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View Full Version : House approves Keystone bill

01-09-2015, 03:33 PM
need 67 votes to over ride Bozo's veto stamp

The House easily passed a bill on Friday authorizing construction of the Keystone pipeline, just hours after Nebraska's highest court tossed a lawsuit challenging the route -- increasing pressure on President Obama to approve the long-delayed project.
The House approved the bill on a 266-153 vote, with 28 Democrats joining majority Republicans in voting for it. The Senate is set to consider the legislation next week, and sponsors say it has more than enough support to pass.

link (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/01/09/nebraska-high-court-tosses-suit-over-keystone-pipeline-route/)

01-09-2015, 03:42 PM
Bozo has promised to VETO this, and many others. I'll believe it when I see it.

We all know what to expect. Bama is just blowin more smoke when he lies about trying to compromise with Repubs. The Dems in both houses are angry they lost all of their power to DESTROY America on their own. So, they are about to work toward making the Repubs look like the IDIOTS the Dems formerly displayed as standard Operating Proceedures.

01-09-2015, 03:42 PM
It'll be interesting to see how many democrats in the Senate fail to support it.

I suspect the vast majority of 'nay' votes are those that aren't up for re-election in 2016 or otherwise aren't running.

01-09-2015, 03:58 PM
It'll be interesting to see how many democrats in the Senate fail to support it.

I suspect the vast majority of 'nay' votes are those that aren't up for re-election in 2016 or otherwise aren't running.

Agreed Bet we can almost Name the likely dems right now. They have nothing to lose, and could care less about the people they Supposedly Represent as Senators. Selfishness, Ignorance, and Stupidity run Deep in the DNC.

01-21-2015, 08:40 AM
I have mixed emotions about the pipeline. But the biggest obstacle in my mind is more government takeover of private land, that is, eminent domain. The land that will be taken for this pipeline belongs to real people.

I can understand eminent domain when the result will be a highway that will benefit the entire nation, but a pipeline that will add 35 permanent jobs and mostly benefit Canada?

I have a tendency to think that anything Obama is against must be okay, but maybe not this.



01-22-2015, 08:48 PM
I have mixed emotions about the pipeline. But the biggest obstacle in my mind is more government takeover of private land, that is, eminent domain. The land that will be taken for this pipeline belongs to real people.

I can understand eminent domain when the result will be a highway that will benefit the entire nation, but a pipeline that will add 35 permanent jobs and mostly benefit Canada?

I have a tendency to think that anything Obama is against must be okay, but maybe not this.



Perianne. Believe it or not. Some of us actually look at the Pipeline in a different way. Namely, the safety aspects it seems...very few, if any, ever add to the conversation about building, and where it will be.
Safety from the point of view of how often lately, we have all read, or seen reports about railroad accidents with tank cars that become moving OIL Bombs through neighborhoods across the nation.
And we cannot forget, the huge numbers of TANKER tractor-trailers on our overcrowded highways.
What must we give up if we want to be safe?
Not something anybody seems interested in discussing about the pipelines.

01-22-2015, 09:20 PM
Perianne. Believe it or not. Some of us actually look at the Pipeline in a different way. Namely, the safety aspects it seems...very few, if any, ever add to the conversation about building, and where it will be.
Safety from the point of view of how often lately, we have all read, or seen reports about railroad accidents with tank cars that become moving OIL Bombs through neighborhoods across the nation.
And we cannot forget, the huge numbers of TANKER tractor-trailers on our overcrowded highways.
What must we give up if we want to be safe?
Not something anybody seems interested in discussing about the pipelines.

*Life is full of surprises and challenges...one never knows what they will get...There is always "what-if`s" in Life...we can go on living and face / solve challenges that come up....and make things better overall....or we can stay in our "what if" cocoons...and dissolve into nothingness ....The Pipe line is good and should be a GO....

*Islam is bad and it should be confronted...and `not "what if" the cancer` and let it grow......We are a great Nation ....we did not become that way by "what iffin"...

01-22-2015, 11:15 PM
I have mixed emotions about the pipeline. But the biggest obstacle in my mind is more government takeover of private land, that is, eminent domain. The land that will be taken for this pipeline belongs to real people.

I can understand eminent domain when the result will be a highway that will benefit the entire nation, but a pipeline that will add 35 permanent jobs and mostly benefit Canada?

I have a tendency to think that anything Obama is against must be okay, but maybe not this.



I'm not sure where you got the 35 employees number? I'm thinking that's a typo.

I know that here in AK, the Alaska Pipeline that runs from the North Slope to Valdez employs many hundreds of people, not to mention the army of contractors to run & maintain it. Pipeline companies are paranoid about maintenance because if they have a catastrophic spill, they'll be ruined. Not many companies can sustain a hit like an oil spill... Exxon and BP have, but they've got insane money. Everyone else hires an army to make sure nothing happens.

Beyond the construction boom giving untold millions directly into workers, and the resulting jobs when it's complete, there's another very important reason :

Energy independence.

This pipeline will deliver Canadian crude to U.S. refineries, giving a substantial boost to our production. Every barrel of oil we can get from North America is one less being imported from despots around the Middle East, South America, Africa, etc...

IMO, the sooner we can get away from buying oil from overseas the better off we'll be.

Not to mention the added benefit from a National Security standpoint... if things really go to hell in the Middle East, it would be in our best interests to not be dependent on any of them.

I really don't see a downside to this project. The only people with an argument against it are the greenies, and they don't count.

01-23-2015, 11:19 AM
The debate over whether President Barack Obama should approve the Keystone XL pipeline often turns to jobs, but should it? Liberal CNN Crossfire host Van Jones says the pipeline is not the jobs creator supporters talk it up to be.
"Every time we have a show, somebody says something ... about Keystone, and somehow Keystone is going to create all these jobs," Jones said in the Feb. 3 episode of Crossfire. "Then it turns out, look at the actual numbers. It turns out the actual numbers are 3,900 temporary jobs in the construction sector and 35 permanent jobs."

Of course, the talk then turns to "real job creation". Like roads and bridges.

But I ask, once the road or bridge is built, how many jobs are there left?

And something else, the project was origionally developed as a partnership between TransCanada and ConocoPhillips. TransCanada is now the sole owner of the Keystone Pipeline System, as TransCanada purchased ConocoPhillips interset.

So it appears, that the lions share of costs would be on the shoulders of TransCanada and NOT on the US Taxpayers.

Perhaps it's for THAT reason "El Jefe" is opposed, as non union workers might just get a bite from this apple and the Union thugs DO NOT want that to happen?

01-23-2015, 11:45 AM
I have mixed emotions about the pipeline. But the biggest obstacle in my mind is more government takeover of private land, that is, eminent domain. The land that will be taken for this pipeline belongs to real people.

I can understand eminent domain when the result will be a highway that will benefit the entire nation, but a pipeline that will add 35 permanent jobs and mostly benefit Canada?

I have a tendency to think that anything Obama is against must be okay, but maybe not this.


Do you know how many pipelines we have crossing the country already? A pipeline is the same as a highway, it facilitates commerce. Even if you don't work for the pipeline you do benefit from it.
