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View Full Version : White House has shut down their phone numbers for comments on the Immigration Bill

06-25-2007, 06:16 PM
WTF? Here is an email I just got from the Washoe County Republican Party Chairwoman.

We were shocked to see that the immigration bill is being resurrected one more time in the Senate. For those who haven’t yet been fully apprised of the contents of this bill, I have attached a news commentary (video) by Lou Dobbs that explains some of the highlights of the bill. This bill goes against our platform – what the Washoe County Republican Party stands for.

If you want to voice your opinion on this bill, you may contact our Senators and Representatives at:

John Ensign (775) 686-5770 or (202) 224-6244

Harry Reid (775) 686-5750 or (202) 224-3542

Dean Heller (775) 686-5760 or (202) 225-6155

White House They have shut down their phone numbers for comments on this bill.

Are they really tired of the American People telling them they are wrong?

06-25-2007, 06:20 PM
Here is another email I just got on this.

A critical vote on the Senate Amnesty bill will happen in a matter of hours!

And, Senator Ted Kennedy and his Republican camp followers believe they can win this time, in part because they are convinced that you and I aren't as committed to defeating this bill to grant amnesty to 12-20 million illegal aliens as they are to passing it.

But they're dead wrong. The Senate will address the issue of giving amnesty to 12-20 million illegal aliens as early as Tuesday... possibly hours from the time you read this letter!


Here's why:

Our side has picked up several GOP senators who, over the last several days, have heard the voice of the people loud and clear and have changed their minds about amnesty.

Last week, we reported to you that we had as many as 27 votes -- of the 40 needed -- to STOP amnesty. Now we may have as many as 32-33 votes... we need to solidify the position of those Senators who have come over to your way of thinking and convert the rest -- AND IT CAN BE DONE!

Johnny Isakson and Saxby Chambliss, Georgia's two senators -- who like Senator John Cornyn were part of the infamous backroom deal cut several weeks back -- have issued a joint statement saying they will support a filibuster of the bill.

The defection of Cornyn, Isakson and Chambliss is a testament to the power of your calls and faxes!

Another strong amnesty supporter, Kay Bailey Hutchison, senator from Texas, has likewise announced her opposition to amnesty.

The main reason why these senators will vote right next time is because you told them to do it.

More of these senators can be swayed, BUT THE CLOCK IS TICKING! WE MUST ACT NOW!

Last week we had as many as 27 votes against amnesty in the United States Senate. Now we may have 32-33 votes against amnesty in the United States Senate. We need 40 to STOP cloture and STOP amnesty. That means another 7-8 more Senators must vote your way.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized 23 Blast Fax Messages to the Members of the United States Senate who have recently come to our side -- we need these Senators to stand firm and we must solidify their position -- and the senators that can still be influenced or are sitting on the fence... it only takes 40!

Make sure to write the couple of Senators they mentioned in this letter and make sure they will still vote no! I spent the last day and a half personally emailing every Senator begging them to vote no. I even emailed some Crongressmen and women and Governors.

06-25-2007, 06:28 PM
Just 22% Favor Stalled Immigration Bill

Monday, June 25, 2007
As the Senate prepares to resume debate the “comprehensive” immigration reform bill, the legislation continues to face broad public opposition. In fact, despite a massive White House effort, public opinion has barely moved since the public uproar stalled the bill just over two weeks ago.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 22% of American voters currently favor the legislation. That’s down a point from 23% a couple of weeks ago and down from 26% when the debate in the Senate began. Fifty percent (50%) oppose the Senate bill while 28% are not sure.

Among the public, there is a bi-partisan lack of enthusiasm for the Senate bill. It is supported by 22% of Republicans, 23% of Democrats, and 22% of those not affiliated with either major party. It is opposed by 52% of Republicans, 50% of Democrats, and 48% of unaffiliateds.

From an ideological perspective, the bill is opposed by 59% of conservatives, 54% of liberals, and 45% of political moderates. Among those for whom none of the traditional ideological labels apply, just 20% are opposed.

Support is found from 20% of conservatives, 32% of liberals, and 18% of moderates.

Just 32% believe it would be better to pass the current bill instead of doing nothing. Forty-five percent (45%) believe it would be better to pass nothing at all.

If the current bill passed, 71% of American voters believe that another bill would be required to focus on securing the border and reducing illegal immigration. That’s up from 65% in our previous survey.

Rasmussen Reports and other firms have consistently found majority support for a hypothetical bill combining border security and legalized status for the 12 million or so illegal aliens already in the country. However, the data has also shown a huge gap between support for the actual legislation and a hypothetical bill. The reason for the gap is simple—reducing illegal immigration is the first priority for voters but only 16% believe the Senate bill would reduce illegal immigration. In fact, 41% believe the Senate bill would make things worse and lead to even more illegal immigration.

Rasmussen Reports was the first polling firm to document the broad public opposition to the Senate bill. Since then, the findings have been confirmed by and NBC/Wall Street Journal survey and by the Democratic polling firm Greenberg Quinlan. Even polls touted by supporters of the legislation showed a strong desire for more serious enforcement measures. A CBS News/New York Times survey, found that 69% of Americans want illegal aliens prosecuted and deported.

Just 15% of voters say that President Bush is doing a good or an excellent job on the immigration issue. That’s even lower than his ratings on Iraq. Senator John McCain, a man visibly and vocally identified with the Senate bill, has seen his poll numbers collapse across the board. The man once considered the dominant frontrunner for the GOP nomination is now a distant third in the polls and struggling to stay in double digits. Over the past month, McCain has lost a net ten points to Hillary Clinton in general election match-ups and just 16% of all voters say they would definitely vote for McCain if he is on the 2008 ballot.

Earlier surveys have shown that 72% of voters consider increasing border security and reducing illegal immigration to be Very Important. Just 29% say the same about legalizing the status of illegal aliens.

Call, Call, Call.. email, fax..:salute:

06-26-2007, 06:29 AM


The Morning Outlook [Byron York]

As the big day dawns, a plugged-in Senate source says it appears there will be between 60 and 64 votes for cloture on the immigration bill, that is, votes to move the bill forward. The same source says there will likely be a smaller number of votes — perhaps a bill-killing less than 60 — for the second cloture test to come later this week.

06/26 07:24 AM