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View Full Version : Been under the weather

01-06-2015, 11:00 AM
After going to my sisters house for Christmas, I found myself sick the next day, and it just got worse. My Dad said he got sick too, but he was only sick for a day or so. My son got sick for 4-5 days too. But it got me hard and looking back, I should have went to the doctor. I just had no idea it would hit me so hard or last so long. The first few days were headaches, sweating, dizziness, diarrhea, no appetite. All I did was take medication and sleep for nearly a week. Then it turned into a cold. Being run down probably caused the cold. I have no strength at all. I think I'm at the tail end and about coming out of it though. I suppose I just need to start eating and drinking to get some strength.

01-06-2015, 11:16 AM
`Get well Jim....thanks for update.....do what you need to do to get better.`

01-06-2015, 11:34 AM
So what's good to help me get back on my feet and get some strength back? vitamin C? What else?

01-06-2015, 12:04 PM
Chicken Noodle soup. That stuff is magical.

Hope you feel better, man. I've been pretty lucky so far this year.

01-06-2015, 12:11 PM
I'm sorry you have been sick. Having gone through all of that, you can understand how the old and weak can succumb to such illness. Being so sick is indeed serious, but something most of us recover from 100%. Rest and fluids... and chicken soup!

01-06-2015, 01:45 PM
Chicken Noodle soup. That stuff is magical.

Hope you feel better, man. I've been pretty lucky so far this year.

I'm sorry you have been sick. Having gone through all of that, you can understand how the old and weak can succumb to such illness. Being so sick is indeed serious, but something most of us recover from 100%. Rest and fluids... and chicken soup!

I think I need more time but it sucks being stuck resting and taking meds. We got about 1/2 an inch of snow here so far, no big deal. I went out and shoveled the driveway, which sucks as it's on a grade. And the sidewalk, and then salted. I figured that's the least I could do around here after being bedridden so long. But I was a sweaty mess and feeling horrible when I was done. Went and got some "Healthy Choice" chicken noodle soup and came back and took a hot shower, and now eating the soup. And now I feel like I did all the last week again, all run down and shitty. :(

01-06-2015, 01:49 PM
I think I need more time but it sucks being stuck resting and taking meds. We got about 1/2 an inch of snow here so far, no big deal. I went out and shoveled the driveway, which sucks as it's on a grade. And the sidewalk, and then salted. I figured that's the least I could do around here after being bedridden so long. But I was a sweaty mess and feeling horrible when I was done. Went and got some "Healthy Choice" chicken noodle soup and came back and took a hot shower, and now eating the soup. And now I feel like I did all the last week again, all run down and shitty. :(

Again, Jim, I am a long-time Registered Nurse and have seen a lot. The point I was making to you is what you are going through can be deadly. Respect your illness, and although you WILL recover, understand just how serious it can be. Sit there on the couch, watch TV, and do NOTHING strenuous. In time your body will overcome this illness, but you need to do your part to help out.

If I were there I would take care of you. Best wishes, sir.

01-06-2015, 02:22 PM
Again, Jim, I am a long-time Registered Nurse and have seen a lot. The point I was making to you is what you are going through can be deadly. Respect your illness, and although you WILL recover, understand just how serious it can be. Sit there on the couch, watch TV, and do NOTHING strenuous. In time your body will overcome this illness, but you need to do your part to help out.

If I were there I would take care of you. Best wishes, sir.

I think it is true that I don't take illnesses as seriously as I should. Growing up you would just sleep in with the soup and all would be well, and then back out with your friends. Although I did stay in and took meds throughout, I believe I assumed it would just go away. A lot of time was spent doing nothing at all the past few weeks and it left me depressed and feeling useless. So combine that, with the sudden bit of snow - I figured I could just magically go out like I fully recovered.

It's getting harder and harder to recover from colds and flus and such! But you're correct, respect the illness. I didn't fully respect it today and it quickly turned around and bit me. Shoveling snow ALWAYS kicks my ass, regardless of how much snow there is. So thinking I could jump into shoveling, while just on the end of whatever it is I have/had, was just a really dumb move.

I think I'll rest as you said, and do my part by finally eating and nursing myself back to health instead of rushing back into things. Whatever this is I caught grabbed a few of us up here, but kicked my ass the most.

Thanks for the well wishes!! :)

01-06-2015, 05:16 PM
Feel better James

01-06-2015, 09:16 PM
I hope you feel better soon Jim. Sorry you have to go through that


01-06-2015, 09:24 PM
So what's good to help me get back on my feet and get some strength back? vitamin C? What else?

Punching a liberal in the mouth.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-07-2015, 11:08 AM
I think it is true that I don't take illnesses as seriously as I should. Growing up you would just sleep in with the soup and all would be well, and then back out with your friends. Although I did stay in and took meds throughout, I believe I assumed it would just go away. A lot of time was spent doing nothing at all the past few weeks and it left me depressed and feeling useless. So combine that, with the sudden bit of snow - I figured I could just magically go out like I fully recovered.

It's getting harder and harder to recover from colds and flus and such! But you're correct, respect the illness. I didn't fully respect it today and it quickly turned around and bit me. Shoveling snow ALWAYS kicks my ass, regardless of how much snow there is. So thinking I could jump into shoveling, while just on the end of whatever it is I have/had, was just a really dumb move.

I think I'll rest as you said, and do my part by finally eating and nursing myself back to health instead of rushing back into things. Whatever this is I caught grabbed a few of us up here, but kicked my ass the most.

Thanks for the well wishes!! :)

Eat lots of chicken soup, drink lots of cranberry juice to flush the ole pipes, bed rest and take some Thera-flu medicine.
Hope you recover fully soon!!!! -Tyr

01-07-2015, 01:22 PM
Eat lots of chicken soup, drink lots of cranberry juice to flush the ole pipes, bed rest and take some Thera-flu medicine.
Hope you recover fully soon!!!! -Tyr

`This is very good advice Jim ^^^....basically what I do when needed...`

01-07-2015, 03:43 PM
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. And my apologies to anyone if there are any threads I missed. I've not been myself and haven't even really been reading. Feel better today than yesterday, but still not well. Hopefully a little more rest and I'll be back. :)

01-07-2015, 04:42 PM
The flu is brutal this year, and sadly no one is protected since the flu shot had the wrong strain. I thought Nuke and I would never get our strength back, we were both sick for almost 2 weeks. The ER's are full and we're running around like crazy at work.

I just hope my kids stay healthy through this season.

Good luck Jim, the best advise I have is to just stay in bed and try to eat small meals to keep up your strength.

01-08-2015, 12:56 PM
The cold/flu/virus kicked my ass, and what was left in the wake wasn't much nicer. My depression increased for whatever unknown reason and left me with anxiety. Fine, it's happened before, just grin and bear it and it goes away. Well, one of the ways to fight it is with my anti-anxiety meds, which I did. And of course it worked when I took it. But the increases over the past 4-5 days have also increased the serotonin levels in my noggin. Kinda causes things to misfire, maybe feel dizzy at times until things level back out.

Sometimes I hate sharing too much, but it is what it is, and it's who I am and I'm not ashamed. I've said a thousand times that I deal with bipolar. Normally it's nothing I really even have to think about. Sometimes it can come up in weird ways like this and leave you feeling rather shitty. Ever watch a commercial and get really, really sad? Well that happens to me, then leaves a pit feeling in my stomach, which then leads to an anxious feeling and overall anxiety sets in.

So rather than deal with the anxious feelings, I fight it with the medications. Then you get kinda like a medication hangover. The only way out (that works for me) is to kind of just start doing things again, and try to take as long as possible between medicine and get back on my regular level and let my head adjust. So I think whatever was there has more or less found it's way out, and I'm feeling less depressed, I just feel like my head is in a bit of a fog and needs to adjust a little.

Not looking for sympathy when I whine about things like this, please don't anyone think that. It's sometimes a little therapeutic for me to write and keep my brain busy.

01-08-2015, 03:00 PM
To top it off....Steelers.


Glad you're on the up-swing, Jim

01-08-2015, 04:05 PM
To top it off....Steelers.


Glad you're on the up-swing, Jim

Thanks! :)

If I was feeling up to par I would have been heartbroken. The game was just a blur to me. Seemed like the holidays and the games thus far all took a back seat. I must be starting to feel better as I'm looking forward to this weekends games.

01-08-2015, 04:18 PM
Thanks! :)

If I was feeling up to par I would have been heartbroken. The game was just a blur to me. Seemed like the holidays and the games thus far all took a back seat. I must be starting to feel better as I'm looking forward to this weekends games.

I read where Troy Polamalu may have played his last game, I have to admit that bummed me out. Glad your on the Up swing Bro.

01-08-2015, 05:23 PM

01-08-2015, 05:55 PM
I read where Troy Polamalu may have played his last game, I have to admit that bummed me out. Glad your on the Up swing Bro.

Troy, Keisel, Ike Taylor, James Harrison. Out with the old and in with the new.

From about 1pm today until now is the best I've felt in a few weeks. I'm not pushing it, just trying to get back to a semi normal routine and keep my mind occupied. The hard parts are always the lonely nights if you have difficulty sleeping. I'm hoping the progress will lead to better sleep tonight, and the better sleep and eating will help everything else.

01-08-2015, 05:56 PM
And sadly, I couldn't handle her right now, Gabs. :( That's a lot coming from me. I just want to feel better, than I can move forward to bigger and better things. :)

01-09-2015, 08:03 AM
I think I slept good last night. I felt so awesome after taking medicine last night about 9 that I didn't even want to go to bed, for fear of not being able to sleep. But I feel asleep fairly fast and didn't wake till 4 or so when I had to use the bathroom. A little sketchy after that until 7, but that's my normal routine almost. And I must be feeling better as I immediately got up, let the dogs out and am still enjoying some coffee - but not too much.

01-09-2015, 11:32 AM
Just remember, The steelers are ALSO sleeping until late morning...casually sipping coffee as Joe F'in FLACCO plays the patriots :(


Go Patriots!

01-09-2015, 01:21 PM
Just remember, The steelers are ALSO sleeping until late morning...casually sipping coffee as Joe F'in FLACCO plays the patriots :(


Go Patriots!

I hate the Patriots. But tossing in that damn Flacco is playing while my team went home? That's just low, man! I hate them too, just for different reasons. I am SO going to hate watching them get to play. :(

01-09-2015, 04:17 PM
I hate the Patriots. But tossing in that damn Flacco is playing while my team went home? That's just low, man! I hate them too, just for different reasons. I am SO going to hate watching them get to play. :(

`Understand....At least I have the chance to enjoy watching my team "Panthers" at least ONE more day when they Play the Seahawks Saturday late game....Looking forward to it...Cowboys game will be good also...