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View Full Version : Ferguson shooting - Feds are clearing Darren Wilson

01-22-2015, 08:09 AM
As it should be, he shot a thug charging at him, one who just tried to steal his gun. Witnesses were busted lying. The thug just committed a robbery. Regardless, he will be cleared. Just a shame that he had to go through all of this over a thug, and people rioting over a thug. Oh well, all is well that ends well!


Justice Dept. working to clear Darren Wilson of civil rights charges: report

The Justice Department will not bring any federal civil rights charges against Darren Wilson, a white police officer involved in the death of a black teenager, The New York Timesreported Wednesday.

The announcement would essentially close the books on the case, but could set off a fresh wave of protests and possibly riots similar to those that followed last year’s refusal of a St. Louis County grand jury to bring charges for homicide or any other state crime.

The Justice Department told The Washington Times that it would not comment on the article or about the ongoing investigation. The Associated Press later reported that the FBI had completed its investigation and noted that scholars long had thought an indictment “would be highly unlikely.”

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/jan/21/justice-dept-working-clear-darren-wilson/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS#ixzz3PYUoxjSZ
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01-22-2015, 08:14 AM
Didn't want to start a new threads, and this is on Ferguson too. This is a clip from right after the decision. Go to the 2 minute mark, and shortly after they are able to bust down and get in. Within seconds, watch how many people literally squeeze through a ground level opening in order to go loot. The owner should have booby trapped it and blown them all up!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=8dde0f908ded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

01-22-2015, 11:34 AM
Didn't want to start a new threads, and this is on Ferguson too. This is a clip from right after the decision. Go to the 2 minute mark, and shortly after they are able to bust down and get in. Within seconds, watch how many people literally squeeze through a ground level opening in order to go loot. The owner should have booby trapped it and blown them all up!

<iframe src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=8dde0f908ded" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe>

It's not their fault. They are simply expressing themselves. It's all because of white people that they behave the way they do (says liberal apologists....)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-22-2015, 12:14 PM
Didn't want to start a new threads, and this is on Ferguson too. This is a clip from right after the decision. Go to the 2 minute mark, and shortly after they are able to bust down and get in. Within seconds, watch how many people literally squeeze through a ground level opening in order to go loot. The owner should have booby trapped it and blown them all up!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=8dde0f908ded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Takes the right bait to film Obama's loyal fans/voters.
Typical dem voters actually exercising their usual skills.
Stealing and government freebies are the bread and butter for the typical lib/dem voters--ffing vermin and 95% of his base is black..
Reality bites.. but it is what it is.. -Tyr

01-22-2015, 03:24 PM
Holder, and Obama probably NEEDED to clear Wilson in order to continue the Divisiveness they started. Wouldn't be surprised in Al (notso)Sharpton also had a hand in CLEARING this Ferguson cop to PERPETUATE the hatred, and crimes of LOOTING for all that FREE STUFF Obama originally promised them.

01-22-2015, 03:46 PM
reminds me of cockroaches streaming through

01-22-2015, 04:01 PM