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View Full Version : Ted Nugent Says: Save the planet: Kill the Muslim Third Reich

01-15-2015, 04:34 PM
Nuge for President !!!

OK he may be blunt but how nice it would be to have a leader that was straight forward and no I understand this guy isn't running nor would he win the bid to be president, but I do like the fact that he is honest and he looks at the problem without blinders.

Though left-wing apologists, denial cultists and excuse-making whiners will most assuredly try to claim this following NugeBlog is an anti-Islam screed, it is not.
It is purely and simply an anti-rabid dog common-sense Teditorial that will be embraced by people with but a modicum of historical perspective, goodwill, intellect and decency.

Let’s clear the air: I personally don’t care if you stand on your head and recite Shakespeare backwards, marry your beagle, stack BBs, French kiss rattlesnakes or swan dive into a shallow vat of goat urine. If that’s what turns your religious crank, party on. Just do it downwind of me, and don’t bill me for your rehab.
But when it comes to the pure demonic evil of murderous savage Islamist terrorists, the line is universally drawn by good people worldwide. We all know instinctively that there is no virtue in slaughtering innocent people. No God smiles or rejoices in this.
