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View Full Version : Google bait and switch

12-29-2014, 12:46 PM
Try doing a Google search on "Asus 279H". It will give you prices for an Asus 239H which is a 23 inch monitor instead of a 27 inch. That's downright dishonest.

12-30-2014, 09:06 PM
Try doing a Google search on "Asus 279H". It will give you prices for an Asus 239H which is a 23 inch monitor instead of a 27 inch. That's downright dishonest.

How is that any different...Honestly; from the President of the United States repeatedly telling Americans "You can keep your Doctor", and "You can keep your health insurance coverage...if you like it?"

How miserable life must be for you, coming here to complain about Google, baiting, and switching?

red state
12-30-2014, 09:46 PM
tell it!!!

12-30-2014, 10:06 PM
Try doing a Google search on "Asus 279H". It will give you prices for an Asus 239H which is a 23 inch monitor instead of a 27 inch. That's downright dishonest.

....or just another fine example of why some folks just don't deserve even minimum wage for the work "product" they submit....been to a fast food joint lately (ESPECIALLY IN THE Era of "O" ) and notice the difficulty encountered getting your order correct?

I'm kinda new here....u bitch about stupid stuff like this often?

Just curious, no offense intended....I'm just sayin'............

12-31-2014, 03:31 AM
How is that any different...Honestly; from the President of the United States repeatedly telling Americans "You can keep your Doctor", and "You can keep your health insurance coverage...if you like it?"

How miserable life must be for you, coming here to complain about Google, baiting, and switching?

It's called a conversation and relating your own experience, something you don't appear capable of doing.

....or just another fine example of why some folks just don't deserve even minimum wage for the work "product" they submit....been to a fast food joint lately (ESPECIALLY IN THE Era of "O" ) and notice the difficulty encountered getting your order correct?

I'm kinda new here....u bitch about stupid stuff like this often?

Just curious, no offense intended....I'm just sayin'............

I just happened to be looking for a second Asus 279H with the intent of going dual monitors. If it really bothers you that much, I could keep it to myself. Why do people say "no offense intended" when telling someone to fuck off?

You might want to consider doing away with fast food like I have. If they can't meet your order specifications, what makes you think they can meet the health department's specifications?

12-31-2014, 04:28 PM
It's called a conversation and relating your own experience, something you don't appear capable of doing.

I just happened to be looking for a second Asus 279H with the intent of going dual monitors. If it really bothers you that much, I could keep it to myself. Why do people say "no offense intended" when telling someone to fuck off?

You might want to consider doing away with fast food like I have. If they can't meet your order specifications, what makes you think they can meet the health department's specifications?

Tailfins. I would never say no offense intended to you. That would be a lie on my part. But I would happily tell you to F off, since it's the only thing you seem to understand.

12-31-2014, 05:06 PM
Tailfins. I would never say no offense intended to you. That would be a lie on my part. But I would happily tell you to F off, since it's the only thing you seem to understand.

Says "Mr. Copy-and-paste" who regresses to fact-free rants when he's tired. Why don't you become a liberal? It's the best thing you could do for the conservative cause.

12-31-2014, 06:25 PM
Says "Mr. Copy-and-paste" who regresses to fact-free rants when he's tired. Why don't you become a liberal? It's the best thing you could do for the conservative cause.

You are right. I tried to copy and paste in trying to be just like you, but acting, sounding, and impersonating you is just like being constipated. Like you, always full of it.

12-31-2014, 10:06 PM
Try doing a Google search on "Asus 279H". It will give you prices for an Asus 239H which is a 23 inch monitor instead of a 27 inch. That's downright dishonest.
I googled it and didn't see a problem. I got pricing between $270 and $280 which sounds about right and over $100 more than the 23" model. Doubt this was a bait and switch. Probably just a bad database link, corrupted index, etc.
Seen crap like that happen plenty of times with the comparatively tiny Gigabyte size databases I have constructed over the years. I shudder at the thought of maintaining a Petabyte or Exabyte size database like Google. Who knows, maybe Google is dealing in Domegemegrottebytes :laugh:

red state
12-31-2014, 11:00 PM
I googled it and didn't see a problem. I got pricing between $270 and $280 which sounds about right and over $100 more than the 23" model. Doubt this was a bait and switch. Probably just a bad database link, corrupted index, etc.
Seen crap like that happen plenty of times with the comparatively tiny Gigabyte size databases I have constructed over the years. I shudder at the thought of maintaining a Petabyte or Exabyte size database like Google. Who knows, maybe Google is dealing in Domegemegrottebytes :laugh:

Yeah, we bought three 40" Koby or Coby a couple years ago for $159 on Amazon for my dad, son and us. When we went back to buy more (after thinking about the GREAT deal) the price had quickly been changed to $690. They goofed.....it happens. We bought a 55" this year (shopping AT style buy actually going to the store) and paid $498.oo. It's a GREAT TV and goes well with my surround time. Oh, I forgot to mention....I'm now in my MANCAVE!!! Did everything myself.

Anyway, if there was ever a bait and switch (OUTRIGHT LIE) it was the election of B.O. Heck, after the stupidity of folks voting B.O. in (TWICE) I'm likely to vote for another Bush just out of spite. WE sure as heck don't seem to be handed any body to vote for anyway so why not enjoy ticking the liberals off. Can you imagine how the liberals will feel with another Bush in OUR White House?! HA! I'm not a Bush fan (any of them) but that would be a blast just to hear and watch the libs have a conniption fit. Of course, I'll probably have a fit or two knowing how the Bush's operate.

12-31-2014, 11:56 PM
Only on this board do we go from crapping on monitor pricing to crapping on Barack Obama :drool2:

01-01-2015, 11:56 AM
For shits sake, can we at least keep tech related threads free of fighting and blaming politicians? This is why some won't post certain things.

01-01-2015, 12:33 PM
For shits sake, can we at least keep tech related threads free of fighting and blaming politicians? This is why some won't post certain things.

Exactly! I TRY to add some variation to my posts. I understand that conflict acts as a mitigant to boredom, but when it lowers to the level of a parrot or a copy-and-paste monkey it adds to boredom rather than mitigating it.

red state
01-01-2015, 02:01 PM
Just saw a thread.....

Post a reply to the thread: Google bait and switch

Forgot that one couldn't use comparisons or voice an opinion as one wished.....or didn't realize the the IGNORE button had been disabled. I actually thought the comparison was relative and had some interest or merit. I'll be more careful of who's post I participate and with whom I respond for 2015. Have a day guys......

01-01-2015, 02:17 PM
Just saw a thread.....

Post a reply to the thread: Google bait and switch

Forgot that one couldn't use comparisons or voice an opinion as one wished.....or didn't realize the the IGNORE button had been disabled. I actually thought the comparison was relative and had some interest or merit. I'll be more careful of who's post I participate and with whom I respond for 2015. Have a day guys......

And yet NONE of that matters. This is a technology forum, NOT a political section. Same as if I post in a sports thread in the sports forum, I don't want the subject changed away from sports to political bullshit. Nor do we need fight starting ASAP when threads get posted.

Abbey Marie
01-01-2015, 03:30 PM
For shits sake, can we at least keep tech related threads free of fighting and blaming politicians? This is why some won't post certain things.

Lol. I remember when Hurricane Sandy was coming directly for our county, and posted that I was worried about a huge tree uphill in our back yard. Someone here gave me crap about posting that. I finally realized that we just don't know how drunk or angry or depressed the person is when they write things.

AND I think twice before posting things.

I am NOT saying anyone in this thread is drunk or angry or depressed!

01-01-2015, 05:12 PM
Lol. I remember when Hurricane Sandy was coming directly for our county, and posted that I was worried about a huge tree uphill in our back yard. Someone here gave me crap about posting that. I finally realized that we just don't know how drunk or angry or depressed the person is when they write things.

AND I think twice before posting things.

I am NOT saying anyone in this thread is drunk or angry or messed up!

Don't EVER think twice about posting things, especially if it's your own experience that others can learn from.

01-01-2015, 08:52 PM
It's called a conversation and relating your own experience, something you don't appear capable of doing.

I just happened to be looking for a second Asus 279H with the intent of going dual monitors. If it really bothers you that much, I could keep it to myself. *Why do people say "no offense intended" when telling someone to fuck off?

You might want to consider doing away with fast food like I have. If they can't meet your order specifications, what makes you think they can meet the health department's specifications?

Never touch the crap myself....*and I DON'T know you, so no offense could be logically intended, and I WASN'T telling YOU (or anyone else for that matter), I was just sayin', like I said, nothing more.


BTW...........what's so "technical" in the topic to begin with, you're just griping? I'd rather you place the focus on why such a thing matters and more so on why you LIKE/PREFER it to another and just WHY. such a difference is that big a difference...seems negligible at best to me.

Then again, I'm a novice (a.k.a. an IT-IDIOT) so THAT would be interesting and helpful.

I'm a conservative. I ask straight forward questions when I DON'T know, and I comment honestly to what I DO know.

I'm not a genius (I'm sure to have just "pre-empted" someone down the road, lol) in politics, or anything...so don't expect Lee Atwatter, but I try to stay informed, and I never INTEND to insult anyone unless they've given me good reason.

I DON'T know you soooooooo....but, that said...I sincerely DO apologize for any offense taken, real or imagined.

Now.....I just happen to be in the market for a new one....dumb as a door nail...I NEVER know if I should go HP or Asus, or Dell, Sony....

01-01-2015, 11:45 PM
Never touch the crap myself....*and I DON'T know you, so no offense could be logically intended, and I WASN'T telling YOU (or anyone else for that matter), I was just sayin', like I said, nothing more.


BTW...........what's so "technical" in the topic to begin with, you're just griping? I'd rather you place the focus on why such a thing matters and more so on why you LIKE/PREFER it to another and just WHY. such a difference is that big a difference...seems negligible at best to me.

Then again, I'm a novice (a.k.a. an IT-IDIOT) so THAT would be interesting and helpful.

I'm a conservative. I ask straight forward questions when I DON'T know, and I comment honestly to what I DO know.

I'm not a genius (I'm sure to have just "pre-empted" someone down the road, lol) in politics, or anything...so don't expect Lee Atwatter, but I try to stay informed, and I never INTEND to insult anyone unless they've given me good reason.

I DON'T know you soooooooo....but, that said...I sincerely DO apologize for any offense taken, real or imagined.

Now.....I just happen to be in the market for a new one....dumb as a door nail...I NEVER know if I should go HP or Asus, or Dell, Sony....

I'm a conservative also, albeit one jaded by 25+ years in corporate America complete with the passive-aggressive/backstabbing way of life. Actually it's the people who don't insult that make me nervous, those are the backstabbers. People who get in your face at least give you a chance to clear the air. Asus is by far the better component manufacturer, by the way.

I'm pretty good at staying out of the way. However, I have watched people tell somebody something is "fine" while the next day making a highly critical written report about that person to a VP.

01-02-2015, 11:09 PM
I'm a conservative also, albeit one jaded by 25+ years in corporate America complete with the passive-aggressive/backstabbing way of life. Actually it's the people who don't insult that make me nervous, those are the backstabbers. People who get in your face at least give you a chance to clear the air. Asus is by far the better component manufacturer, by the way.

I'm pretty good at staying out of the way. However, I have watched people tell somebody something is "fine" while the next day making a highly critical written report about that person to a VP.

Fair enough for me.

About the monitor, I've pretty much said adios to television, 2 damn left 4 me. I'm going to join Netflix and ala carte content that I choose and pay 4, as opposed to some Berkeley grads idea...gnomesayn? Would that brand and unit be best for movies?