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View Full Version : `Peters' Plan to Fight Terror: 'Leave Behind Smoking Ruins & Crying Widows'`

01-10-2015, 10:21 AM
*As seen on The O'Reilly Factor

``Lt. Col. Ralph Peters tonight gave a detailed plan to Bill O’Reilly on how he would fight terror.
“One: You accept that you are in a war. Two: You name the enemy, Islamist terrorists. Three: You get the lawyers off the battlefield […] you accept there will be collateral damage and you do not apologize for it. You do not nation build, you don’t try to hold ground. You go wherever in the world the terrorists are and you kill them, you do your best to exterminate them, and then you leave, and you leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows. If in five or 10 years, they reconstitute and you gotta go back, you go back and do the same thing, and you never, never, never send American troops into a war you don’t mean to win,” Peters said.``



01-10-2015, 10:23 AM
`The simplest solution is usually the most correct one.
Kill them all......`

`Peters is right.`

01-10-2015, 11:28 AM
It is worth remembering, the way in which the Crusaders, during the Albigensian Crusade, attacked the city of Beziers in southern France, which gave rise to the most shocking quote in religious history. The military commander about to attack the city asked the papal legate how his troops could differentiate between the heretics and the loyal Catholics among the fifteen thousand men, women, and children in the city; to which was replied: "Kill them all. God will recognize his own."

01-10-2015, 11:44 AM
I don't take any joy in any of this, but if that's what's necessary to once again have a society that need not worry about terrorism and compromise our freedoms, so be it.

01-10-2015, 12:02 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-10-2015, 12:04 PM
*As seen on The O'Reilly Factor

``Lt. Col. Ralph Peters tonight gave a detailed plan to Bill O’Reilly on how he would fight terror.
“One: You accept that you are in a war. Two: You name the enemy, Islamist terrorists. Three: You get the lawyers off the battlefield […] you accept there will be collateral damage and you do not apologize for it. You do not nation build, you don’t try to hold ground. You go wherever in the world the terrorists are and you kill them, you do your best to exterminate them, and then you leave, and you leave behind smoking ruins and crying widows. If in five or 10 years, they reconstitute and you gotta go back, you go back and do the same thing, and you never, never, never send American troops into a war you don’t mean to win,” Peters said.``



GUY IS DEAD ONACCURATE! Never, never ever fight unless you absolutely mean
to win! Never, never ever apologize for killing the enemy or any collateral damage that may occur(as collateral damage is a constant of warfare)!!
And the western world must unify to deal with this growing, massive threat(don't wait until Iran gets its nukes! -that the Obama plan -let them get nuked up)). Islam must be reformed either by forcing those barbaric slugs to do so or eradicating them until its accomplished!!
We will have this coming WW3 someday, so why wait until they grow much , much stronger?
Over a billion of the scum and they all read, worship the same stinking book-the Koran.
Does anybody still stupidly think that the head and the body is peaceful and only the tails are radical?

And remember, Obama forced out officers that think like this colonel...
Guess why--- -- so that he could help aid and protect his muslim brothers!!!-- Tyr