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01-17-2015, 10:21 PM


01-17-2015, 11:13 PM

01-17-2015, 11:29 PM
I get the idea that all these complainers don't feel as strong about this as they want you to believe. Why aren't they out picketing Mosques, evangelizing and winning souls for Jesus, burning a Koran? C'mon people, quit just running your mouths, get off your butt and do SOMETHING to intelligently weaken Islam. And yes, message boards can be used for more than banter such as planning and coordinating activities.

01-17-2015, 11:39 PM
I get the idea that all these complainers don't feel as strong about this as they want you to believe. Why aren't they out picketing Mosques, evangelizing and winning souls for Jesus, burning a Koran? C'mon people, quit just running your mouths, get off your butt and do SOMETHING to intelligently weaken Islam. And yes, message boards can be used for more than banter such as planning and coordinating activities.

*He`s doing his part with the message....as far as dong something about it it takes many...and people with power in governments....with the Leftists in control and in power not much can be done for now except educating more people about the Cancer....The Left continues to feed the cancer.`

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-18-2015, 01:14 AM


Thanks. Brilliant video that so highlights the propaganda used to protect the cult of Islam.
Insanity that says not not the arsonist that is to be blamed/charged -it is the flames, now go arrest the flames and let the arsonist continue doing his job..
And that insanity is promoted and sponsored by our own damn government!
Now we truly should be asking why!
Why is our government so hell-bent on promoting this so-called religion(cult) while it viciously attacks Christianity?
Then we must look at the alliances Islam has formed worldwide , what governments it has infiltrated, what politicians its used billions to buy to advance its cult!
Yet be careful friends for such will lead you right to the head piece of shit currently in charge if this nation, the Obama, the first certified traitor serving as President. The Dark Lord as our Gaffer so very rightly called him !!!!
I called that scum maggot and its a very true description of what he is , along with this one--"muslim-in-hiding"..
This nation, its gullible and blinded peoples has invited the wolf in as the shepherd.
And the evil feast continues for another two years at least. Sad and quite massively tragic... --Tyr