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View Full Version : Students at George Washington University signed a petition that calls for President O

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-21-2014, 06:13 PM
I placed this in the religion and ethics forum because it highlights the absolute lack of both. These idiots are signing a petition to deport a citizen to be replaced by an illegal ! They do this either know or not caring about the person that's to be deported to make way for the new arrival.
Folks , this is what universities are teaching out kids--this insanity and failure to understand even the simplest concepts.
Its why I have pure contempt for most college graduates, they are dumb as hell and it is they that will completely destroy this nation as it was founded.
Tis why the liberals and Marxists control our education system. They can wage a war on us without firing a shot!!!
This they have done now for over 3 decades!

Check the video at the link and try not to cry after watching it.. For it truly says we are doomed...
These people must be fought and fought seriously right now!!! --Tyr


Students at George Washington University signed a petition that calls for President Obama to deport an American citizen in exchange for an illegal immigrant.

Campus Reform created the fictitious petition to see how students would react. Shockingly, in just one hour at the university, they were able to get signatures from more than two-thirds of the students they spoke to.

Campus Reform's Caleb Bonham joined Tucker Carlson on "Fox and Friends Weekend" this morning to discuss what's going on at college campuses across the country.

"What if you constructed a system for $50,000 a year, your child could learn to hate you and the country they grew up in?" Carlson remarked.

Bonham said the reason there are so many petition-gatherers on campuses is that college students will sign their name to anything that has any "progressive political jargon" on it.

"These are the people who are going to be leading the country."

Students Sign Petition to Deport U.S. Citizens in Exchange for Illegal Aliens

These are the people that make up the dem party, the media and the so-called elites, so-called enlightened people...
Idiots are about as smart as a damn box of rocks!!!
I was far more educated by my sophomore year in high school than those pieces of stupidity shown in that video signing that outrageous act..
I knew better than to sign such a thing when I was 10 years old!!! Yet these buffoons haven't a damn clue.
Thank you dem/lib education system. --Tyr