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View Full Version : CNN refuses to show new cover of France's Charlie Hebdo magazine

01-13-2015, 03:05 PM
CNN has refused to show the new cover of France's Charlie Hebdo magazine, which displays a cartoon depicting Mohammed with a shirt reading "Je Suis Charlie". A publishing run of up to 3 million copies is expected, in defiance of the mass murders of their staff last week by Islamic extremists.

CNN cited a concern over "sensitivity of Muslim audiences".

However, CNN had no problem showing a picture of a sculpture called "Piss Christ" - a figure of Christ on the cross, submerged in human urine. The fact that it offended millions of Christians all over the world, apparently did not concern the editors at CNN, unlike a picture of a cartoon depicting Mohammed.

The picture of "Piss Christ" can still be found on CNN's website, at http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/01/world/gallery/controversial-art/ .

It is clear that CNN isn't actually worried about the "sensitivity of" religious audiences... unless that religion threatens to kill them. Then they kowtow and roll over, doing what the mass murderers want obediently.

Or perhaps they are merely "sensitive" toward Islam alone, while not interested in other religions.




Charlie Hebdo puts Mohammed on its new cover

by Brian Stelter
January 13, 2015: 11:20 AM ET


In a show of defiance, the surviving staff of Charlie Hebdo has placed a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed on the cover of its first issue since the terrorist attack at its offices last week.

Chosen by Charlie Hebdo's editors on Monday night, the cover was quickly revealed by Liberation, the French newspaper that is sharing its office space with staffers from the satirical magazine. A wide swath of French media outlets have already republished the cover in a show of solidarity.

The chosen cartoon shows Mohammed holding up a sign that says "Je Suis Charlie," the now-famous slogan that became a rallying cry after 12 people were killed at the magazine's offices on January 7.


Many major news organizations, including CNN, generally refrain from showing images that purport to show the prophet. In recent days, executives at CNN have cited concerns about the safety of staff members and sensitivity towards Muslim audiences

01-13-2015, 03:09 PM
Might be related? MSNBC is doing the same as CNN:


01-13-2015, 03:33 PM

http://media.breitbart.com/media/2015/01/Al_Sharpton_by_David_Shankbone-640x466.jpgby JOHN NOLTE (http://www.breitbart.com/author/john-nolte/)7 Jan 2015318 (http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/01/07/cnn-policy-charlie-hebdo-muhammad-cartoons-forbidden-piss-christ-okay/#disqus_thread)

Politico has obtained an email (http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2015/01/internal-cnn-memo-we-are-not-at-this-time-showing-200711.html) from CNN senior editorial director Richard Griffiths that tells staffers that the Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cartoons are not to be shown on any CNN platform. “Although we are not at this time showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet considered offensive by many Muslims,” Griffith writes, “platforms are encouraged to verbally describe the cartoons in detail.”

What can be found big as life at CNN’s website are numerous photos of “Piss Christ.” On top of the photo embedded above (http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/01/world/gallery/controversial-art/), this was sent to me from a Twitter follower...

01-13-2015, 03:46 PM
Bunch of pansies.

Fox ran it.

01-13-2015, 03:53 PM
I remember "Piss Christ".
Christain didn't like it, still don't, but the real problem was that it was Gov't Funded.
Still there was no Christian militia out to kill the artist or the gov't sponsors, just a lot of bad press... all around.
But God has a place ready for those that don't repent of that kinda thing. no need for christians to send folks off early on God's account, he'll handle his business with everyone before it's over..

01-13-2015, 03:59 PM
Bunch of pansies.

Fox ran it.

the attack was counter productive in every way. most americans and the world probably never would have seen the images if those murderers hadn't killed so many.
So Mohammed's cartoon picture is now spread round the world, via many willing news sites
tweets, Facebook and social media.

Devil deceived them and cheated them out of every goal except bloodshed and death.

01-14-2015, 09:57 PM
Bunch of pansies.

Fox ran it.

`Thats why they are number 1....by a good margin.....and it helps that Leftists hate Fox News...There are a lot of`quite` Americans out there...watching....thinking and disgusted with the implanted ..communists... in power...

01-15-2015, 09:15 PM
the attack was counter productive in every way. most americans and the world probably never would have seen the images if those murderers hadn't killed so many.
So Mohammed's cartoon picture is now spread round the world, via many willing news sites
tweets, Facebook and social media.

Devil deceived them and cheated them out of every goal except bloodshed and death.

The muzzies learned about something called the Streisand Effect, which she inadvertently created in 2003 when she tried to bully a guy doing erosion research in California to remove a picture of her house on the coast. She got a few lawyers to try and bully the guy, and then all hell broke loose. The image had been downloaded 6 times total (2 of those were her attorneys), and then the story broke. After hundreds of thousands of downloads later, international news doing stories on it, and millions on the internet mocking her and making their own pictures, she realized that it wasn't a very good move.

By trying to suppress the images, they brought undivided international attention to them. And then anyone that can draw uploaded their own muhammed cartoons on the 'net.

01-15-2015, 09:37 PM
The muzzies learned about something called the Streisand Effect, which she inadvertently created in 2003 when she tried to bully a guy doing erosion research in California to remove a picture of her house on the coast. She got a few lawyers to try and bully the guy, and then all hell broke loose. The image had been downloaded 6 times total (2 of those were her attorneys), and then the story broke. After hundreds of thousands of downloads later, international news doing stories on it, and millions on the internet mocking her and making their own pictures, she realized that it wasn't a very good move.

By trying to suppress the images, they brought undivided international attention to them. And then anyone that can draw uploaded their own muhammed cartoons on the 'net.
Yep, in the West those moves will bring a world of hurt. Obama is trying to undermine that, hopefully he'll learn or we will.