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View Full Version : Stolen valor caught on camera

12-27-2014, 09:35 AM
These people that would do this are poor excuses for human beings, Our soldiers are hero's and deserve the ultimate respect when they come home, a person that would try to steal Valor will never amount to anything in life, what a shame.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=3961446381001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>

red state
12-27-2014, 10:28 AM
Exactly!!!!!! Some idiot on this board said and has repeated that these guys aren't doing anything terribly bad or deserving of harsh punishment. This is DEAD WRONG and I'll repeat what I've said: These scum are profiting from our BEST as well as those who honor our BEST (like the cup of coffee that was generously discounted or GIVEN to this FAKE). It is fraud and should be punishable under the strictest sentence allowable by law. Who's to say that some Conservative (like me or any one of us here at DP) hadn't passed this guy a $100.oo for Christmas. Don't count on a liberal doing that but yet these scum, like the liberals, feed off of other folk's good nature and hard earned money. Yep, I've said it before but if the law fines them $1,000, gives them 20 lashes, throws them UNDER the jail or all of the above.......I say DO IT! If the penalty is (as another good member here at DP has stated) force them to go through BootCamp or be in the same, closed-off room with a soldier who's tired of the stolen valor and needs to work off some anger after having lost friends over seas......I'm all for that too.

What SCUM....they could at least do like I've seen one fraud do. That guy at least had enough integrity that he admitted: "OK, you got me." but this guy and most of them will try to lie to cover a lie (like the LIAR n CHIEF that we REAL Americans NEVER, EVER voted for). Not once did we even consider voting for this guy so shame on you SCUM who voted for him and shame on these SCUM who profit (mentally or financially) from our BEST.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-27-2014, 10:36 AM
These people that would do this are poor excuses for human beings, Our soldiers are hero's and deserve the ultimate respect when they come home, a person that would try to steal Valor will never amount to anything in life, what a shame.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=3961446381001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>

Every guy caught doing that should be exposed for the fraud that he is , be it in person or on the internet!!!
I've been called down for exposing such frauds but I'll never stop doing so. It is just not in me to ignore it and let the lying weasels get by with it..
And yes we have had them come here with that crap.
I'll gladly take being perma-banned before I'll yield to not calling such scum out!
When people come on with multiple knife kills, secret missions, "I can't talk about it", I am so brave--such a hero is ME, ETC., but then they immediately keep referencing it etc..
All those are massive red flags to me and anybody not gullible ..
Then when call out on it, suddenly they disappear, to never return--you know they were as fake as a damn three dollar bill!!
"multiple knife kills", etc., I asked--don't they use guns anymore(?).. - :rofl1: --Tyr

12-27-2014, 02:13 PM
Nobody wanted to pay attention to my post about this stuff two weeks ago. And now...this becomes big news?

Never mind. Not worth the effort anymore.

12-27-2014, 02:29 PM
Nobody wanted to pay attention to my post about this stuff two weeks ago. And now...this becomes big news?

Never mind. Not worth the effort anymore.

I normally do. Was it buried in a thread? Where did you make this post, can you link to it?

12-27-2014, 02:36 PM
Not going to make any difference since it seems nobody really cared anyhow, unless they could somehow get the same kind of glory the Phony Hero's wanted.


12-28-2014, 10:27 AM
Nobody wanted to pay attention to my post about this stuff two weeks ago. And now...this becomes big news?

Never mind. Not worth the effort anymore.

Not going to make any difference since it seems nobody really cared anyhow, unless they could somehow get the same kind of glory the Phony Hero's wanted.


At I remember the post you are talking about ( I actually watched it on Liveleak before you even posted it ) and I did respond to it then saying how wrong it was, this is a complete different case, I had never seen this case before and added it because after seeing the first ( the one you had posted ) I realized just how it effected Vets.

If the second post about getting phony glory is a cheap swipe at me then so be it ( yea I had a bunch of different things I wanted to say ) but hey man if that's how ya feel that is fine, for now on if I see something about the military I will leave it alone this way when you find it you can post it :rolleyes: But how about lets make this the last time we take cheap shots at me buddy because I am not going to stay so nice !

12-28-2014, 02:14 PM
Nobody wanted to pay attention to my post about this stuff two weeks ago. And now...this becomes big news?

Never mind. Not worth the effort anymore.

Contact me and lead me there...I will be happy to reply.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-28-2014, 02:31 PM
Not going to make any difference since it seems nobody really cared anyhow, unless they could somehow get the same kind of glory the Phony Hero's wanted.

I searched military forum and could not find it. Then searched your old posts back to Dec.10th and still did not find it.
Can you post a link?
Did I comment on it??
I've missed tons of posts these last 10 weeks....

Don Shipley is real deal for sure... --Tyr

12-28-2014, 02:43 PM
At I remember the post you are talking about ( I actually watched it on Liveleak before you even posted it ) and I did respond to it then saying how wrong it was, this is a complete different case, I had never seen this case before and added it because after seeing the first ( the one you had posted ) I realized just how it effected Vets.

If the second post about getting phony glory is a cheap swipe at me then so be it ( yea I had a bunch of different things I wanted to say ) but hey man if that's how ya feel that is fine, for now on if I see something about the military I will leave it alone this way when you find it you can post it :rolleyes: But how about lets make this the last time we take cheap shots at me buddy because I am not going to stay so nice !
My apologies to anyone who may have been offended by my remarks. No cheap shots intended. Just tired of seeing how so many phonies, from all walks of life seem to think they are above honesty, and would rather pretend...like Obama, to be something they are not.

I used the wrong words, and I am sorry for that. But sometimes it seems. Unless members take time to read posts, rather than ignoring them. They won't be repeating what others have already said.

Personally. I honestly appreciate everyone who knows the value of everyone who HONESTLY served in the military here. But I get turned-off by some who try to always be the first to say something, without checking.
Hope you know what I mean.

12-28-2014, 04:50 PM
Contact me and lead me there...I will be happy to reply.

I searched military forum and could not find it. Then searched your old posts back to Dec.10th and still did not find it.
Can you post a link?
Did I comment on it??
I've missed tons of posts these last 10 weeks....

Don Shipley is real deal for sure... --Tyr

My apologies to anyone who may have been offended by my remarks. No cheap shots intended. Just tired of seeing how so many phonies, from all walks of life seem to think they are above honesty, and would rather pretend...like Obama, to be something they are not.

I used the wrong words, and I am sorry for that. But sometimes it seems. Unless members take time to read posts, rather than ignoring them. They won't be repeating what others have already said.

Personally. I honestly appreciate everyone who knows the value of everyone who HONESTLY served in the military here. But I get turned-off by some who try to always be the first to say something, without checking.
Hope you know what I mean.

NP AT all is cool

First off let me say I know AT did post a report about stolen Valor, I replied to it and nope I can't find it either, but it was about a nit wit in the mall that was making believe to be a soldier, this is a different guy all together so in my eyes yup same deal but another idiot. Now with that said what escpecially bothered me this morning was I have never served but folks like At, Gaffer, NamVet, DMP and a host of others ( sorry if I missed your name here ) that do or have posted here have my up most respect for there service to this country, see this A$$hole that is making believe he is a soldier here isn't taking anything from me but he is to the Vets I have mentioned and anyone of our hero's that have served or are serving !! So did I know there had been a post yes, but this is a different one and if there is another idiot doing it tomorrow I will post that as well out of respect for the Hero's that truly deserve that respect, so if that is me trying to be first so be it but I think I have made myself clear and I think all is cool, it would be just like if another riot broke out, yup I would post it, not trying to be first ( we have all seen there are many post about riots ) but I would post it because I feel it is worthy of discussing and bringing it to everyone's attention !!

red state
12-28-2014, 10:24 PM
I also remember AT's post (THREAD) and believe I commented on it. I'm not going to worry with "relocating" it just as I'm not concerned with others using a close match to what I may have posted in times past. I'm just glad GREAT MINDS think alike and will be happy to leave it there.

It would be nice to see what I had written in that post cuz I'm pretty darn sure it was close to what Tyr wrote for this thread today. The great mind thingy again. HA!

12-28-2014, 11:17 PM
I also remember AT's post (THREAD) and believe I commented on it. I'm not going to worry with "relocating" it just as I'm not concerned with others using a close match to what I may have posted in times past. I'm just glad GREAT MINDS think alike and will be happy to leave it there.

It would be nice to see what I had written in that post cuz I'm pretty darn sure it was close to what Tyr wrote for this thread today. The great mind thingy again. HA!

Yes he did post about Stolen Valor BUT it was a different case !!!!! I did read the one he posted and I did post to the thread BUT again this is a complete different case, the one AT posted about took place in a shopping Mall this takes place in the airport, I really don't see any issue of it being posted at all. I mean we are now at the point here where where once a article has been posted about a subject it is dead? Hell if that is the case then it is time to shut down all political debate forums, Hell shut down all forums, think about it, we had a presidential election 2 plus years ago, heck it was a Dem and a Rep that ran against each other, so do we now put elections in the no post list ???

Man think about this whole thing, we have 10,000 Muslim stories ( and so we know , I do understand where as Jim asked to put them all in one thread ) but Dam this is the 2nd article on stolen Valor, well except where some think a poster was doing so, this is the second Known case that I remember seeing posted, where we suppose to stop after the first beheading? What about all the different Ferguson stories , hell if we are now to only post one story on any given subject like I said this board is done as well as any other like it, all the news has been reported, time to give this trash a rest maybe. I was bored tonight and read back through some old threads and I was so board I even read some of LN's rant of the day and I seen a couple of post warning about issues, and they where by good posters that I don't see near as much if at all anymore, again I was under the under standing that we reported on news today I didn't realize once a subject was covered it was over, my apologies to the board Y'all have fun :rolleyes::laugh::rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-29-2014, 12:37 AM
Yes he did post about Stolen Valor BUT it was a different case !!!!! I did read the one he posted and I did post to the thread BUT again this is a complete different case, the one AT posted about took place in a shopping Mall this takes place in the airport, I really don't see any issue of it being posted at all. I mean we are now at the point here where where once a article has been posted about a subject it is dead? Hell if that is the case then it is time to shut down all political debate forums, Hell shut down all forums, think about it, we had a presidential election 2 plus years ago, heck it was a Dem and a Rep that ran against each other, so do we now put elections in the no post list ???

Man think about this whole thing, we have 10,000 Muslim stories ( and so we know , I do understand where as Jim asked to put them all in one thread ) but Dam this is the 2nd article on stolen Valor, well except where some think a poster was doing so, this is the second Known case that I remember seeing posted, where we suppose to stop after the first beheading? What about all the different Ferguson stories , hell if we are now to only post one story on any given subject like I said this board is done as well as any other like it, all the news has been reported, time to give this trash a rest maybe. I was bored tonight and read back through some old threads and I was so board I even read some of LN's rant of the day and I seen a couple of post warning about issues, and they where by good posters that I don't see near as much if at all anymore, again I was under the under standing that we reported on news today I didn't realize once a subject was covered it was over, my apologies to the board Y'all have fun :rolleyes::laugh::rolleyes:

I agree, different story , different thread. I see no need or justification for anybody to complain..
I appreciate that you post this one my friend as it needs to be addressed and is a subject some of us are very interested in!
I've seen no mandatory limit on discussing a topic nor a regulation that once a topic has been posted then others may not post on the same subject.. Happens often and the mods combine them but if they are months or weeks apart and the posted articles are different they often let them stand separate.
No need for you to apologize to any of us my friend.. Myself, I'd be pissed if your thread was removed or else dismissed as a duplicate..
Nobody is complaining when others post constantly defending gays, muslims ,dumbass dems , liberals ,Obama etc.. etc..
News is news and new articles rate separately IMHO.
This board dies IMHO if we start saying no more--that's been posted before!!
Look how many different threads are on Iraq war, A-stan war, WMD's etc.. , Black riots and stupidity, racism, gay rights etc.. --Tyr

red state
12-29-2014, 10:50 AM
Yes he did post about Stolen Valor BUT it was a different case !!!!! I did read the one he posted and I did post to the thread BUT again this is a complete different case, the one AT posted about took place in a shopping Mall this takes place in the airport, I really don't see any issue of it being posted at all. I mean we are now at the point here where where once a article has been posted about a subject it is dead? Hell if that is the case then it is time to shut down all political debate forums, Hell shut down all forums, think about it, we had a presidential election 2 plus years ago, heck it was a Dem and a Rep that ran against each other, so do we now put elections in the no post list ???

Man think about this whole thing, we have 10,000 Muslim stories ( and so we know , I do understand where as Jim asked to put them all in one thread ) but Dam this is the 2nd article on stolen Valor, well except where some think a poster was doing so, this is the second Known case that I remember seeing posted, where we suppose to stop after the first beheading? What about all the different Ferguson stories , hell if we are now to only post one story on any given subject like I said this board is done as well as any other like it, all the news has been reported, time to give this trash a rest maybe. I was bored tonight and read back through some old threads and I was so board I even read some of LN's rant of the day and I seen a couple of post warning about issues, and they where by good posters that I don't see near as much if at all anymore, again I was under the under standing that we reported on news today I didn't realize once a subject was covered it was over, my apologies to the board Y'all have fun :rolleyes::laugh::rolleyes:

I agree and only piped in to express my appreciation for all who speaks out and wished to opine my take on how we all should be more expressive with little to no care as to what has been said previously. I see what I've accurately posted from years ago to this day and am simply pleased that I have those in my corner who believe as I do.

12-29-2014, 02:54 PM
First off let me say I know AT did post a report about stolen Valor, I replied to it and nope I can't find it either, but it was about a nit wit in the mall that was making believe to be a soldier

That's exactly it right there. There are no "duplicate" posts here, just multiple videos on the same subject, but 2 different stories. Unfortunately, not every post in every thread will get a response. I often post in the midst of a debate and my words get ignored. It happens. Not a big deal.

There was also yet another video of not that long ago where another guy was being questioned by 2 soldiers after leaving a building somewhere, just remember it was in a parking lot, and they nailed him for several reasons regarding his uniform and his answers.

12-29-2014, 03:02 PM
That's exactly it right there. There are no "duplicate" posts here, just multiple videos on the same subject, but 2 different stories. Unfortunately, not every post in every thread will get a response. I often post in the midst of a debate and my words get ignored. It happens. Not a big deal.

There was also yet another video of not that long ago where another guy was being questioned by 2 soldiers after leaving a building somewhere, just remember it was in a parking lot, and they nailed him for several reasons regarding his uniform and his answers.

Now that you bring that up I do remember that one as well.

12-30-2014, 08:32 AM
Every one of those asshats need to be called out... every single one and every single time. A soldier/Marine/sailor/Coastie embellishing their service is one thing (at least they served) but some idiot that never had the guts to sign up in the first place and then tries to portray themselves as some sort of hero needs to be .... well, they certainly need to be exposed....

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
12-30-2014, 09:52 AM
Every one of those asshats need to be called out... every single one and every single time. A soldier/Marine/sailor/Coastie embellishing their service is one thing (at least they served) but some idiot that never had the guts to sign up in the first place and then tries to portray themselves as some sort of hero needs to be .... well, they certainly need to be exposed....

That's exactly what I attempt to do myself when seeing obvious signs that a person claims military service yet never served. I start asking questions and have caught flack for it as if I am by some unseen authority not allowed to question the person...
I've always viewed it was my right to decide if I am being lied to by ---asking questions --- and that goes into everyday interaction or cases of stolen valor as well.
My radar hits high gear when others try to shut me down when I ask questions or the person being asked suddenly decides they no longer want to talk about what they spent days and numerous posts bragging about--recent example ," the knife kills clown".. that ran away as soon as he saw others asking questions--dead give away as to what he truly was IMHO. --Tyr