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View Full Version : Cover Of Charlie Hebdo Due Out Wednesday

01-12-2015, 11:51 PM
going to be at least a million copies, about 50X normal:


Some arguments about why both CNN and NYT are going dhimmie.


January 12, 2015

"At about 9:10 on Monday evening, laughter and a round of applause broke out among the surviving staff members of Charlie Hebdo, followed shortly by cries — joyous if ironic — of 'Allahu akbar!'" (http://althouse.blogspot.com/2015/01/at-about-910-on-monday-evening-laughter.html)

"The group was cheering Rénald Luzier, the cartoonist known as Luz, who on the umpteenth try had produced what the editors thought was the perfect cover image for the most anticipated issue ever of this scrappy, iconoclastic weekly, which will appear on Wednesday. It showed a figure of the prophet Muhammad holding a sign saying, 'Je suis Charlie' ('I am Charlie'), with the words 'All is forgiven' in French above it on a green background."

So begins the NYT article, titled "Charlie Hebdo’s New Issue Has Mohammed on Cover." (http://nyti.ms/1z1dteC)

ADDED: You'll have to look elsewhere for an image of that cover, of course. The NYT has decided not to show cartoons depicting Muhammad: (http://nyti.ms/1xLwxfg)

[NYT executive editor Dean] Baquet told me [NYT "public editor" Margaret Sullivan] that he started out the day Wednesday convinced that The Times should publish the images, both because of their newsworthiness and out of a sense of solidarity with the slain journalists and the right of free expression....

Ultimately, he decided against it, he said, because he had to consider foremost the sensibilities of Times readers, especially its Muslim readers. To many of them, he said, depictions of the prophet Muhammad are sacrilegious; those that are meant to mock even more so. “We have a standard that is long held and that serves us well: that there is a line between gratuitous insult and satire. Most of these are gratuitous insult.”

“At what point does news value override our standards?” Mr. Baquet asked. “You would have to show the most incendiary images” from the newspaper; and that was something he deemed unacceptable.

AND: You can see the new Charlie Hebdo here (http://www.mediaite.com/online/all-is-forgiven-muhammed-holds-up-je-suis-charlie-sign-on-new-charlie-hebdo-cover/). One thing the NYT verbal description leaves out: cartoon Muhammad is crying.

Posted by Ann Althouse at <a class="timestamp-link" href="http://althouse.blogspot.com/2015/01/at-about-910-on-monday-evening-laughter.html" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link" style="color: rgb(0, 102, 153); text-decoration: none;"><abbr class="published" title="2015-01-12T17:21:00-06:00" style="border: none;">5:21 PM</abbr> (http://althouse.blogspot.com/2015/01/at-about-910-on-monday-evening-laughter.html)http://www.blogger.com/img/icon18_email.gif (http://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=6329595&postID=3548814079217388840)

Now here is something interesting I found out regarding AP decision since the Charlie slaughter:


<header class="" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px;">AP Removes Piss Christ Photos AfterCharlie Hebdo Self-Censorship (http://gawker.com/is-the-ap-removing-piss-christ-photos-because-of-charli-1678090288)

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Go to permalin (http://gawker.com/is-the-ap-removing-piss-christ-photos-because-of-charli-1678090288)

Politico's Dylan Byers reports that the Associated Press removed an image of (http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2015/01/ap-pulls-piss-christ-after-paris-attack-200719.html)Andres Serrano's 1987 photo Piss Christ from its photo library in the wake of today's deadly attack on the French satirical newspaper (http://gawker.com/report-three-suspects-arrested-in-deadly-charlie-hebdo-1678084629)Charlie Hebdo. (http://gawker.com/report-three-suspects-arrested-in-deadly-charlie-hebdo-1678084629)
Update: The AP pulled the photos after the conservative Washington Examiner noted (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/article/2558314) that it pixelated Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting Mohammad but left images of Piss Christ intact, asSlate points out. (http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2015/01/07/ap_piss_christ_image_apparently_self_censored_afte r_charlie_hebdo_related.html)
Removing images of the artwork seems preposterous. I searched AP's library for Piss Christbefore this post went up found at least one photo of Serrano posing in front of his most well-known work (http://gawker.com/who-wants-to-buy-piss-christ-this-thursday-1575713001), which depicts a crucifix submerged in the artist's own urine. But a few minutes later, it was gone. What gives?
<aside class="referenced-wide referenced-fullwidth js_inset tmpl_referencedGroupFullWidth clearfix core-decorated-inset" style="box-sizing: border-box; clear: both; float: none; margin: 0px 0px 1.5rem; padding: 0px;">http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s---XK9tq4o--/c_fill,fl_progressive,g_center,h_77,q_80,w_137/nejio8w0vt2l2jmbywi4.jpg (http://gawker.com/who-wants-to-buy-piss-christ-this-thursday-1575713001)
​Who Wants to Buy Piss Christ This Thursday? (http://gawker.com/who-wants-to-buy-piss-christ-this-thursday-1575713001)

The usually tedious one-man morality crusade Bill "Catholic League" Donohue sends along a …Read more (http://gawker.com/who-wants-to-buy-piss-christ-this-thursday-1575713001)

</aside>"It's been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images," AP spokeswoman Erin Madigan told Byers when he asked about the removal. "It is fair to say we have revised and reviewed our policies since 1989." Little is known about the Paris attackers, but it is likely that they were inspired by Charlie's publishing of cartoons depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammad.
If the AP once hosted a full-bleed photo of Piss Christ like the Wikipedia image we're using above, I wasn't able to find it; that may have been the removed photo referenced in Byers' post. Earlier this evening the aforementioned photos of Serrano posing with his work were still available, as well as an image of a museum curator alongside a copy of (http://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/France-Museum-Attack/4c06ead97b834e0ba2cf2e49073cab41/12/0)Piss Christ (http://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/France-Museum-Attack/4c06ead97b834e0ba2cf2e49073cab41/12/0) that wasattacked by a group of apparent Christian extremists (http://www.minnpost.com/max-about-town/2011/04/men-hammers-and-screwdrivers-destruction-serranos-notorious-photograph) when it was displayed in France in 2011. As of this writing, the image of the vandalized work is the only one that remains.

Madigan gave a version of the same boilerplate she provided to Byers when I asked about the photos, and has not yet responded to a request to confirm that the removals were in response to the attacks. If they were, it is a cowardly and unfortunate capitulation to the men who killed 12 people today in an apparent effort to quell speech. But it isn't particularly surprising: the Associated Press was among the outlets that pixelated images of Charlie Hebdo's cartoons (http://gawker.com/gunmen-kill-12-in-shooting-at-paris-satirical-newspaper-1677943812) in its coverage of the attacks today.

In any event, here's Piss Christ in all its heavy-handed glory.
[Image via Andres Serrano]

I find the above offensive, I've said so numerous times. However, I wouldn't take out or try to hit the artist or the National Endowment of the Arts that helped finance it.

01-12-2015, 11:57 PM
just because:



by JOHN NOLTE (http://www.breitbart.com/author/john-nolte/)7 Jan 2015161 (http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/01/07/ap-censors-muhammad-cartoons-sells-piss-christ-photos/#disqus_thread)

The Associated Press defended its decision to not publish the Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cartoons by telling the Daily Beast that (http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2015/01/07/ap-censors-muhammad-cartoons.html) “It’s been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images.” The Washington Examiner reports that (http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/article/2558314) policy doesn’t appear to pertain to Christians. For a price, the AP will sell you a print of “Piss Christ,” a photo of a Christian Crucifix sitting in a jar of urine.

After the Examiner piece published, the AP apparently took down the “Piss Christ”purchase link (https://twitter.com/politicalmath/status/552915092669333504).

UPDATE: From the AP, you can still purchase a painting of the Virgin Mary decorated with elephant fece (http://www.apimages.com/metadata/Index/Associated-Press-Domestic-News-New-York-United-/9715ea1789e6da11af9f0014c2589dfb/4/0)s.

John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC (https://twitter.com/NolteNC)

01-13-2015, 06:25 AM
going to be at least a million copies, about 50X normal:


Some arguments about why both CNN and NYT are going dhimmie.


Now here is something interesting I found out regarding AP decision since the Charlie slaughter:


I find the above offensive, I've said so numerous times. However, I wouldn't take out or try to hit the artist or the National Endowment of the Arts that helped finance it.

Well, of course you wouldn't !! That's because you're light years away (as are all decent, civilised human beings) from the sheer subhumanity which drives terrorist trash to do what they do.

01-13-2015, 07:41 AM
"Je Suis Charlie!!!"

I love the cover!! And they should run similar for the rest of the year, to show the world that NO ONE is going to run from these animals. I hope radicals around the world are steaming over the new cover.

And I also find the Christ picture despicable - but that's all. What am I going to do, go firebomb a place, or go shoot people over it? Hell, I wouldn't even be in a friendly march over it. All it really needs is to be ignored.

01-13-2015, 07:45 AM
"Je Suis Charlie!!!"

I love the cover!! And they should run similar for the rest of the year, to show the world that NO ONE is going to run from these animals. I hope radicals around the world are steaming over the new cover.

And I also find the Christ picture despicable - but that's all. What am I going to do, go firebomb a place, or go shoot people over it? Hell, I wouldn't even be in a friendly march over it. All it really needs is to be ignored.

I concur. I did write to my representatives about dropping the National Endowment of the Arts.