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View Full Version : Ferguson Protesters Sing: “Deck The Halls With Rows Of Dead Cops”

12-30-2014, 07:59 AM
Ok another Ferguson story just what everyone wants to see I am sure, but I am posting this because I thought it was funny that the size of the crowd is dropping quickly and folks are arguing with the few idiots left protesting. yes the Christmas songs they choose are wrong but this is dying a slow death I believe ( for now anyway )

Portland protesters blocked the busy intersection of 39th & Belmont, got into several shouting matches with drivers, sung Christmas carol parodies that included "Deck the halls with rows of dead cops" and "Cop free Christmas", chanted "What do we want? NO COPS", got into more shouting and shoving (Progressives Today) - The brave Portland #Ferguson demonstrators were back at it again Saturday evening, as they blocked the busy intersection of SE 39th and Belmont as a way of stickin’ it to the man.
(Progressives Today) - The brave Portland #Ferguson demonstrators were back at it again Saturday evening, as they blocked the busy intersection of SE 39th and Belmont as a way of stickin’ it to the man.
They blocked buses and cars, and got into arguments and physical altercations with several people, including: elderly drivers, disabled bus passengers, a black woman who was trying to pick up her son, and anyone else who dared voice their dissent.
After about 20 minutes of tying up the intersection, the protest moved to nearby Peacock Lane, which is well known for its rows of large Christmas displays. The demonstrators sang parody Christmas carols, which included a brief rendition of “Deck the halls with rows of dead cops.”

<iframe src="//www.youtube.com/embed/X5c2mWY8qpQ" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>


12-30-2014, 05:14 PM
I guess when "you" are jobless and drawing welfare, there is nothing better to do of a night.

The crowd is thinned because all the flat screen TV's that were looted are tuned into MSNBC and Al, The Saint, Shaprton.:laugh: