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View Full Version : Bill Maher: Hundreds Of Millions Of Muslims Support The Paris Shooting

01-09-2015, 09:41 PM
Bill Maher super Liberal talks about Muslims and believe it or not he makes sense. I don't agree with him on just about anything but part of this video is right on spot.

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Bill Maher didn’t hold back Wednesday night, blasting “hundreds of millions” of the world’s Muslims for allegedly supporting the Islamic terrorist massacre of cartoonists, writers, and editors at a Parisian satirical magazine that has mocked the Prophet Muhammad. “I know most Muslim people would not have carried out an attack like this,” the host of HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher said on ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel Live. “But here’s the important point: Hundreds of millions of them support an attack like this. They applaud an attack like this. What they say is, ‘We don’t approve of violence, but you know what? When you make fun of the Prophet, all bets are off.”


01-09-2015, 09:51 PM
From comments:.........Agree
`Not telling us anything we don't already know or could have predicted. Muslims in a community would never help prevent these acts, cooperate with authorities. They're malcontents who have no intention of assimilating - they want to change us. They go around like we're picking on them, singling them out, we're "islamophobes". However, we don't buy any of it.

Bill Maher and his liberal progressive FOOLS started all this with political correctness....collective socialist thinking, tearing apart our heritage, our country, the police, military, CIA and everything, every tool, we need to fight the war that islam has brought to us. He can just shut up.....`

Abbey Marie
01-09-2015, 09:52 PM
I saw this on TV Jeff, and I almost couldn't believe my ears. Bill Maher finally gets it? I often wondered what it would take for someone like him to wake up. I guess now we know. Of course, his liberal cohorts are going to be pretty ticked.

01-09-2015, 09:55 PM
I saw this on TV Jeff, and I almost couldn't believe my ears. Bill Maher finally gets it? I often wondered what it would take for someone like him to wake up. I guess now we know. Of course, his liberal cohorts are going to be pretty ticked.

NOW....He "gets" something ...that he helped start....Leftists are usually slow on figure things out and their consequences ....Muslims are the new Nazi cult as in the days of Hitler. Send them home to their countries if origin. ****They don't deserve to live in Western culture.`

01-09-2015, 10:29 PM
I saw this on TV Jeff, and I almost couldn't believe my ears. Bill Maher finally gets it? I often wondered what it would take for someone like him to wake up. I guess now we know. Of course, his liberal cohorts are going to be pretty ticked.

Actually Abbey he makes a lot of sense and if his Liberal buddies get mad at him then they don't practice what they preach, think about it

The Libs want Gays to be like everyone else, the Muslims put them to death

The Libs believe in Woman's rights Muslims believe they have none

The list goes on and on of reasons why Liberals should hate the Muslims most of all, but Ol Bill Forgot one thing, Libs believe what Obama tells them ( at this point ) they can't rationalize these things themselves.