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01-10-2015, 10:04 PM
`Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama will not join other world leaders at Sunday's Paris march in tribute to the victims of this week's Islamist attacks in France, a US official told AFP.

Ever since the bloody shooting that killed 12 people at satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday -- followed by separate attacks that left five more people dead -- Obama has made repeated declarations in support of America's "oldest ally."

But he will not join other leaders including British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, all set to attend the march.`



`Maybe he doesn't want to offend his mussi bros`

01-10-2015, 10:46 PM
But we all know. Obama would never have any problem attending a march in Ferguson, or in his best friend's BIG, SLOPPY APPLE...NYC. Not that anyone would want the LIAR-IN-CHIEF there in the first place.

01-11-2015, 09:32 AM
This is one of many indicators that show where Obama's loyalties are. We need to publicly tell Muslim leaders that events like these tell us where their loyalties lie as well: With the civilized world or the uncivilized? Ask: Are you going to show up or not?

01-11-2015, 09:41 AM
`Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama will not join other world leaders at Sunday's Paris march in tribute to the victims of this week's Islamist attacks in France, a US official told AFP.

Ever since the bloody shooting that killed 12 people at satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday -- followed by separate attacks that left five more people dead -- Obama has made repeated declarations in support of America's "oldest ally."

But he will not join other leaders including British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, all set to attend the march.`



`Maybe he doesn't want to offend his mussi bros`

All part of his plan, I have said since he first through his hat into the ring to run for President he was a Muslim in hiding, what better way to bring down a country that believes in everything you hate, from inside out, top to bottom. IMO Obama proved years ago what side he was on and honestly his plan seems to be working great, he has the black and white deal going, he has the Muslim thing working all over the world but the Country ( USA ) that will be the hardest to topple is well under way to do just that, with white and Black fighting and everyone watching that the Muslims will slip on in and take em all out.

But we all know. Obama would never have any problem attending a march in Ferguson, or in his best friend's BIG, SLOPPY APPLE...NYC. Not that anyone would want the LIAR-IN-CHIEF there in the first place.

If Obama wasn't in office he would be right along side Sharpton as a Community organizer marching at both of these, he is no different than Sharpton other than a little more power.

01-11-2015, 10:37 AM
This is one of many indicators that show where Obama's loyalties are. We need to publicly tell Muslim leaders that events like these tell us where their loyalties lie as well: With the civilized world or the uncivilized? Ask: Are you going to show up or not?

Totally agree. He should be there to represent our country & people and I want to know the reason he has for not being there today.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2015, 10:44 AM
`Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama will not join other world leaders at Sunday's Paris march in tribute to the victims of this week's Islamist attacks in France, a US official told AFP.

Ever since the bloody shooting that killed 12 people at satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday -- followed by separate attacks that left five more people dead -- Obama has made repeated declarations in support of America's "oldest ally."

But he will not join other leaders including British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, all set to attend the march.`



`Maybe he doesn't want to offend his mussi bros`

Maybe he doesn't want to offend his mussi bros

No maybe to it, that's exactly why the maggot will not go.
He is above taking any such action.. Must always adhere to this vow from his stinking book.

“I will stand with the Muslims , The Audacity of Hope” page 261… Barak Obama-Traitor

01-11-2015, 11:08 AM
Totally agree. He should be there to represent our country & people and I want to know the reason he has for not being there today.

I think that this thread has already been highly informative on that very point. Don't you ?

Of course, if you want to wait around for Obama himself to dream up some sort of lame excuse, that's your business. That's if he can even be bothered. Why there's the smallest reason to believe him .. if you actually think there is, you'll have to tell us why you think so.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-11-2015, 11:12 AM
I think that this thread has already been highly informative on that very point. Don't you ?

Of course, if you want to wait around for Obama himself to dream up some sort of lame excuse, that's your business. That's if he can even be bothered. Why there's the smallest reason to believe him .. if you actually think there is, you'll have to tell us why you think so.

Here is why!!!
Some people desperately want to pretend he didn't say this or mean it!!
I call such people morons!! --Tyr

“I will stand with the Muslims , The Audacity of Hope” page 261… Barak Obama-Traitor

01-11-2015, 11:15 AM
I think that this thread has already been highly informative on that very point. Don't you ?

Of course, if you want to wait around for Obama himself to dream up some sort of lame excuse, that's your business. That's if he can even be bothered. Why there's the smallest reason to believe him .. if you actually think there is, you'll have to tell us why you think so.

WTF? Why, do you need to blather "Leftie" again?;)

01-11-2015, 11:38 AM
WTF? Why, do you need to blather "Leftie" again?;)

Only when sharply reminded of their utter rot, Sundaydriver. Then, I consider myself thoroughly justified in calling Lefties out on it.

You see that as a problem ?

But tell me, do you have a more useful answer to offer us than the one you just have ? Such as, your explanation of why (or if ?) Obama's explanation, if he issues one, is even worth heeding ?

01-11-2015, 02:01 PM
Totally agree. He should be there to represent our country & people and I want to know the reason he has for not being there today.

If you really need a reason why Obama wouldn't be there. He has apologized to the rest of the World many times for being president of the GREAT SATAN. If he showed up in support of fighting Terror, and Terrorism. He'd be seen as the Liar and hypocrite he really is...in the eyes of ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood/New Black Panthers.

No other reason needed.

01-12-2015, 05:33 AM
Totally agree. He should be there to represent our country & people and I want to know the reason he has for not being there today.
From what I've heard, they are going with the 'security for President or Vice President would be distracting. It's not about 'us' but about France.

They've got this wrong, of course. It's about Western Civilization v Barbarians.

I watched much of the coverage and was heartened to see so many French Muslims turn out in Solidarity. Now will it last? I pray that it's so, though remain more than cynical that it will.

What I find more hopeful about though is this appearance prior to the French attacks, by the President of Egypt, (I found this shocking at the time, wanted to post, but really didn't want to get into arguments):


<header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(62, 61, 61); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14.2857141494751px; line-height: 14px;">Egyptian President Calls for ‘Religious Revolution’ in Islam

</header>Wants to displace violent jihad

BY: Abraham Rabinovich (http://freebeacon.com/author/abraham-rabinovich/)
<time class="entry-date" datetime="2015-01-04T12:10:33+00:00" pubdate="" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-style: italic; color: rgb(135, 135, 135);">January 4, 2015 12:10 pm</time>

JERUSALEM—In a speech on New Year’s day, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for a “religious revolution” in Islam that would displace violent jihad from the center of Muslim discourse.

“Is it possible that 1.6 billion people (Muslims worldwide) should want to kill the rest of the world’s population—that is, 7 billion people—so that they themselves may live?” he asked. “Impossible.”

Speaking to an audience of religious scholars celebrating the birth of Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, he called on the religious establishment to lead the fight for moderation in the Muslim world. “You imams (prayer leaders) are responsible before Allah. The entire world—I say it again, the entire world—is waiting for your next move because this umma (a word that can refer either to the Egyptian nation or the entire Muslim world) is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.”

He was speaking in Al-Azhar University in Cairo, widely regarded as the leading world center for Islamic learning.

“The corpus of texts and ideas that we have made sacred over the years, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. You cannot feel it if you remain trapped within this mindset. You must step outside yourselves and reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective.”

Sisi was a little known general when he was appointed over the heads of fellow officers in 2012 as commander of the Egyptian army by then President Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. The religiosity of Sisi was said then to have been one of the reasons for the choice. However, when a popular uprising broke out the following year, Sisi swiftly ousted Morsi from power and brought charges against him, including conspiring to commit terrorist acts together with Hamas and other Islamic groups.

The Muslim Brotherhood itself was banned.

When new elections were held last May, Sisi, now a civilian, won a resounding victory.

Although the Muslim Brotherhood and its Hamas supporters have been Sisi’s principal targets since assuming power, his talk made it clear that his concern over radical Islam extends to the entire Muslim world, particularly adherents of the Islamic State, and the non-Muslim world beyond.

“We have to think hard about what we are facing,” he said. “It’s inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire Islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing, and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible.”

01-12-2015, 08:13 AM
I think that this thread has already been highly informative on that very point. Don't you ?

Of course, if you want to wait around for Obama himself to dream up some sort of lame excuse, that's your business. That's if he can even be bothered. Why there's the smallest reason to believe him .. if you actually think there is, you'll have to tell us why you think so.

In reading the responses I read NO "highly informative" information....just the usual imaginative mooing of the "choir" again.

To the subject.. The White house as of this morning has refused after repeated requests to respond as to why BO or any high gov. officials attended.

01-12-2015, 12:38 PM

01-12-2015, 04:54 PM
I have so much disrespect for the man and can't stomach he is the Representative/leader of our country.

01-13-2015, 12:25 AM

Jake Tapper: I'm ashamed by U.S. leaders' absence in Paris

By Jake Tapper (http://www.cnn.com/profiles/jake-tapper-profile), CNN

Updated 7:45 AM ET, Mon January 12, 2015

<cite class="el-editorial-source" style="font-size: 1.125rem; line-height: 1.44444; color: rgb(38, 38, 38); box-sizing: border-box; font-family: CNN, 'Helvetica Neue', Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700; background-color: rgb(254, 254, 254);">Paris (CNN)</cite>"Thank you," said the man. I was standing outside of the offices of Charlie Hebdo covering the aftermath of the terrorist attacks for CNN. He was thanking me just for being here, just for covering the event and its aftermath, what Le Monde referred to as France's September 11. And his appreciation was echoed by French citizen after French citizen.

The rally Sunday for unity drew 1.5 million people in Paris and more than twice that nationwide; it was like nothing I've ever seen or covered. Our nation's oldest ally stood firm. A young Muslim Frenchwoman held a sign saying "Je suis Juif."

A man and his son came over to me holding a sign saying "I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it," beseeching me to share their message with the American people. And world leaders were standing together amidst a procession that included Francois Hollande of France, Angela Merkel of Germany, David Cameron of Great Britain, Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority and Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, along with the leaders of Mali, Jordan and Turkey.

It is no small thing for the king of Jordan, a direct descendent of the Prophet Mohammed, to march in a rally prompted by the murders of people who mocked Islam as well as of innocent Jews -- all of whom were killed by Islamic extremists.

The United States, which considers itself to be the most important nation in the world, was not represented in this march -- arguably one of the most important public demonstrations in Europe in the last generation -- except by U.S. Ambassador Jane Hartley, who may have been a few rows back. I didn't see her. Even Russia sent Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

I say this as an American -- not as a journalist, not as a representative of CNN -- but as an American: I was ashamed.


01-13-2015, 06:16 AM
In reading the responses I read NO "highly informative" information....just the usual imaginative mooing of the "choir" again.

Sorry to see that you're so dismissive of contributions not fully in accord with your own, Sundaydriver. Still, your approach isn't unexpected. In fact, you're increasingly reminding me of another contributor here .. one fond of gratuitous editing of others' comments ...

To the subject.. The White house as of this morning has refused after repeated requests to respond as to why BO or any high gov. officials attended.

.. and I'm not surprised. Obama in particular will want to sit on the fence over this. On the one hand, he'll consider that he needs to project the image of being a leader 'of the free world', so will issue certain stock, formulaic statements in line with that. On the other .. sadly, truth be told, his heart really isn't in it, and besides, he has a certain loyalty to a more fringe 'PC' stance (and yes, he IS a Leftie ..) ...

01-13-2015, 09:45 AM
while i agree %100 that Obama should have appeared as well.
there is an element of hypocrisy to many of the leaders outrage.



if Obama had shown up we'd need to post a note as well

"Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment
Reporter Abdulelah Haider Shaye helped expose deadly US misbehavior in Yemen -- and now the president won't let him go free"
Link Salon.com (http://blog.sfgate.com/bronstein/2011/04/28/update-chronicle-responds-after-obama-administration-punishes-reporter-for-using-multimedia-then-claims-they-didnt/)

"Journalist facing jail for protecting source assails Obama Administration as ‘the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation’"
link CNN (http://amanpour.blogs.cnn.com/2014/11/06/journalist-facing-jail-for-protecting-source-assails-obama-administration-as-the-greatest-enemy-of-press-freedom-in-a-generation/)

the point of the captions is that radical Islam is KILLING journalist and cartoonist who they consider "offensive",
And these concerned and outraged gov't leaders are JAILING and pressuring journalist and whistle blowers who they consider offensive.

01-13-2015, 09:57 AM
while i agree %100 that Obama should have appeared as well.
there is an element of hypocrisy to many of the leaders outrage.



if Obama had shown up we'd need to post a note as well

"Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment
Reporter Abdulelah Haider Shaye helped expose deadly US misbehavior in Yemen -- and now the president won't let him go free"
Link Salon.com (http://blog.sfgate.com/bronstein/2011/04/28/update-chronicle-responds-after-obama-administration-punishes-reporter-for-using-multimedia-then-claims-they-didnt/)

"Journalist facing jail for protecting source assails Obama Administration as ‘the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation’"
link CNN (http://amanpour.blogs.cnn.com/2014/11/06/journalist-facing-jail-for-protecting-source-assails-obama-administration-as-the-greatest-enemy-of-press-freedom-in-a-generation/)

the point of the captions is that radical Islam is KILLING journalist and cartoonist who they consider "offensive",
And these concerned and outraged gov't leaders are JAILING and pressuring journalist and whistle blowers who they consider offensive.

Indeed, which was pointed out on both FOX and CNN while they were appearing. Then there was our own example of the film maker of the 'video' that 'caused' Bengazi attack. Thrown in prison by Holder.

01-13-2015, 11:13 AM
while i agree %100 that Obama should have appeared as well.
there is an element of hypocrisy to many of the leaders outrage.



if Obama had shown up we'd need to post a note as well

"Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment
Reporter Abdulelah Haider Shaye helped expose deadly US misbehavior in Yemen -- and now the president won't let him go free"
Link Salon.com (http://blog.sfgate.com/bronstein/2011/04/28/update-chronicle-responds-after-obama-administration-punishes-reporter-for-using-multimedia-then-claims-they-didnt/)

"Journalist facing jail for protecting source assails Obama Administration as ‘the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation’"
link CNN (http://amanpour.blogs.cnn.com/2014/11/06/journalist-facing-jail-for-protecting-source-assails-obama-administration-as-the-greatest-enemy-of-press-freedom-in-a-generation/)

the point of the captions is that radical Islam is KILLING journalist and cartoonist who they consider "offensive",
And these concerned and outraged gov't leaders are JAILING and pressuring journalist and whistle blowers who they consider offensive.

Does it truly not occur to you that, if they ever studied your post, ISIS would most probably approve of it ??

Doesn't that concern you ?

By the way, are you any nearer to meeting my challenge yet ? I refer to the one I issued a while ago, suggesting that, for all of the terrorist-considerate posts we've seen from you, you might like to post just ONE that was exclusively concerned with showing support for their VICTIMS .. ??

01-13-2015, 01:43 PM
Does it truly not occur to you that, if they ever studied your post, ISIS would most probably approve of it ??

Doesn't that concern you ?

By the way, are you any nearer to meeting my challenge yet ? I refer to the one I issued a while ago, suggesting that, for all of the terrorist-considerate posts we've seen from you, you might like to post just ONE that was exclusively concerned with showing support for their VICTIMS .. ??

I don't CARE what ISIS likes or not about my opinion,
I like Fried lamb and sitting on the beach at night, if ISIS likes it am i suppose to STOP?
If ISIS says the earth goes around the sun Does it mean I can't Say it and it still be TRUE?

and BTW how would YOU know what ISIS likes or doesn't like Drummond. You seem to authoritatively know quite a lot about what terrorist THINK.
seem suspicious to me sir.

concerning victims...
Victims of Terrorism relief and acknowledgements (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?48336-Victims-of-Terrorism-relief-and-acknowledgements)

01-13-2015, 04:04 PM
rev. Contrary, and sounding obviously hypocritical of me. I now FORGIVE you. After reading most of your posts on this thread. I now understand how you simply can't help being so terribly naive, and almost immature in how you believe you are expressing yourself here. But, then again. I recognize that trait to be very liberal, and uneducated, without question. Much like the millions of other Americans who so foolishly believe in, and voted for Obama...TWICE.

Bottom line: You just can't help it!

01-13-2015, 04:15 PM
rev. Contrary, and sounding obviously hypocritical of me. I now FORGIVE you. After reading most of your posts on this thread. I now understand how you simply can't help being so terribly naive, and almost immature in how you believe you are expressing yourself here. But, then again. I recognize that trait to be very liberal, and uneducated, without question. Much like the millions of other Americans who so foolishly believe in, and voted for Obama...TWICE.

Bottom line: You just can't help it!


AT the difference between you and the Muppet Show Hecklers guys is that they were funny and they actually paid attention.

01-13-2015, 05:25 PM

AT the difference between you and the Muppet Show Hecklers guys is that they were funny and they actually paid attention.

And, I really love how there is NO WAY you are able to dispute the truth I presented. You're funnier than the Muppet hecklers. They actually had people with brains behind them.

01-13-2015, 06:07 PM
....You're funnier than the Muppet hecklers. They actually had people with brains behind them.

OK, that was actually pretty funny.

01-14-2015, 05:14 AM
I don't CARE what ISIS likes or not about my opinion

But you don't deny that they might well have liked your posting !

I like Fried lamb and sitting on the beach at night, if ISIS likes it am i suppose to STOP?

I doubt that they'd like your doing that .. UNLESS .. it made you an easy target for capture, and eventual beheading (.. they're such great HUMAN BEINGS, you see ..)

and BTW how would YOU know what ISIS likes or doesn't like Drummond. You seem to authoritatively know quite a lot about what terrorist THINK.
seem suspicious to me sir.

You think that understanding an enemy is the same as being in league with them ????

In that case, are you also accusing me of being a Leftie ???

But anyway, your comment is far from justified. You think I've posted something 'suspicious' ? So, expand on any accusation you have it in mind to pursue. Try backing it up.

And try, in the process, Revelarts, to remember what the word LIBEL means.

As for your link ... well done. And I sincerely mean that ! I honestly believed that wild horses couldn't drag you into any post, much less an entire THREAD, which gave any decent consideration to terrorist victims. I acknowledge that you've proved me wrong on that one.

01-14-2015, 05:24 AM
But you don't deny that they might well have liked your posting !

I doubt that they'd like your doing that .. UNLESS .. it made you an easy target for capture, and eventual beheading (.. they're such great HUMAN BEINGS, you see ..)

You think that understanding an enemy is the same as being in league with them ????

In that case, are you also accusing me of being a Leftie ???

But anyway, your comment is far from justified. You think I've posted something 'suspicious' ? So, expand on any accusation you have it in mind to pursue. Try backing it up.

And try, in the process, Revelarts, to remember what the word LIBEL means.

Really? You think that is a justifiable response? 3/4 bully and 1/4 condescension?

01-14-2015, 06:15 AM
Really? You think that is a justifiable response? 3/4 bully and 1/4 condescension?

I think that my response was fully called for. Kathianne, Revelarts is a Leftie who's done the 'Leftie thing' of disseminating reams upon reams of terrorist-friendly rot. He, like so many others, seems not to grasp the nature of the enemy, or, perhaps, that they even ARE the enemy that they ARE.

Simple subjective and hostile characterisation of my post isn't persuasive to me, Kathianne. If I'm wrong in what I post, prove me wrong. Until you do, I'll post in a manner that honesty reflects is justified.

By the way, as for your charge of 'condescention' ... it's uncalled for. I was doing the honourable thing of acknowledging the existence of an entire thread which actually DID meet my challenge.

Revelarts should've posted something like that quite some time ago, and YES, he had to be prodded into it. Nonetheless, if Revelarts proves my belief wrong that he'd never post such a position ... AND HE HAS DONE SO ... THIS DESERVES DUE ACKNOWLEDGMENT.

I have given him that acknowledgment. I'm sorry that you think you've found grounds to criticise it.

01-14-2015, 08:14 AM
Indeed, which was pointed out on both FOX and CNN while they were appearing. Then there was our own example of the film maker of the 'video' that 'caused' Bengazi attack. Thrown in prison by Holder.

Does it truly not occur to you that, if they ever studied your post, ISIS would most probably approve of it ??

Doesn't that concern you ?

By the way, are you any nearer to meeting my challenge yet ? I refer to the one I issued a while ago, suggesting that, for all of the terrorist-considerate posts we've seen from you, you might like to post just ONE that was exclusively concerned with showing support for their VICTIMS .. ??

OK I don't pay a lot of attention where everyone stands in there beliefs day to day but I actually thought Revs post here was funny and had truth to it, no Obama didn't kill anyone ( that we know of ) because he was butt hurt but I do believe in this post Rev is correct, the guys highlighted and Obama are more or less Hypocrites, might be why Obama didn't make a appearance.

01-14-2015, 09:35 AM
OK I don't pay a lot of attention where everyone stands in there beliefs day to day but I actually thought Revs post here was funny and had truth to it, no Obama didn't kill anyone ( that we know of ) because he was butt hurt but I do believe in this post Rev is correct, the guys highlighted and Obama are more or less Hypocrites, might be why Obama didn't make a appearance.

I respect that opinion. I won't say that there isn't truth in what you're saying.

Still .. my point about ISIS, that if they ever saw Revelarts' post, they'd like it ... I think I'm right on that. Which makes me ask why, on a public forum, stuff like that is being posted !!

I'm a Right winger, and VERY proudly so. I for one don't consider myself to be in the business of disseminating any arguments, positions, thought-processes, that known ENEMIES might LIKE TO SEE, &/OR CONSIDER AT ALL USEFUL.

As for what the Left do .. well, that's down to their consciences. I'm sure in my own mind what's properly called for, and I'm following through on it.

01-14-2015, 09:39 AM
As for your link ... well done. And I sincerely mean that ! I honestly believed that wild horses couldn't drag you into any post, much less an entire THREAD, which gave any decent consideration to terrorist victims. I acknowledge that you've proved me wrong on that one.
As I posted in the torture thread i think we all have given the victims less time in our text here publicly than they deserve. and i have no desire to use them as a point of debate.

But Drummond I'll give you points for your acknowledgement. many of us do not admit to a point, you have and i make note of it. (though you pretty much spoiled it with the rest..)

BUT I have to say, if you'd comprehended spirit of my many other post you'd have no reason to question my position.

let's but it bluntly..
When Jesus says "Love your enemies", does that mean you hate your friends?
When Jesus says "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." does it mean ONLY to your friends?
when God says do not punish a criminal above a certain point or in certain ways, does that mean you hate or don't care for the victims?

If someone one defends the rights of criminals, wouldn't make sense that the same person would defend the rights of the INNOCENT even MORESO?

sadly we have radical Muslims motived -they say- by the words of Mohamed to hate and kill, that's where they come from. We in the west claim a Christian based and many -say- we're motivated by the teachings of Jesus Christ. His words do not lead us to hate or torture or the dehumanizing of others but the OPPOSITE. We are taught to stop evil but not to become evil and hateful in the process. and the ULTIMATE end is to --as much as possible-- live in REAL peace with all even those we do not agree with. unlike Islam's 'peace'.

I believe a Christian position, Jesus's way, is MORE powerful and credible than the ways of Islam or Secular revenge scenarios.

Drummond we all have own own paths to take and positions we come from but I ask you to consider the above and Jesus Christ very seriously.

01-14-2015, 09:59 AM
As I posted in the torture thread i think we all have given the victims less time in our text here publicly than they deserve. and i have no desire to use them as a point of debate.

Fair enough.

But Drummond I'll give you points for your acknowledgement. many of us do not admit to a point, you have and i make note of it. (though you pretty much spoiled it with the rest..)
I'm a Right winger, Revelarts, which means I am guided by a conscience, and a certain concept of what constitutes honourable conduct. I therefore post accordingly. I am also an honest contributor. If you didn't like certain parts of my post, that's unfortunate, but nonetheless, I'll retract nothing.

let's but it bluntly..
When Jesus says "Love your enemies", does that mean you hate your friends?
When Jesus says "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." does it mean ONLY to your friends?
when God says do not punish a criminal above a certain point or in certain ways, does that mean you hate or dismiss the criminals victims?

If someone one defends the rights of criminals, wouldn't make sense that the same person would defend the rights of the INNOCENT even MORESO?

What I get from this is that you're not, yourself, following through on at least some of this, yourself.

I'm not at all sure that 'criminals' is at all adequate a term to describe terrorists ! But let's say it is. OK, then, you say it makes 'sense' to defend the right of the innocent, as you say, 'even MORESO'.

How have you heeded that yourself ??!!? You've posted WAY more in defence of 'criminals' and the way THEY have been treated, than you have of their innocent victims !!! I've even had to prod you into posting a pro-victims contribution (.. though I'm glad that you've now done it).

Perhaps, in the weeks and months to come, you'll rectify that balance. In terms of sheer quantity of material, currently, though, there's an astonishing amount of stuff on DP from you which serves terrorist interests !!

Good luck with fixing that balance, Revelarts. And I applaud the start you've made thus far.

sadly we have radical Muslims motived -they say- by the words of Mohamed to hate and kill, that's where they come from. We in the west claim a Christian based and -say- many claim to be motivated by the teachings of Jesus Christ. His words do not lead us to hate or torture or the dehumanizing of others but the OPPOSITE. We are taught to stop evil but not to BECOME evil and hatful in the process. and the ULTIMATE end is to as much as possible REAL peace with all even those we do not agree with. unlike Islams peace.

Of course, the flaw in your argument is that you talk about 'dehumanizing others'. It doesn't apply. A terrorist, in being one, commits subhuman acts, acts which a human being's very humanity would PREVENT from happening. A terrorist, in BEING a terrorist, is provably subhuman.

That's just fact, and recognition of it. If I say the Moon is round, I don't CAUSE it to be round in saying it is, nor do I take responsibility for its shape. I simply acknowledge a fact. As I do about terrorists.

I believe a Christian position, Jesus's way, is MORE powerful and credible than the ways of Islam or secular revenge scenarios.

Drummond we all have own own paths to take and positions we come from but I ask you to consider the above and Jesus Christ very seriously.

I do, on a daily basis.

Now, two questions from me to you.

Have you ever used pesticide (or any agent, or means, of killing vermin ?)

And if you have, did you cease to be a Christian by doing so ?

See what I mean, Revelarts ?

01-14-2015, 11:21 AM

Abbey Marie
01-14-2015, 07:32 PM
I think that this thread has already been highly informative on that very point. Don't you ?

Of course, if you want to wait around for Obama himself to dream up some sort of lame excuse, that's your business. That's if he can even be bothered. Why there's the smallest reason to believe him .. if you actually think there is, you'll have to tell us why you think so.

I could be wrong, but I think he wants to know what lame excuse Obama is using, for not being there.

If you want to give yourself nightmares, just imagine for a moment what would have happened if Obama was President during WWII

Abbey Marie
01-14-2015, 07:40 PM
while i agree %100 that Obama should have appeared as well.
there is an element of hypocrisy to many of the leaders outrage.



if Obama had shown up we'd need to post a note as well

"Obama’s personal role in a journalist’s imprisonment
Reporter Abdulelah Haider Shaye helped expose deadly US misbehavior in Yemen -- and now the president won't let him go free"
Link Salon.com (http://blog.sfgate.com/bronstein/2011/04/28/update-chronicle-responds-after-obama-administration-punishes-reporter-for-using-multimedia-then-claims-they-didnt/)

"Journalist facing jail for protecting source assails Obama Administration as ‘the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation’"
link CNN (http://amanpour.blogs.cnn.com/2014/11/06/journalist-facing-jail-for-protecting-source-assails-obama-administration-as-the-greatest-enemy-of-press-freedom-in-a-generation/)

the point of the captions is that radical Islam is KILLING journalist and cartoonist who they consider "offensive",
And these concerned and outraged gov't leaders are JAILING and pressuring journalist and whistle blowers who they consider offensive.

Fitting squarely in the "two wrongs don't make a right" category.

And I would add that, more importantly, as the "Leader of the Free World", and the leader of the country that suffered 9/11, and of the country the world looks to to make things right (whether we like it or not), Obama's failure to be there is huge. Not really to be compared with those singled out in the photo.

Epic fail once again by our illustrious (non) leader.

01-14-2015, 07:45 PM
I could be wrong, but I think he wants to know what lame excuse Obama is using, for not being there.

If you want to give yourself nightmares, just imagine for a moment what would have happened if Obama was President during WWII

*​That is a Horrible sickening thought.....

01-14-2015, 08:35 PM
*​That is a Horrible sickening thought.....

Agreed, LongTerm. And, dread the thought of having Obama where he is on SEPTEMBER 11, 2001?

OBL might still be alive, directing the Muslim Brotherhood members in Congress, and the White House too!

01-15-2015, 07:04 AM
Agreed, LongTerm. And, dread the thought of having Obama where he is on SEPTEMBER 11, 2001?

OBL might still be alive, directing the Muslim Brotherhood members in Congress, and the White House too!

It's possible I'm wrong .. but I seem to vaguely recall that Kerry (or certainly somebody on the Dem side) wanted to tie the US into an unshakeable legal mandate to require the US to first ask for, and to get, PERMISSION FROM THE U.N before it sent any military forces beyond US territory to deal with foreign terrorists and their bases.

My belief is that Obama, had he been President at the time of 9/11, would've vigorously followed through on that. And if the UN had prevaricated, or worse, banned US forces from ever going to Afghanistan +/or Iraq, Obama would have recourse to say that he showed respect for international law, but that his hands were tied on the issue.

Result .. Obama avoids tackling Muslim terrorist scum in a meaningful way, yet hides behind 'mandate' to save what personal reputation he'd have by that time.

01-15-2015, 07:10 AM
I could be wrong, but I think he wants to know what lame excuse Obama is using, for not being there.

Sheer curiosity ? Because, what other value could there be in hearing it ?

It's disgraceful, regardless ...

If you want to give yourself nightmares, just imagine for a moment what would have happened if Obama was President during WWII

Now, that's just cruel .... :eek::eek::omg:

01-15-2015, 02:36 PM
I read somewhere, yesterday. A retired Secret Service agent suggested that Obama decided he wanted to watch FOOTBALL games, rather than attend some ANTI-OBAMA-FRIENDS march in Paris.:salute:

01-17-2015, 05:59 AM
Sorry to see that you're so dismissive of contributions not fully in accord with your own,

I don't believe ignoring the constant cry in every thread of "BO's a Muzzie" as thoughtful contributions just not in accord with my own opinion. Please don't project your fear of my beliefs and reasoning are so shallow that any disagreement to them is a threat.

Sundaydriver. Still, your approach isn't unexpected. In fact, you're increasingly reminding me of another contributor here .. one fond of gratuitous editing of others' comments ...

I take this as a compliment, thank you!

.. and I'm not surprised. Obama in particular will want to sit on the fence over this. On the one hand, he'll consider that he needs to project the image of being a leader 'of the free world', so will issue certain stock, formulaic statements in line with that. On the other .. sadly, truth be told, his heart really isn't in it, and besides, he has a certain loyalty to a more fringe 'PC' stance (and yes, he IS a Leftie ..) ...

And still no answer from BO.

01-17-2015, 03:09 PM
Personally. As I see the NON-actions of Obama at almost every opportunity related to Foreign affairs. I believe, and fully expect Obama is actually a Coward. I believe he fears offending, insulting, or confronting his Muslim friends with KNOWN TRUTHS, we Americans already know, and ARE NOT AFRAID to admit.

His intentional NON-use of certain words, like Terrorists, or Islamists when speaking about ISIS tells me all I need to know about the Coward. The simple fact HE and his Friends won't even use ISIS, and use ISIL instead. Seems to prove the man we unhappily call our President, really is nothing but a Shill for Muslim Brotherhood thinking. Which is the most COWARDICE way of life Obama feels comfortable with.

AND...as a Proud American. Willing to give my life to Defend this nation. I AM PROUD AND UNAFRAID of what I said.