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Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-17-2014, 09:45 AM

Obamas on Race: We've Been Treated Like the Help
8 minutes ago

Good Morning America

President and Michelle Obama personally identify with everyday experiences of racial bias in America that have underpinned recent protests across the country, they told People magazine in an interview to be released Friday.

“Barack Obama was a black man that lived on the South Side of Chicago, who had his share of troubles catching cabs," Michelle Obama told the magazine.

On one occasion, she said, her husband “was wearing a tuxedo at a black-tie dinner, and somebody asked him to get coffee.”
President Obama said he's even been mistakenly treated as a valet.

“There’s no black male my age, who’s a professional, who hasn’t come out of a restaurant and is waiting for their car and somebody didn’t hand them their car keys," he said, according to excerpts of the interview released today.

The first lady also described being mistreated at a Target store in suburban Washington, during a shopping trip she took in 2011.

"Even as the first lady," she told the magazine, "during the wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target, not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf."

She said the incidents are "the regular course of life" for African-Americans and a "challenge" for the country to overcome.

Though they've lived inside the White House bubble for six years, the Obamas have been making the point that they are still in touch with the experience of minority communities.

President Obama has pushed back against criticism that he has not been aggressive enough in talking about issues of race and justice, particularly involving African-American men.

"If you look at after what happened with Michael Brown, if you looked at what happened after Trayvon, if you looked at the decision after Eric Garner, I'm being pretty explicit about my concern, and being pretty explicit about the fact that this is a systemic problem, that black folks and Latinos and others are not just making this up," Obama told BET in an interview earlier this month. "I describe it in very personal terms."

The president told People that he applauds the efforts of other prominent African-American athletes and celebrities to speak out against police brutality using the "I Can't Breathe" slogan, inspired by the case of Eric Garner, the Staten Island man who died after he was put in a choke hold by a New York City police officer. President Obama has not directly weighed in on the case.

“I think LeBron did the right thing," Obama said of Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James, who wore a shirt with the slogan on the court. "We forget the role that Muhammad Ali, Arthur Ashe, and Bill Russell played in raising consciousness. I’d like to see more athletes do that -- not just around this issue, but around a range of issues.”

These two maggots make me want to puke. Do they not know that, as , Obama role is that of a public servant?
Treated like help she says as spends hundreds of millions dollars on her many paid for vacations. These two SOS ARE LYING VERMIN BOTH.

And just what does this say to those rioting, protesting and preaching violence?
It says even as President blacks will be ill treated(a lie)! So radical change by any means is a must!!
That is exactly what the President said instead of asking for calm! Instead of doing his sworn duty! Instead of being a President for all Americans! This ffing maggots stirs division, violence, corruption and general discord.. He by his words and his actions openly advocates destruction of the Rule of Law, our Constitution and this nation as it was founded(treason)...

He does this all the while he is slapping our allies and coddling our enemies, making a new powerful enemy out of Russia because he is in league with CHINA TO SOME EXTENT IMHO.

How is that in 6 long years everything he does weaken us and none of it helps us??
Yet the piece of shit is heralded as a great leader, genius , messiah, unifier, fantastic orator, etc. etc. etc..
If the media was not always breaking their backs to lie and cover for the piece of shit he'd been impeached and tossed out of office long ago!
POS is a walking , talking maggot........ ugly wife the exact same.. I spit on them both.. Tyr

12-17-2014, 01:03 PM
"Treated Like The Help"?

What a crock of shit.

Number One: Obama chose to be 'Black'; only 1/4 of his bloodline is Negroid. If he was so
great as a State Senator, representing Chicago - and then a U.S. Senator representing Illinois,
why is Chicago one of the worst Black on Black crime cities in the nation? Community Organizer My ass. Using Al Sharpton as an advisor and consultant? I saw Sharpton on a street corner in the Bronx, in the winter 1979, dressed in a full 3-piece suit with a fur overcoat and hat, 3 huge well-dressed body guards - telling the thread-bare people there to contribute to him to make his "church"and message effective for their "Rights". Those Black folks did not have a jacket or blanket to warm them, but stood there as this rich 25 year old street preacher begged them for support.

Number Two: Michelle, just like Hillary, was not elected. She is a hateful gassbag.

Number Three: The President *is* supposed to be "The Help" of the entire population of this nation, not just a narrow-banded few. Instead, his past connections with urban terrorists and subversives seems to drive his mindset.

Number Four: No concept of the military or law enforcement - never serving with either.

Number Five: Never lived up to any of his promise to be "Transparent"...

Number Six: My opinion....Leave his children out of all discussions.

I have nothing but contempt for that Pretender! He is a False Prophet!

12-17-2014, 01:16 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1468651_801202723259646_2569136437934233508_n.jpg? oh=6cbdb6f29cbdcef380ebecf6a29e1900&oe=550B36B4&__gda__=1430028169_f965f5fb6b885d6a914dd38f2e57333 9

12-17-2014, 01:59 PM
Michelle thought it was a "great experience" when she told the story to Letterman 2 years ago.

irst lady Michelle Obama says she thought for sure her cover was blown during an undercover visit to Target last year when a woman approached her in the detergent aisle.
But the first lady told David Letterman on Monday the woman only wanted help with a package she couldn’t reach.
During Obama’s visit to CBS’ “Late Show,” Letterman held up a picture of her after she put on sunglasses and a baseball cap to try to visit a Washington-area store last September.
Obama said the woman apparently was oblivious to the fact she had asked a favor of the first lady and said “you didn’t have to make it look so easy” after the detergent was retrieved.
“That was my interaction,” Obama said. “It felt so good.”


This idiot needs to go away, she can't even decide if an incident was great or racism.

12-17-2014, 03:18 PM
Has anyone heard the same story I heard yesterday about the GITMO Prisoners....COMPLAINING about being tortured because they are being fed Mr.s Obama's School Lunches?

12-18-2014, 08:52 AM
Obamas on Race: We've Been Treated Like the Help
8 minutes ago

Good Morning America

President and Michelle Obama personally identify with everyday experiences of racial bias in America that have underpinned recent protests across the country, they told People magazine in an interview to be released Friday.

“Barack Obama was a black man that lived on the South Side of Chicago, who had his share of troubles catching cabs," Michelle Obama told the magazine.

On one occasion, she said, her husband “was wearing a tuxedo at a black-tie dinner, and somebody asked him to get coffee.”
President Obama said he's even been mistakenly treated as a valet.

“There’s no black male my age, who’s a professional, who hasn’t come out of a restaurant and is waiting for their car and somebody didn’t hand them their car keys," he said, according to excerpts of the interview released today. That's a dam lie because we all know at least half of them would of stole the car :laugh:

The first lady also described being mistreated at a Target store in suburban Washington, during a shopping trip she took in 2011.

"Even as the first lady," she told the magazine, "during the wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target, not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf." O My Dear God the Mooch was asked to help, maybe the woman that asked for help was doing just that, just because you are asked to help somebody doesn't automatically mean they think you work there , after all I don't think the Mooch could pass the entrance exam at Target.

She said the incidents are "the regular course of life" for African-Americans and a "challenge" for the country to overcome.

Though they've lived inside the White House bubble for six years, the Obamas have been making the point that they are still in touch with the experience of minority communities.

President Obama has pushed back against criticism that he has not been aggressive enough in talking about issues of race and justice, particularly involving African-American men.

"If you look at after what happened with Michael Brown, if you looked at what happened after Trayvon, if you looked at the decision after Eric Garner, I'm being pretty explicit about my concern, and being pretty explicit about the fact that this is a systemic problem, that black folks and Latinos and others are not just making this up," Obama told BET in an interview earlier this month. "I describe it in very personal terms."

The president told People that he applauds the efforts of other prominent African-American athletes and celebrities to speak out against police brutality using the "I Can't Breathe" slogan, inspired by the case of Eric Garner, the Staten Island man who died after he was put in a choke hold by a New York City police officer. President Obama has not directly weighed in on the case.

“I think LeBron did the right thing," Obama said of Cleveland Cavaliers star LeBron James, who wore a shirt with the slogan on the court. "We forget the role that Muhammad Ali, Arthur Ashe, and Bill Russell played in raising consciousness. I’d like to see more athletes do that -- not just around this issue, but around a range of issues.”

12-18-2014, 09:42 AM
The first lady also described being mistreated at a Target store in suburban Washington, during a shopping trip she took in 2011.

"Even as the first lady," she told the magazine, "during the wonderfully publicized trip I took to Target, not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me in the store was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf."

And this is a different "take" then when she was on the Letterman show.


12-18-2014, 10:20 AM
Barack's claim of being handed keys or whatever is an outright lie.

Michelle has already been outed, regarding reaching for detergent from a short person. At least that really happened.

12-18-2014, 10:40 AM

12-18-2014, 01:35 PM
BO sucks but this is just dumb:

Number One: Obama chose to be 'Black'; only 1/4 of his bloodline is Negroid.

12-19-2014, 07:52 AM
BO sucks but this is just dumb:

fj one only has to look at the Mooch to see what way Obama was going to go, he decided to go as ghetto as he could, heck being half white he could of conducted himself as such but he insist on talking about how tough of a time he had coming up BLACK and then he picked the Mooch for his wife, nuff said !!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-19-2014, 09:26 AM
Quote Originally Posted by Elessar View Post

Number One: Obama chose to be 'Black'; only 1/4 of his bloodline is Negroid.

BO sucks but this is just dumb:

Care to explain what exactly is dumb about it or do you think just leveling a stupid accusation is enough defense of the Obama piece of shit..?--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-19-2014, 09:32 AM
"Treated Like The Help"?

What a crock of shit.

Number One: Obama chose to be 'Black'; only 1/4 of his bloodline is Negroid. If he was so
great as a State Senator, representing Chicago - and then a U.S. Senator representing Illinois,
why is Chicago one of the worst Black on Black crime cities in the nation? Community Organizer My ass. Using Al Sharpton as an advisor and consultant? I saw Sharpton on a street corner in the Bronx, in the winter 1979, dressed in a full 3-piece suit with a fur overcoat and hat, 3 huge well-dressed body guards - telling the thread-bare people there to contribute to him to make his "church"and message effective for their "Rights". Those Black folks did not have a jacket or blanket to warm them, but stood there as this rich 25 year old street preacher begged them for support.

Number Two: Michelle, just like Hillary, was not elected. She is a hateful gassbag.

Number Three: The President *is* supposed to be "The Help" of the entire population of this nation, not just a narrow-banded few. Instead, his past connections with urban terrorists and subversives seems to drive his mindset.

Number Four: No concept of the military or law enforcement - never serving with either.

Number Five: Never lived up to any of his promise to be "Transparent"...

Number Six: My opinion....Leave his children out of all discussions.

I have nothing but contempt for that Pretender! He is a False Prophet!

Excellent post.
Be forewarned, posting that much truth will not be liked by a few people that seem to take offense to their Obama receiving his due criticisms. --Tyr

12-19-2014, 11:51 AM
fj one only has to look at the Mooch to see what way Obama was going to go, he decided to go as ghetto as he could, heck being half white he could of conducted himself as such but he insist on talking about how tough of a time he had coming up BLACK and then he picked the Mooch for his wife, nuff said !!

There's not much ghetto about Harvard and UC.

Care to explain what exactly is dumb about it or do you think just leveling a stupid accusation is enough defense of the Obama piece of shit..?--Tyr

Accusation? :rolleyes: If it needs to be explained to you then it makes sense that you buy in to that bit of "logic."

Excellent post.
Be forewarned, posting that much truth will not be liked by a few people that seem to take offense to their Obama receiving his due criticisms. --Tyr

Yes, forewarn him that even though he prattles of some stale talking points that the knuckleheads will have his back to keep him from having to think or defend any of his opinions.

12-19-2014, 12:41 PM
These two maggots make me want to puke. Do they not know that, as , Obama role is that of a public servant?
Treated like help she says as spends hundreds of millions dollars on her many paid for vacations. These two SOS ARE LYING VERMIN BOTH.

And just what does this say to those rioting, protesting and preaching violence?
It says even as President blacks will be ill treated(a lie)! So radical change by any means is a must!!
That is exactly what the President said instead of asking for calm! Instead of doing his sworn duty! Instead of being a President for all Americans! This ffing maggots stirs division, violence, corruption and general discord.. He by his words and his actions openly advocates destruction of the Rule of Law, our Constitution and this nation as it was founded(treason)...

He does this all the while he is slapping our allies and coddling our enemies, making a new powerful enemy out of Russia because he is in league with CHINA TO SOME EXTENT IMHO.

How is that in 6 long years everything he does weaken us and none of it helps us??
Yet the piece of shit is heralded as a great leader, genius , messiah, unifier, fantastic orator, etc. etc. etc..
If the media was not always breaking their backs to lie and cover for the piece of shit he'd been impeached and tossed out of office long ago!
POS is a walking , talking maggot........ ugly wife the exact same.. I spit on them both.. Tyr

The dumb bitch was asked for help because she is tall, not because she is black. But she's too stupid (ie too leftist) and too racist and anti-whitey to get next to any semblence of truth, facts or reality. Gotta stay true to that leftie agenda, dontcha know.

A pox on her and her ahole spouse.

12-19-2014, 12:48 PM
"Treated Like The Help"?

It has nothing to do with race. People are treated according to their level of competence. Those people properly evaluated B-HO and Mooch.

Barack's claim of being handed keys or whatever is an outright lie.

Michelle has already been outed, regarding reaching for detergent from a short person. At least that really happened.

I know I wouldn't trust him with my car keys.

12-19-2014, 04:34 PM
There's not much ghetto about Harvard and UC.

Accusation? :rolleyes: If it needs to be explained to you then it makes sense that you buy in to that bit of "logic."

Yes, forewarn him that even though he prattles of some stale talking points that the knuckleheads will have his back to keep him from having to think or defend any of his opinions.

Thank you , you answered just the same way anyone would, but yet this poor young black man saw such tough time because he was black, that is exactly what I am saying. Once he got his education he then decided to become black for some reason, hell just ask his Typical white Grandmother

12-19-2014, 04:48 PM
It has nothing to do with race. People are treated according to their level of competence. Those people properly evaluated B-HO and Mooch.

[QUOTE] http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Kathianne http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=718633#post718633)
Barack's claim of being handed keys or whatever is an outright lie.

Michelle has already been outed, regarding reaching for detergent from a short person. At least that really happened.

The Mooch has been shown what a liar she is, what she was really complaining about was some white person actually had the nerve to ask her to help, she is much more above everyone to have to help anyone, what a POS

Speaking of the Mooch I was at a food bank that takes applications from families for help for Christmas, The Toy runs we had ( I posted pictures ) plus donantions from many make it possible, but last night after filling a straight job truck from front to back floor to roof with bags of toys ( all numbered because each family will also get a Ham or a Turkey and all the trimmings, and each application gave the children's ages so the presents where appropriate to there ages ) We where sitting around talkig and the woman that runs the the food bank pulled out a box of Ice cream sandwiches and said thank the Mooch for these, the school had to give away any ice cream they had because of the Mooch's new diet, think of the waste of money throughout the country if just here in my small little town the schools gave cases away , yup the Mooch is doing a bang up job.

12-19-2014, 05:21 PM
They are a Family of Liars. Not even good at pretending to be offended. Lies expose them every time.

Hawaii should keep them after they get there where they can BLOW SMOKE up a Luau Pig's Butt.

12-20-2014, 08:23 AM
Thank you , you answered just the same way anyone would, but yet this poor young black man saw such tough time because he was black, that is exactly what I am saying. Once he got his education he then decided to become black for some reason, hell just ask his Typical white Grandmother

Um, he was pretty much always black.


Obligatory BO sucks. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-20-2014, 09:04 AM
[QUOTE]Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post

Care to explain what exactly is dumb about it or do you think just leveling a stupid accusation is enough defense of the Obama piece of shit..?--Tyr

Accusation? If it needs to be explained to you then it makes sense that you buy in to that bit of "logic."

Quote Originally Posted by Tyr-Ziu Saxnot View Post

Excellent post.
Be forewarned, posting that much truth will not be liked by a few people that seem to take offense to their Obama receiving his due criticisms. --Tyr

Yes, forewarn him that even though he prattles of some stale talking points that the knuckleheads will have his back to keep him from having to think or defend any of his opinions.

What the hell do you do but dodge and not answer most hard questions. I ask you to explain that rather broad accusation and you dodged answering my question -saying well if it needs to be explained to you, that kind of shat isn't an answer Hoss.. -Tyr

Accusation? If it needs to be explained to you then it makes sense that you buy in to that bit of "logic."

Confused aren't ya.. It always has to be explained to you and even then you blather off on some unrelated crap or ignore the reply/question. Just like this reply in which you did not answer the question I asked . You do this often and pretend it is not blatant, outright dodging the question!-Tyr

12-20-2014, 10:14 AM
What the hell do you do but dodge and not answer most hard questions. I ask you to explain that rather broad accusation and you dodged answering my question -saying well if it needs to be explained to you, that kind of shat isn't an answer Hoss.. -Tyr

Confused aren't ya.. It always has to be explained to you and even then you blather off on some unrelated crap or ignore the reply/question. Just like this reply in which you did not answer the question I asked . You do this often and pretend it is not blatant, outright dodging the question!-Tyr

No confusion here. Don't ask dumb questions and I might answer them. :)

What was dumb was the assertion that he "chose" to be black. As simple as that.

BO sucks.

12-20-2014, 01:56 PM
Um, he was pretty much always black.


Obligatory BO sucks. :)

Um no he was always mixed, he decided he was back when it suited him, and it choose to stay that route when he pulled the Mooch into his life, because there is certainly no mistaken what she is :laugh:

12-20-2014, 02:18 PM
No confusion here. Don't ask dumb questions and I might answer them. :)

What was dumb was the assertion that he "chose" to be black. As simple as that.

BO sucks.

The assertion he chose to be "black" is not dumb. Speaking in ebonics, being lawless, being anti-American are all choices. Don't you know that in the "'hood" that getting good grades in school brings accusations of being too "white"?

12-20-2014, 04:27 PM
Um no he was always mixed, he decided he was back when it suited him, and it choose to stay that route when he pulled the Mooch into his life, because there is certainly no mistaken what she is :laugh:

He's pretty much black. I will concede that he chose to suck. :)

The assertion he chose to be "black" is not dumb. Speaking in ebonics, being lawless, being anti-American are all choices. Don't you know that in the "'hood" that getting good grades in school brings accusations of being too "white"?

Read the original post I quoted, it was dumb.

12-20-2014, 06:10 PM
OMG, I asked a person to get something from a store shelf just today cause I'm barley five foot.

they didn't have a problem and I thanked them and wished them a Merry Christmas.

I can't stand the Obama's they are shameful in there RACE hustling . I don't know how they stand themselves

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-20-2014, 06:11 PM
"Treated Like The Help"?

What a crock of shit.

Number One: Obama chose to be 'Black'; only 1/4 of his bloodline is Negroid. If he was so
great as a State Senator, representing Chicago - and then a U.S. Senator representing Illinois,
why is Chicago one of the worst Black on Black crime cities in the nation? Community Organizer My ass. Using Al Sharpton as an advisor and consultant? I saw Sharpton on a street corner in the Bronx, in the winter 1979, dressed in a full 3-piece suit with a fur overcoat and hat, 3 huge well-dressed body guards - telling the thread-bare people there to contribute to him to make his "church"and message effective for their "Rights". Those Black folks did not have a jacket or blanket to warm them, but stood there as this rich 25 year old street preacher begged them for support.

Number Two: Michelle, just like Hillary, was not elected. She is a hateful gassbag.

Number Three: The President *is* supposed to be "The Help" of the entire population of this nation, not just a narrow-banded few. Instead, his past connections with urban terrorists and subversives seems to drive his mindset.

Number Four: No concept of the military or law enforcement - never serving with either.

Number Five: Never lived up to any of his promise to be "Transparent"...

Number Six: My opinion....Leave his children out of all discussions.

I have nothing but contempt for that Pretender! He is a False Prophet!

You cannot give Reputation to the same post twice.-- :salute: :beer: --Tyr

12-20-2014, 06:28 PM
The problem isn't white racism against blacks but blacks feeling entitled to be treated better than white folk.

12-20-2014, 06:38 PM
He's pretty much black. I will concede that he chose to suck. :)

Again he has always been Mixed and yes his education came along because he was black but no he was mixed and he lived the life of a white kid until it suited him , but yup he does suck :laugh:

Read the original post I quoted, it was dumb.


12-20-2014, 08:07 PM
OMG, I asked a person to get something from a store shelf just today cause I'm barley five foot.

they didn't have a problem and I thanked them and wished them a Merry Christmas.

I can't stand the Obama's they are shameful in there RACE hustling . I don't know how they stand themselves

Oh wow: A spinner! :waltz:

12-21-2014, 09:25 AM
If someone is made up of multiple races, and one of them is only 1/4 of that bloodline, then what made the decision to more or less go with the one race? I suppose based on his outward appearance of being a black man? I have no issue with that. But I do have issue with that - since he turned around and tossed grandma under the bus, with other relatives. I'm not saying he needs to celebrate whatever else is in him, but I do believe there was an effort made by himself and his handlers to make him "more black" for the elections. If he wasn't a black man, no way in hell he gets elected. Now, obviously he is the race he is based on nature, he didn't "choose" to be a black man in that sense. But I truly do believe that his blackness was used as a tool at times. So with that said, enjoy being "the help".

They'll be leaving the WH likely with millions, with untold millions waiting in the wings in appearances and books. Probably awesome houses and cars, the best of the best - and not to mention secret service detail for life. But, even with that, I'm sure we'll hear every now and again about what poor mistreated black people they are.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-21-2014, 09:34 AM
OMG, I asked a person to get something from a store shelf just today cause I'm barley five foot.

they didn't have a problem and I thanked them and wished them a Merry Christmas.

I can't stand the Obama's they are shameful in there RACE hustling . I don't know how they stand themselves

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) -example= Obama!!!!!

---:beer: :salute: :beer:

12-21-2014, 12:11 PM
BO sucks but this is just dumb:

And how is it "Just Dumb"? He could gave chosen Caucasian/Arab or White.

Just as I could choose Seneca due to the blooline on my mother's side of the family.

12-21-2014, 12:52 PM
If someone is made up of multiple races, and one of them is only 1/4 of that bloodline...

Just one drop... :scared:

And how is it "Just Dumb"? He could gave chosen Caucasian/Arab or White.

Just as I could choose Seneca due to the blooline on my mother's side of the family.


12-21-2014, 03:46 PM
And how is it "Just Dumb"? He could gave chosen Caucasian/Arab or White.

Just as I could choose Seneca due to the blooline on my mother's side of the family.

If Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren can do it so can you. It apparently gives you a leg up if you apply to Harvard.

12-21-2014, 07:21 PM
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself."
Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) -example= Obama!!!!!

---:beer: :salute: :beer:

I think so.

12-21-2014, 07:22 PM
Oh wow: A spinner! :waltz:

