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View Full Version : `NBPP calls for lifting weights and going to the gun range..............`

01-02-2015, 08:44 PM

`Malik Zulu Shabazz, the former national leader of the New Black Panther Party, said the radical group will “build up an army” in 2015 to combat police, and he predicted coming events “that are gonna seem tragic to white America and may even shock our own consciences,” including the killing of police officers........................
On a recent episode of the New Black Panthers Party’s “Black Power Radio” posted at Breitbart.com, Shabazz, current national president of Black Lawyers for Justice, said:
“Mister Malcolm X, he consistently teaches us self-defense. The most honorable Elijah Muhammad continuously teaches us self-defense. The honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey teaches us self-defense, and we know, our leader and our teacher, the honorable Khalid Abdul Muhammad, teaches us self-defense.
“What am I saying? Right now it’s time to build up that army. Right now it’s time for us to build up those corps, those troops. It’s time to get strong. It’s time for lifting weights and working out and going to the gun range and all of that.”
habazz’s Black Lawyers website promotes the Black Action Network as well as the Nation of Islam, which was founded in Detroit in the 1930s with the stated goal of improving the spiritual, mental, social and economic conditions of blacks. Its critics say it is a black supremacist organization.
WND also reported (http://www.wnd.com/2011/10/351545/) that photographs show President Obama appearing and marching with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama, in March 2007. Among the people visible in the pictures with Obama is Shabazz.`



01-02-2015, 08:46 PM
`If his followers are going to the gun range, it'll be interesting to see what kind of IWB holster they use`


01-02-2015, 08:49 PM
I seen this yesterday, yes they are getting there corps built up :laugh: I am afraid they may want to look in a mirror, they don't have enough on there side to beat a boy scout troop let alone some of these folks that have been preparing for this for years , it will be like shooting fish in a barrel, let them play.

01-02-2015, 08:50 PM
`If his followers are going to the gun range, it'll be interesting to see what kind of IWB holster they use`



they would be targets , they can't move :laugh:

01-02-2015, 08:52 PM
`It'll be a guerrilla war.... ambushes....sneak attacks. And point of fact there's been a few nutters out there already that think they've started it. Surely copycats to follow.

Keep your heads on a swivel guys and Gals....`

01-02-2015, 08:56 PM
`It'll be a guerrilla war.... ambushes....sneak attacks. And point of fact there's been a few nutters out there already that think they've started it. Surely copycats to follow.

Keep your heads on a swivel guys and Gals....`

I believe your right but the article I had showed many responses :laugh: and one hit the nail right on the head, shoot the first one and when he screams the rest will scatter like cock roaches :laugh:

01-02-2015, 08:59 PM
​`Interesting times `WE The people Live in.....

01-02-2015, 09:06 PM
I am posting this address, it is the article I received, read the responses, some are just outright wrong and others spot on.


01-02-2015, 09:18 PM
I seen this yesterday, yes they are getting there corps built up :laugh: I am afraid they may want to look in a mirror, they don't have enough on there side to beat a boy scout troop let alone some of these folks that have been preparing for this for years , it will be like shooting fish in a barrel, let them play.

Knowing the dropout rate among their members, they probably don't spell or compose sentences any better than you either. :p

Some of you that have been replying, do you not also lift weights and go to the gun range? I am guessing that there are a lot more "survivalists" and "militias" than there are Black Panthers. And I am guessing that all of you are equally prejudiced against the other.

01-02-2015, 09:25 PM
Knowing the dropout rate among their members, they probably don't spell or compose sentences any better than you either. :p

Some of you that have been replying, do you not also lift weights and go to the gun range? I am guessing that there are a lot more "survivalists" and "militias" than there are Black Panthers. And I am guessing that all of you are equally prejudiced against the other.
I think yo miss the point Gabs. Most of us go to the gym for our health not so we can intimidate or threaten others. As for the gun range more power to them maybe they will learn a thing or two about respect since most folks who go are generally packing if you know what I mean!!!!

01-02-2015, 09:31 PM
I don't go to the gym or lift weights. But I do occasionally go to the gun range. I do it to retain my skills in case I ever need to defend my family.
There are others at the range that I am not so sure about. They obtain too much pleasure from using their guns. I heard one guy say that he "wished he could do more than just practice shooting." That is pretty scary.

01-02-2015, 09:38 PM
I don't go to the gym or lift weights. But I do occasionally go to the gun range. I do it to retain my skills in case I ever need to defend my family.
There are others at the range that I am not so sure about. They obtain too much pleasure from using their guns. I heard one guy say that he "wished he could do more than just practice shooting." That is pretty scary.
There will always be idiots!!!!!

01-02-2015, 09:42 PM
There will always be idiots!!!!!

`There certainly are friend ....sadly some only follow the few idiots and miss the whole picture`

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-03-2015, 01:46 AM
`If his followers are going to the gun range, it'll be interesting to see what kind of IWB holster they use`


That picture says it all. Anybody that damn stupid to dress like that need to be shot IMHO..
The NBPP had better issue different uniforms..:laugh:

Of course the NBPP plans on having Obama and the big -G backing them up in their lawlessness--as has already been done!!!
A sure sign of treason but hey its col the bam bastard is now the master--right guys???
I mean--he can not be touched and the Republican leadership surrendered to him immediately after winning the biggest election victory in over a hundred years!!
Who says treason, and corruption doesn't pay--check out how Boner even if he loses leadership position will still make out like a king--- with hundreds of millions in the future..
Countless billions unaccounted for and Obama and crew can use them as they see fit..
Folks, we are in the midst of a "revolution" but the bamscum and crew hasn't announced it yet to the gullible masses !!! -Tyr

01-03-2015, 08:18 AM
Knowing the dropout rate among their members, they probably don't spell or compose sentences any better than you either. :p

Some of you that have been replying, do you not also lift weights and go to the gun range? I am guessing that there are a lot more "survivalists" and "militias" than there are Black Panthers. And I am guessing that all of you are equally prejudiced against the other.

Wow you are going to talk about me but yet you show your ignorance once again, Gabby I have proven you wrong so many times it is uncountable at this point so I understand ya being butt hurt but why not when replying to a article read it , that would be a great start, ooo yea and ya might want to stop talking about your degree's because honestly if ya really do have one ( let alone the several you say you have ) your actions are making your school look rather foolish. Now you are correct, I don't have the best education but what I do have is honesty, see I don't have to ride on any ones coat tails or just repeat what they tell me because I am a DimWit from the West Coast, I have a opinion and will give it when ever I want to, see unlike you I do walk proud, I fear little if anything and I hide behind nothing, so if it makes you feel good to try and put me down so be it, but remember this uneducated person has made you look foolish many times :laugh: Happy New year Gabs ( glad to see ya haven't changed your style for the new year ;) )