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View Full Version : Obama proposes tax hikes for "the wealthy", increases in capital gains tax rate

01-18-2015, 06:14 PM
The liberal political machine is chugging along in high gear, proposing for the umpteenth time that taxes be raised on "the wealthy", despite the fact that they already pay more taxes than any other group. Obama has also proposed an increase in the capital gains tax.

Recall, of course, that during the Clinton administration, the Republican congress passed bills lowering the Capital Gains tax four separate times. Clinton vetoed it three times. And then, faced by an imminent election, he finally signed it, saying it was "broken but we'll fix it later". No "fix" was ever put in place subsequently.

After that decrease in the Capital Gains tax rate, economic activity exploded. Revenue from Capital Gains taxes more than doubled despite the lower rate, and the budget was nearly balanced for three years in a row, due mostly to this increased Capital Gains tax revenue.

(The Federal budget has never show a surplus or balance since 1957. But these capital gains tax rate cuts brought it closer to balancing, than at any other time in living memory.)

Now Obama proposes to reverse that. We can expect the results to reverse, too: Revenue from Capital Gains taxes will likely decrease, contrary to Obama's predictions. How this helps anybody is unclear.

And his proposed tax increases on "the wealthy" will probably result in slowing of job growth or even decreases in job production as large employers have less money to spend on wages and personnel, adding to their increased burdens imposed by Obamacare.

These old, tired liberal "ideas" backfire nearly every time they are tried, resulting in poorer economies, reduced job growth, and smaller paychecks for everyone.

When will the liberals ever learn?



Obama Pitches Capital Gains Hike To 28% In 'Simpler, Fairer' Tax Code

1/18/2015 @ 12:36AM

Right before his State of the Union address to a Republican controlled Congress, President Obama has thrown down a tax gauntlet, proposing $320 billion in tax hikes. His signature ideas would make community college free, and would extend sick leave to working families. But his massive batch of tax hikes is unlikely to be met with applause, even though he has cleverly invoked Ronald Reagan’s name to sell yet another big capital gains rate hike.

During Reagan’s years, Mr. Obama will note, the top capital gains rate was 28%. Today, our top rate is 20%, right? Not really. President Obama already raised it from 15% to 20%, and even that isn’t accurate. Long term capital gains today are hit with 23.8%, 3.8% being the President’s net investment income tax that was enacted to help fund Obamacare. Of course, that 3.8% tax is only one of many taxes imposed by Obamacare.

01-18-2015, 06:24 PM
Some are calling this the "trolling" SOTU.


01-18-2015, 11:16 PM
Some are calling this the "trolling" SOTU.


Let me guess: He'll promise that if we like our health plan, we can keep our health plan. Period.

01-19-2015, 08:51 AM
Let me guess: He'll promise that if we like our health plan, we can keep our health plan. Period.

If he does that, we can call it the STFU SOTU.

01-19-2015, 10:52 AM
Government smart; they should run our drone strikes.

01-19-2015, 11:08 AM
Government smart; they should run our drone strikes.

Maybe we should also have them change methods of law enforcement and such, wouldn't want them letting criminals go, for fear that others may be created. :)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-19-2015, 11:12 AM
Steal more billions to fund his nation destroying agenda..
Millions should march on Washington and demand the ouster of this socialist traitor IMHO.
This complete and utter fraud, elected by a pack of lies and based upon a false history of who and what he truly is!
Truly is no more than a maggot, the best single descriptive word I can find that aptly fits.-Tyr

01-20-2015, 09:24 AM
Maybe we should also have them change methods of law enforcement and such, wouldn't want them letting criminals go, for fear that others may be created. :)

I do believe that there is reams of data that shows that effective policing does not create scores more criminals. :)

Steal more billions... traitor...

You do know that capital gain tax revenues don't go into his pocket don't you? Or that suggesting a raise in tax rates is not treasonous?

Just making sure.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-20-2015, 10:09 AM
I do believe that there is reams of data that shows that effective policing does not create scores more criminals. :)

You do know that capital gain tax revenues don't go into his pocket don't you? Or that suggesting a raise in tax rates is not treasonous?

Just making sure.

Yes, I know it goes into the Treasury. From their it is confiscated to be meted out into pet projects by Obama, such as --
Solyndra.. but there are others too. -Tyr

President Obama's Taxpayer-Backed Green Energy Failures


Oct 18, 2012 - It simply means that our taxpayer dollars subsidized companies that ..... and a list of how much these failed/failing companies donated to Obama. ..... I want to know how much of the Tax Payers funds were sent back up stream ...

Then those companies kick back millions into dem party campaign coffers. That's stealing tax dollars to fund his party and his reelection campaign too.
And his corruption is treasonous because he pursues a determined anti-American agenda .-Tyr

01-20-2015, 10:37 AM
I do believe that there is reams of data that shows that effective policing does not create scores more criminals. :)

Not gonna take this off topic with lame crap. I had not realized this thread was about drones and police. My bad for not reading the thread title and other posts yesterday.

01-20-2015, 12:10 PM
Yes, I know it goes into the Treasury.


Not gonna take this off topic with lame crap. I had not realized this thread was about drones and police. My bad for not reading the thread title and other posts yesterday.

Sorry, I was just trying to make it about the genius of government. :)