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12-22-2014, 08:45 AM
How academia's liberal bias is killing social science (http://theweek.com/article/index/273736/how-academias-liberal-bias-is-killing-social-science)

I have had the following experience more than once: I am speaking with a professional academic who is a liberal. The subject of the underrepresentation of conservatives in academia comes up. My interlocutor admits that this is indeed a reality, but says the reason why conservatives are underrepresented in academia is because they don't want to be there, or they're just not smart enough to cut it. I say: "That's interesting. For which other underrepresented groups do you think that's true?" An uncomfortable silence follows.

I point this out not to score culture-war points, but because it's actually a serious problem. Social sciences and humanities cannot be completely divorced from the philosophy of those who practice it. And groupthink causes some questions not to be asked, and some answers not to be overly scrutinized. It is making our science worse. Anyone who cares about the advancement of knowledge and science should care about this problem.


The authors first note the well-known problems of groupthink in any collection of people engaged in a quest for the truth: uncomfortable questions get suppressed, confirmation bias runs amok, and so on.

12-22-2014, 11:54 AM
How academia's liberal bias is killing social science (http://theweek.com/article/index/273736/how-academias-liberal-bias-is-killing-social-science)

Totally on mark. There are few universities that actually allow conservative voices, much less encourage them. Indeed, conservative students learn quickly to regurgitate back what is expected or they will suffer repercussions.

Having begun my university studies in mid-70's, it wasn't always that way.

12-22-2014, 12:28 PM
Totally on mark. There are few universities that actually allow conservative voices, much less encourage them. Indeed, conservative students learn quickly to regurgitate back what is expected or they will suffer repercussions.

Having begun my university studies in mid-70's, it wasn't always that way.

One of the things I really enjoyed about moving from Rhode Island to Texas is that instead of "Social Studies" in grade school, my sons are learning Texas History and American History. It was nice to bring their lessons to life by visiting the Alamo last month. I suggested they ask a trick question at school: "From what country did we gain our independence?" The correct answer is Mexico.