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View Full Version : Al Sharpton playing the victim?

12-22-2014, 10:02 AM
Poor Al Sharpton is the victim in all this, the poor guy who had people screaming for death of police officers is now surprised that he is getting death threats:rolleyes: Seriously nobody can be that stupid.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=3956489710001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>

12-22-2014, 10:53 AM
Had to laugh... WTF is on that woman's head to the right? A dead Cocker Spaniel?

12-22-2014, 02:50 PM
Poor Al Sharpton is the victim in all this, the poor guy who had people screaming for death of police officers is now surprised that he is getting death threats:rolleyes: Seriously nobody can be that stupid.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=3956489710001&w=466&h=263"></script><iframe src="//video.foxnews.com/v/video-embed.html?video_id=3956489710001&loc=debatepolicy.com&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.debatepolicy.com%2Fnewreply.p hp" width="466" height="263" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>

I saw this faker and liar as a street preacher in the Bronx back around 1982. He does not have the common sense of a sewer rat (no offense to sewer rats).

He thinks people have forgotten Tawney Bradley and the Duke Lacrosse Team! Wrong!

12-22-2014, 02:53 PM
Had to laugh... WTF is on that woman's head to the right? A dead Cocker Spaniel?

Beat hard with an ugly stick and and shaved with sheep shears!

12-22-2014, 03:01 PM
That ole racist fool furgot that ole adage, "be careful what you wish for"!!! I won't shed a tear when that thievin "not so sharpton" is gone and neither should the black community!!!

12-22-2014, 03:31 PM
That ole racist fool furgot that ole adage, "be careful what you wish for"!!! I won't shed a tear when that thievin "not so sharpton" is gone and neither should the black community!!!

I have to wonder why he isn't ostracized from the black community. He's a joke of sorts around the nation, and everyone knows he is a race baiter, and yet there he remains and involved in 99% of cases - and of course only the cases where he can invoke the race card. This man has single handedly screwed up race relations more than any other single human being alive.

The only reasonable response I can recall as of late was Garner's family telling him to take a hike and that they didn't want him at the funeral. He was not going to go there because he felt bad, or had a heavy heart for the guy - but just to get attention and instigate tension.

12-22-2014, 04:20 PM
Al Sharpton has been proven to be the cause of screwing up, a One Car Funeral. Everything he touches turns to Sh*t, and he breaks mirrors just because...HE CAN.

12-22-2014, 08:42 PM
I have to wonder why he isn't ostracized from the black community. He's a joke of sorts around the nation, and everyone knows he is a race baiter, and yet there he remains and involved in 99% of cases - and of course only the cases where he can invoke the race card. This man has single handedly screwed up race relations more than any other single human being alive.

The only reasonable response I can recall as of late was Garner's family telling him to take a hike and that they didn't want him at the funeral. He was not going to go there because he felt bad, or had a heavy heart for the guy - but just to get attention and instigate tension.

He is the far worst race-baiter, instigator, Liar, exaggerator in the whole issue of race relations. Jesse Jackson is mild compared to Al "Not-So- SHARpton"!

I just gotta wonder - where can I get one of those 'Reverend' Tags he foists over everyone?

12-22-2014, 08:59 PM