How does compulsory military service equal the plundering of body parts ?? :rolleyes: Are you saying that military service necessitates the donation of a kidney, for example ? Do those leaving military service find it necessary to get a medical checkup to find out who whipped what organ out, when nobody was looking ??:rolleyes:

Do I really even want to waste that part of my life scrolling up to go look at what he posted?

12-19-2015, 08:20 PM
Correct. But I fail to see any connection between the two. How does compulsory military service equal the plundering of body parts ?? :rolleyes: Are you saying that military service necessitates the donation of a kidney, for example ? Do those leaving military service find it necessary to get a medical checkup to find out who whipped what organ out, when nobody was looking ??:rolleyes:

You're unhappy that a governing state could claim to have the authority to presume consent of organs after your death...while at the same time happy enough for the state to claim the authority to force you into military service to serve the state.

12-19-2015, 08:24 PM
You're unhappy that a governing state could claim to have the authority to presume consent of organs after your death...while at the same time happy enough for the state to claim the authority to force you into military service to serve the state.

And? Which state are we talking about? I thought this was a political thread about red and blue states?

I think there's a difference between you getting your ass out on the line and earning your freedom and the state stealing from you for its convenience.

12-19-2015, 08:38 PM
That is an interesting fantasy piece, but is never going to happen.

No state is completely Red or Blue. What would they do anyway?
Migrate to the state color they identify with?


I remember the Hollywood Libs saying they would leave the country if
GWB became President. He did, and they didn't. More spoon-pounding
brat self impressing Liberal behavior.

Without the Liberals insisting on higher taxes for those
earning an HONEST wage, the blues would sink in less than a decade.

12-19-2015, 08:42 PM
That is an interesting fantasy piece, but is never going to happen.

No state is completely Red or Blue. What would they do anyway?
Migrate to the state color they identify with?


I remember the Hollywood Libs saying they would leave the country if
GWB became President. He did, and they didn't. More spoon-pounding
brat self impressing Liberal behavior.

Without the Liberals insisting on higher taxes for those
earning an HONEST wage, the blues would sink in less than a decade.

I'm actually considering it, believe it or not. I don't live in the country I grew up in or served. I don't recognize this place anymore.

12-19-2015, 08:51 PM
My apologies for not listing the first instance as "Blue" and the second as "Red."
Also, my apologies to Russ for insulting his intelligence. How does someone that smart and talented become a conservative? It boggles the mind. :p

Begs the question:

How does someone as apparently intelligent as you have to stoop to whiney
Liberal hyperbole over a fantasy article?

That crap in that piece is never going to happen.

It's analogy, nothing more - nothing less.

Why are most all the welfare leeches in large cities?
Because in a rural area they would not survive because
they are not self-sufficient.

12-19-2015, 08:57 PM
I'm actually considering it, believe it or not. I don't live in the country I grew up in or served. I don't recognize this place anymore.

Oregon is not bad, except for these Alaskan storms that have hammered us for almost two weeks!
18 measured inches since 01 Dec...and storm force winds, 30-35 foot seas and breakers.:laugh:

12-19-2015, 09:10 PM
Oregon is not bad, except for these Alaskan storms that have hammered us for almost two weeks!
18 measured inches since 01 Dec...and storm force winds, 30-35 foot seas and breakers.:laugh:

I'm from South Texas, bubba. I had my little wing-ding up North. Think I'll stick closer to the equator. :laugh:

12-19-2015, 09:21 PM
And? Which state are we talking about? I thought this was a political thread about red and blue states?

I think there's a difference between you getting your ass out on the line and earning your freedom and the state stealing from you for its convenience.:clap::clap::clap:

Couldn't have put it better myself.

OK, Noir, there's your answer !

12-19-2015, 09:32 PM

Couldn't have put it better myself.

OK, Noir, there's your answer !

Good job, if you're having trouble explaining two seemingly contradictory viewpoints then piggybacking on another users post is an efficient escape device.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday morning.

12-19-2015, 09:54 PM
Good job, if you're having trouble explaining two seemingly contradictory viewpoints then piggybacking on another users post is an efficient escape device.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday morning.

Here's your contradiction, junior ... wussbags like you think you're owed a free ride on everyone else's backs. Most of you don't donate shit to anything worth a crap. Yet you think the state should be allowed to dissect and sell our bodyparts. See how this works?

12-19-2015, 10:22 PM
Good job, if you're having trouble explaining two seemingly contradictory viewpoints then piggybacking on another users post is an efficient escape device.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday morning.

Ridiculous. State-sponsored desecration of a body does not equate to fighting for Queen and country !

Should I apply to join a demolition company, and in the job interview claim that stealing from houses before committing arson against them makes me eminently qualified for the job ??

12-19-2015, 10:24 PM
There is no need for anyone to serve in the military if they don't want to. It's like dictating that everyone has to serve compulsory time as a law enforcement officer. Military service does not automatically build confidence and character. That is up to the individual.

Very true. If some of these so-called blue states didn't have a giant, rat Democrat infested population, they'd have nothing. There's nothing in IL but Chicago that isn't rural rednecks, but they control the state. You dump the coastal goofs out of CA and FL and you got nothing but rural rednecks. I personally think it's crap that one or two cities in a state where all the cockroaches hide from the light get to dictate the law.

Tell us how you really feel. :rolleyes:

12-19-2015, 10:35 PM
There is no need for anyone to serve in the military if they don't want to. It's like dictating that everyone has to serve compulsory time as a law enforcement officer. Military service does not automatically build confidence and character. That is up to the individual.

Tell us how you really feel. :rolleyes:

Sure there is a reason. It would teach irresponsible, thinking they're entitled without putting anything in, dipsticks some responsibility and a sense of direction. Instead of just being losers with big moths.

12-19-2015, 10:45 PM
Sure there is a reason. It would teach irresponsible, thinking they're entitled without putting anything in, dipsticks some responsibility and a sense of direction. Instead of just being losers with big moths.

Are there not a lot of irresponsible military dipsticks who are losers with big mouths?

12-19-2015, 10:47 PM
Are there not a lot of irresponsible military dipsticks who are losers with big mouths?

We'll at least fight for what's ours. And yours since you won't.

12-19-2015, 10:52 PM
We'll at least fight for what's ours. And yours since you won't.

You don't fight for what is yours or ours. You follow orders.
I understand your views about the military. It's the only lifestyle you have ever been exposed to. You are unable to process the fact that other people prefer to live their lives in a different manner.
Our country needs people willing to all manner of occupations. Each one of them is equally important.

12-19-2015, 10:55 PM
There is no need for anyone to serve in the military if they don't want to. It's like dictating that everyone has to serve compulsory time as a law enforcement officer. Military service does not automatically build confidence and character. That is up to the individual.

Tell us how you really feel. :rolleyes:

You think so ?

Tell that one to Israel. A country with (so everyone believes is true, anyway) its own nuclear arsenal, easily the most weaponised State in that region. Israel, a country where they not only have compulsory National Service, but NEED IT, (a) to actively defend their country, and (b) as a deterrent to the many aggressors ranged against them.

Even despite ALL that, such is the hatred against them that terrorists still try their luck.

With terrorism springing up all over the place, and its current strength as illustrated by ISIS alone ... well, let me guess. In such a climate, you'd happily do the Leftie thing, and argue for a reduction in military capabilities, and for DISarming .. yes ? Tell me I'm wrong if you can.

12-19-2015, 10:56 PM
You don't fight for what is yours or ours. You follow orders.
I understand your views about the military. It's the only lifestyle you have ever been exposed to. You are unable to process the fact that other people prefer to live their lives in a different manner.
Our country needs people willing to all manner of occupations. Each one of them is equally important.

That's stupid. I protect. Period. And I understand how you live your lifestyle. You think you have some God given Right to something. Entitled. You never think about the people that enable you to have that right. You want to disarm us so we can be the same sheep y'all are. SC? TN? San Bernardino? One trained man with a gun could stop all those incidents.

Grow up.

12-19-2015, 11:02 PM
You don't fight for what is yours or ours. You follow orders.
I understand your views about the military. It's the only lifestyle you have ever been exposed to. You are unable to process the fact that other people prefer to live their lives in a different manner.
Our country needs people willing to all manner of occupations. Each one of them is equally important.

How many people, in how many countries, are ONLY able to have the freedom to 'live their lives in a different manner', as you put it, because those conditions, and those freedoms, had been won the hard way, by those WHO FOUGHT FOR THEM ?

If Hitler had met only pacifism as his Reich was busily rampaging from one country to another, what makes you think it would have failed to make its mark on today's world ? It had to be military defeated, its evils snuffed out by FORCE. In the real world, there was no other way.

I don't think you've the smallest conception of just how much we all owe to those who fought, even died, for you and those like you to know and enjoy your current existence.

12-19-2015, 11:43 PM
There is no need for anyone to serve in the military if they don't want to. It's like dictating that everyone has to serve compulsory time as a law enforcement officer. Military service does not automatically build confidence and character. That is up to the individual.
Tell us how you really feel. :rolleyes:

And how would you know that?
The same applies to the private sector, M'Lady.

12-19-2015, 11:46 PM
Good job, if you're having trouble explaining two seemingly contradictory viewpoints then piggybacking on another users post is an efficient escape device.
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday morning.

Again, over your head preaching to people with a bit more
people and world knowledge than you.

Best stay in the basement than engage these folks.

12-19-2015, 11:48 PM
Are there not a lot of irresponsible military dipsticks who are losers with big mouths?

They get weeded out...

Open Liberal society will not.

12-19-2015, 11:52 PM
You don't fight for what is yours or ours. You follow orders.
I understand your views about the military. It's the only lifestyle you have ever been exposed to. You are unable to process the fact that other people prefer to live their lives in a different manner.
Our country needs people willing to all manner of occupations. Each one of them is equally important.

Now Gabby, that is a pack of mule muffins!

Too chicken-shit to serve are many of your ilk, yet those combat arms folk are willing
to lay down their lives for all of us.

You really owe an apology to types like Gunny. That was an insult.

12-20-2015, 07:11 AM

At least around here, we talk about actually drawing a line down the middle of the country and thereby dividing the country in half. Not keeping red states/blue states as they are. It makes a huge difference, and I have no doubt which half would thrive.

Down or thru?

The main basis of my stats was NORTH vs SOUTH. I have no doubt either.

12-20-2015, 08:37 AM
Now Gabby, that is a pack of mule muffins!

Too chicken-shit to serve are many of your ilk, yet those combat arms folk are willing
to lay down their lives for all of us.

You really owe an apology to types like Gunny. That was an insult.

Gabby just tries to incite anyone on the right she thinks she can. It's just some of the stuff she says needs to be responded to for the rest of the people on the board, not her. I doubt she actually believes half the crap she posts.

Abbey Marie
12-20-2015, 11:54 AM
Down or thru?

The main basis of my stats was NORTH vs SOUTH. I have no doubt either.

Vertical, down the middle. So everyone gets coastline and north and south and middle.

12-20-2015, 12:55 PM
Gabby just tries to incite anyone on the right she thinks she can. It's just some of the stuff she says needs to be responded to for the rest of the people on the board, not her. I doubt she actually believes half the crap she posts.

Agree... and I feel most of us will respond to her when bored...and just tickle her beliefs :laugh:

12-20-2015, 01:13 PM
Vertical, down the middle. So everyone gets coastline and north and south and middle.

Yeah, but who gets all the good skiing out west?

12-20-2015, 01:14 PM
Vertical, down the middle. So everyone gets coastline and north and south and middle.

And the legal weed?

12-20-2015, 04:08 PM
Instead of looking at this emotionally, lets be pragmatic.

With free trade and freedom of movement between the "countries" very little would change... domestically anyway.

12-20-2015, 04:16 PM
Again, over your head preaching to people with a bit more
people and world knowledge than you.

Best stay in the basement than engage these folks.

Uh, he made a valid distinction. Does the State or does the State not have control over the bodies of its citizens? To have control over a living body is more extreme than having control over a corpse, and control that one can opt out of even.

12-20-2015, 04:42 PM
....Red America reaffirmed the United States Constitution.they all reaffirm it now.

....Then the Congress began a review of all existing laws, statutes and regulations, repealing thousands of them. It also limited social spending dramatically, making known the expectation that able-bodied adults would support themselves and their families....
no one in the red states REALLY want to do that now.
Ron Paul offered it but the "reds" wanted MCCain and Romney instead.

Red state-ers talk a great game but rather than being passionate about the freedoms of the constitution many seem far more concerned about fighting with and running off foreigners and minorities.

look a Trump's talk, it's not about all the constitutional reforms and the repeal of thousands of unconstitutional laws or limiting spending. It's about the scary foreigners and minority problems he's going to fix.

Perianes promo of the NAZI racist Turner Diaries here (which no one here commented on or rebuffed) is sadly just an extreme form of the softer (unconscious?) mindset of many Reds. It's very sad and disappointing. the Ideals of the conservatives are outstanding based in Christian values, love of freedom and respect for ALL humanity . But what people are really looking for politically seems to be far different. IMO.

12-20-2015, 04:43 PM
Uh, he made a valid distinction. Does the State or does the State not have control over the bodies of its citizens? To have control over a living body is more extreme than having control over a corpse, and control that one can opt out of even.

Yet how was that on topic?

12-20-2015, 04:48 PM
Yet how was that on topic?

It was an offshoot of a statement regarding compulsory service of course.

12-20-2015, 04:50 PM
Perianes promo of the NAZI racist Turner Diaries here (which no one here commented on or rebuffed) ...


12-20-2015, 04:55 PM
they all reaffirm it now.

no one in the red states REALLY want to do that now.
Ron Paul offered it but the "reds" wanted MCCain and Romney instead.

Red state-ers talk a great game but rather than being passionate about the freedoms of constitution many seem far more concerned about running off foreigners and minorities.

look a Trump's talk it's not about all the constitutional reforms and repeal of thousands of unconstitutional laws or limiting spending it's about the scary foreigners and minorities problems he's going to fix.

Perianes promo of the NAZI racist Turner Diaries here (which no one here commented on or rebuffed) is sadly just an extreme form of the softer (unconscious?) mindset of many Reds. It's very sad and disappointing. the Ideals of the conservatives are outstanding based in Christian values, love of freedom and respect for ALL humanity . But what people are really looking for politically seems to be far different. IMO.

Perhaps we see a country that is being changed by the views and votes of minorities into the hellholes from which they came?

The Turner Diaries, if you have not read it, was just one possible reaction to whites getting fed up with leftist control of a once-wonderful country. It is an interesting read. FWIW, my mother would have died in their "day of the rope" scenario.
@revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760), you are a thoughtful and intelligent man. Are you not able to see what this country will become if lefties, heavily supported by minorities, overtake this country? Can you not see the country swirling down the drain?

Again, only one "r" in Perianne and two n's.

If you want to read The Turner Diaries for free, is it online PDF here:


12-20-2015, 05:02 PM
Perhaps we see a country that is being changed by the views and votes of minorities into the hellholes from which they came?

The Turner Diaries, if you have not read it, was just one possible reaction to whites getting fed up with leftist control of a once-wonderful country. It is an interesting read. FWIW, my mother would have died in their "day of the rope" scenario.
@revelarts (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=1760), you are a thoughtful and intelligent man. Are you not able to see what this country will become if lefties, heavily supported by minorities, overtake this country? Can you not see the country swirling down the drain?

Again, only one "r" in Perianne and two n's.

If you want to read The Turner Diaries for free, is it online PDF here:


I read the cliff notes.
it ends with "the whites" exterminating all non-whites. Jews, Blacks, Natives, Arabs, and Asians and those left living happily ever after . If you think that's a positive option that needs serious consideration, then Perianne your playing with real evil and need some help IMO.

12-20-2015, 05:06 PM
I read the cliff notes.
it ends with "the whites" exterminating all non-whites. Jews, Blacks, Natives, Arabs, and Asians everyone and living happily ever after . if you think that's a positive option that needs serious consideration, then Perianne your playing with real evil and need some help IMO.

Your CliffsNotes were inaccurate.

12-20-2015, 05:21 PM
Your CliffsNotes were inaccurate.

....But it was in the year 1999, according to the chronology of the Old Era-just 11 years after the birth of the Great One- that the dream of a White world finally became a certainty. And it was the sacrifice of the lives of uncounted thousands of brave men and women of the Organization during the preceding years which had kept that dream alive until its realization could no longer be denied . Among those uncounted thousands Earl Turner played no small part. He gained immortality for himself on that dark November day 106 years ago when he faithfully fulfilled his obligation to his race, to the Organization, and to the holy Order which had accepted him into its ranks. And in so doing he helped greatly to assure that his race would survive and prosper, that the Organization would achieve its worldwide political and military goals, and that the Order would spread its wise and benevolent rule over the earth for all time to come.
The End

the cliff notes sums it fairly well.

12-20-2015, 05:38 PM
the cliff notes sums it fairly well.

Your CliffsNotes were inaccurate.

12-20-2015, 06:09 PM
With free trade and freedom of movement between the "countries" very little would change... domestically anyway.

My side is gonna build a 100 foot tall fence and have your side pay for it.

12-20-2015, 06:13 PM
I suggest we let the individual states vote for which America they would like to be part of. It would probably turn out like this:


12-20-2015, 07:17 PM
Your CliffsNotes were inaccurate.

Does to unsettle you to know the book was written by a Neo-Nazi - who expressly intended for his book to proliferate his ideology and be a call to action?

12-20-2015, 08:09 PM
Does to unsettle you to know the book was written by a Neo-Nazi - who expressly intended for his book to proliferate his ideology and be a call to action?

No. Radicals are behind all kinds of books and movies.

12-20-2015, 08:42 PM
No. Radicals are behind all kinds of books and movies.

You are in no way concerned about a book that refers to Hitler as 'The Great One', revels in the destruction of Jerusalem through atomic bomb attacks, and so forth *even* when aware that despite being a work of fiction, it is a vision of the future that the author would welcome.
Poor show.

12-20-2015, 09:40 PM
You are in no way concerned about a book that refers to Hitler as 'The Great One', revels in the destruction of Jerusalem through atomic bomb attacks, and so forth *even* when aware that despite being a work of fiction, it is a vision of the future that the author would welcome.
Poor show.

It is a book. For entertainment. No, it doesn't bother me what the author felt.

12-20-2015, 09:54 PM
It is a book. For entertainment. No, it doesn't bother me what the author felt.

I have no doubt you were entertained.

12-20-2015, 09:55 PM
I have no doubt you were entertained.

You should read it. I have read it several times.

12-20-2015, 09:58 PM
You should read it. I have read it several times.

Nazi propaganda is very low on my 'want to read' list, thanks.

Black Diamond
12-20-2015, 10:08 PM
Nazi propaganda is very low on my 'want to read' list, thanks.

Why run down what you haven't read?

12-20-2015, 10:12 PM
Why run down what you haven't read?

I avoided it for years. But then I got to wondering why the leftists hated the book so much? So, I read it and found it entertaining. Much of what the author wrote in that book has come true today.

12-21-2015, 10:59 AM
Another thing that's distressing here on this "Turner Diaries" chat is the lack of comments from others complaining bitterly and or even gently denouncing it's racism. (exceptions noted)

There are fiction books by minorities.. Jews, Asians, Blacks, Natives... that portray whites as all corrupt, devils or even an alien race sent to earth to destroy it. I suspect that someone actively promoting a book here that describes the genocide of the "white race" as .."one possible reaction" of minorities "getting fed up" or "one possibility" wouldn't be ignored. (or thanked.)
Somehow I suspect there'd be some heated condemnation of the book, the author, the poster and the favored race in question.

Is this silence because folks don't want to offend Perianne and make her feel that her race based opinions are horrific? She's a big girl, I think she can take a bit of criticism on various points, right @Perianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2722)?
Or is Perianne speaking for the silent majority to some degree?
Or do we only complaint bitterly and point out racism ---even the smell of racism that we "know" is "really" under the surface-- when minorities do it?
Or what?

12-21-2015, 11:03 AM
Another thing that's distressing here on this "Turner Diaries" chat is the lack of comments from others complaining bitterly and or even gently denouncing it's racism. (exceptions noted)

There are fiction books by minorities.. Jews, Asians, Blacks, Natives... that portray whites as all corrupt, devils or even an alien race sent to earth to destroy it. I suspect that someone actively promoting a book here that describes the genocide of the "white race" as .."one possible reaction to" minorities "getting fed up" or "one possibility" wouldn't be ignored. (or thanked.)
Somehow I suspect there'd be some heated condemnation of the book, the author, the poster and favored race in question.

Is this silence because folks don't want to offend Perianne and make her feel an her race based opinions are horrific? She's a big girl, I think she can take it i think, right @Perianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2722)?
Or is Perianne speaking for the silent majority?
Or what?

I think it's the reality of not offending those in the majority right now. Anything said about civility is considered 'too pc' and attacking personally.

I do hope that those saying it will improve after elections are correct.

I find in the main that the inverse of something wrong is usually wrong also.

12-21-2015, 11:33 AM
Another thing that's distressing here on this "Turner Diaries" chat is the lack of comments from others complaining bitterly and or even gently denouncing it's racism. (exceptions noted)

There are fiction books by minorities.. Jews, Asians, Blacks, Natives... that portray whites as all corrupt, devils or even an alien race sent to earth to destroy it. I suspect that someone actively promoting a book here that describes the genocide of the "white race" as .."one possible reaction" of minorities "getting fed up" or "one possibility" wouldn't be ignored. (or thanked.)
Somehow I suspect there'd be some heated condemnation of the book, the author, the poster and the favored race in question.

Is this silence because folks don't want to offend Perianne and make her feel that her race based opinions are horrific? She's a big girl, I think she can take a bit of criticism on various points, right @Perianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2722)?
Or is Perianne speaking for the silent majority to some degree?
Or do we only complaint bitterly and point out racism ---even the smell of racism that we "know" is "really" under the surface-- when minorities do it?
Or what?

I think people ought to quit telling others what to say. How come blacks can dance down the street robbing and looting and rioting and not a peep out of you; yet, the second somebody calls them niggers people like you get offended? THEY CALL EACH OTHER NIGGER. But if WE do it, it's racist.

If you look like a black thug, act like a black thug ... you're a black thug. And you can replace "black" with whatever race, creed or color you want. A piece of shit smells the same regardless the label you attach to it.

I assume you don't live in the South where are those black folk feel entitled because their great-great-great grandparents were slaves, maybe, and they've had every opportunity and MORE than the rest of us have had since 1965? Like 50 years ago? Try living around these jungle monkeys and wetbacks. The only high-minded ideas I ever hear are from people that don't.

12-21-2015, 01:27 PM
So sad to here of the poor oppressed white man who's not able to make racist comments without being call a racist.
*Liek if u crey everytyme*

12-21-2015, 01:58 PM
Another thing that's distressing here on this "Turner Diaries" chat is the lack of comments from others complaining bitterly and or even gently denouncing it's racism. (exceptions noted)

There are fiction books by minorities.. Jews, Asians, Blacks, Natives... that portray whites as all corrupt, devils or even an alien race sent to earth to destroy it. I suspect that someone actively promoting a book here that describes the genocide of the "white race" as .."one possible reaction" of minorities "getting fed up" or "one possibility" wouldn't be ignored. (or thanked.)
Somehow I suspect there'd be some heated condemnation of the book, the author, the poster and the favored race in question.

Is this silence because folks don't want to offend Perianne and make her feel that her race based opinions are horrific? She's a big girl, I think she can take a bit of criticism on various points, right @Perianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2722)?
Or is Perianne speaking for the silent majority to some degree?
Or do we only complaint bitterly and point out racism ---even the smell of racism that we "know" is "really" under the surface-- when minorities do it?
Or what?

Thanks for spelling my name correctly. revelarts

Sure, I can take criticism, as long as it's not about my hair or my looks. I am not promoting the book as the solution to the race problem. I only pointed to the book as one way of dividing the country as per the title of the thread. Nothing more. No attempts to offend anyone here.

12-21-2015, 02:09 PM
So sad to here of the poor oppressed white man who's not able to make racist comments without being call a racist.
*Liek if u crey everytyme*

Not any more sadder than the fag who doesn't like being called what he is.

12-21-2015, 06:35 PM
Why don't you like being called a fag, Gunny?

Black Diamond
12-21-2015, 06:36 PM
Why don't you like being called a fag, Gunny?

He's a real lucky strike. :cool:

12-21-2015, 07:39 PM
Another thing that's distressing here on this "Turner Diaries" chat is the lack of comments from others complaining bitterly and or even gently denouncing it's racism. (exceptions noted)

There are fiction books by minorities.. Jews, Asians, Blacks, Natives... that portray whites as all corrupt, devils or even an alien race sent to earth to destroy it. I suspect that someone actively promoting a book here that describes the genocide of the "white race" as .."one possible reaction" of minorities "getting fed up" or "one possibility" wouldn't be ignored. (or thanked.)
Somehow I suspect there'd be some heated condemnation of the book, the author, the poster and the favored race in question.

Is this silence because folks don't want to offend Perianne and make her feel that her race based opinions are horrific? She's a big girl, I think she can take a bit of criticism on various points, right @Perianne (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2722)?
Or is Perianne speaking for the silent majority to some degree?
Or do we only complaint bitterly and point out racism ---even the smell of racism that we "know" is "really" under the surface-- when minorities do it?
Or what?

One other option, Rev: Did you have no idea what the book was about and didn't bother to click on the link?

Yes, this book sounds objectionable and extremist.