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View Full Version : Biden to attend funeral for murdered NY police officer

12-24-2014, 07:09 AM
So Obama has asked slow Joe to go in his place, I think Obama ought to be there after all his race baiting ass is what got these cops killed but hell he is to busy enjoying himself on Vacation to be bothered, Obama has done more to destroy race relations and well this Country than any one single man I can recall in my lifetime ( yes I am sure someone will remind me of someone else of equal idiocy )

HONOLULU – Vice President Biden plans to be among the mourners at the funeral for a New York City policemen gunned down last weekend.
The White House says President Obama has asked Biden to attend Saturday's service for Rafael Ramos at Christ Tabernacle Church in Glendale, New York. Biden's wife will also attend.
Ramos and his partner, Wenjian Liu, were ambushed Saturday. The gunman claimed he was retaliating for the police-involved deaths of Eric Garner in New York and Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. He later shot himself.


12-24-2014, 09:20 AM
One could look at this as a money and face saver.

Flying El Jefe round trip would add up quickly and if he DID go, then the Communist at the helm of New Jerk City would also attend.

Not to mention the race baiter in chief, the not so reverend Al Dullton.

So having good ol Bumbling Joe attend would be the lesser of all evils to me. :wink2:

12-24-2014, 02:15 PM
One could look at this as a money and face saver.

Flying El Jefe round trip would add up quickly and if he DID go, then the Communist at the helm of New Jerk City would also attend.

Not to mention the race baiter in chief, the not so reverend Al Dullton.

So having good ol Bumbling Joe attend would be the lesser of all evils to me. :wink2:

Good Point !!

12-24-2014, 06:53 PM
Just a thought but....how fitting it would be for the NYPD honor guard at the funeral to plant Banana peels around the burial site...at least close to Joe Biden for a slippery slide to save more Taxpayer dollars?????:laugh2: