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01-22-2015, 09:50 PM
`Boehner invites Netanyahu to speak to Congress on Iran sanctions

US Senate opens showdown with Obama over Iran sanctions......................`

`WASHINGTON (AP) — Senators in both parties squared off with the Obama administration Wednesday about whether the threat of new U.S., sanctions would scuttle nuclear talks with Iran as House Speaker John Boehner, without consulting the White House, invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress.

Netanyahu is a staunch opponent of Iran, and Boehner's move to bring him before a joint meeting of Congress likely increases the chances of a congressional collision with the White House.`

http://news.yahoo.com/senate-opens-s...084609666.html (http://news.yahoo.com/senate-opens-showdown-obama-over-iran-sanctions-084609666.html)


`Seems like congress might just ignore obamma like he ignored congress.....
obamma who?


`White House: Netanyahu Visit a ‘Departure from Protocol’

http://www.breitbart.com/big-governm...from-protocol/ (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/01/21/white-house-netanyahu-visit-a-departure-from-protocol/)


`Obama doesn't give a crap about Israel....... Obama doesn't want to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Obama desperately wants to avoid military conflict with Iran.
......We had Iran boxed in with favorable governments in Iraq and Afghanistan...with strong military presence in both countries that has evaporated. Obama leans Muslim...... leans toward former colonies and leans anti-West.. once you understand that..his actions make a lot more sense.



01-22-2015, 10:37 PM
I like the move. Yeah, it's definitely breaking protocol, but the Israelis have been snubbed again and again with this incompetent administration.

We are still allies with Israel, despite where Bambam has steered relations. Netanyahu has many contacts in Congress that support Israel, and this way he'll get to talk directly with them instead of having Kerry shove his foot in his mouth or Bambam blundering clumsily around trying to figure out how to be an ally to our friend that is constantly in a war for survival.

It's also a move by Boehner and crew to show Obama that he's viewed as irrelevant... I can't think of any other time where this well-aimed slap was delivered to a sitting President.

I like it. It's ballsy and makes a statement - and achieves something worthwhile all at once.

01-22-2015, 10:39 PM

01-22-2015, 11:12 PM
I like the move. Yeah, it's definitely breaking protocol, but the Israelis have been snubbed again and again with this incompetent administration.

We are still allies with Israel, despite where Bambam has steered relations. Netanyahu has many contacts in Congress that support Israel, and this way he'll get to talk directly with them instead of having Kerry shove his foot in his mouth or Bambam blundering clumsily around trying to figure out how to be an ally to our friend that is constantly in a war for survival.

It's also a move by Boehner and crew to show Obama that he's viewed as irrelevant... I can't think of any other time where this well-aimed slap was delivered to a sitting President.

I like it. It's ballsy and makes a statement - and achieves something worthwhile all at once.Well Obama will not meet with him:

News from The Associated Press (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_OBAMA_NETANYAHU?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-01-22-12-11-08)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama will not meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu when he travels to Washington in March, the White House said Thursday, one day after being caught off-guard by Republicans' invitation for the Israeli leader to address a joint session of Congress.

Spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan said that in keeping with "long-standing practice and principle," the president does not meet with heads of state or candidates in close proximity to their elections.

"Accordingly, the president will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu because of the proximity to the Israeli election, which is just two weeks after his planned address to the U.S. Congress," Meehan said.


And the petty administration continues:

Israel source says leaked report of Netanyahu-Mossad rift on Iran sanctions is 'Obama's revenge' - Israel News - Jerusalem Post

Israel source says leaked report of Netanyahu-Mossad rift on Iran sanctions is 'Obama's revenge'

Israeli officials in Jerusalem told Army Radio on Thursday that a report in Bloomberg highlighting the rift between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the vaunted intelligence agency Mossad over Iran sanctions was “the Obama administration’s revenge” over the Republican-controlled Congress’ invitation to the premier to speak before a joint session without consulting the White House.

According to the report, officials from Mossad have lobbied Congressional and administration officials to refrain from imposing new sanctions against Iran for fear that it would lead to a collapse of the Western powers’ talks with the Islamic Republic over its nuclear program.

The White House expressed anger over the invite extended to Netanyahu, calling it “a departure from protocol.”

01-22-2015, 11:17 PM

Yep, he's pissed!

01-23-2015, 12:24 AM
The 'Smart Diplomacy' is a failure:


Fury in Israel Over Obama's Mossad 'Lies'

Senior Israeli says 'friends don't act like this' after Mossad Head denies US claim that he opposed Iran sanctions in talk with senators.

By Gil Ronen

First Publish: 1/22/2015, 9:20 PM

A senior Israeli official delivered an uncommonly harsh attack on US President Barack Obama's administration Thursday evening, following the American report that that Mossad Head Tamir Pardo had warned US senators against further Iran sanctions, in contradiction of Israel's official stance.

"The fraudulent claims against the Mossad Head were raised by the Americans yesterday, despite a message that had been transmitted to them on Tuesday by Intelligence Minister [Yuval] Steintz,” the senior Israeli source told Channel 2news.

He added that Israel had gone over the minutes of the meeting between Pardo and the delegation of senators, and that Pardo had not said what was attributed to him.

"Leaking the Mossad Head's statements, even if they had not been falsified, is a serious breach of all the rules,” the senior source added. “Friends do not behave like this. Information from a meeting must not leak out.”

Pardo denied on Thursday the report – which was carried by Bloomberg news – claiming that the Mossad disagrees with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/190316) about the need to press new sanctions on Iran.

The report said that Mossad officials advised US senators who were visiting Israel recently to hold off on further Iran sanctions, saying that they would hamper, not help, efforts to persuade Iran to give up or allow full international supervision of its nuclear program.

"The Head of Mossad did not say that he opposes additional sanctions on Iran,” said the spy agency Thursday.

"Mossad Head Tamir Pardo met on January 19, 2015, with a delegation of US senators,” Mossad said in a statement. “The meeting was held at the request of the senators and with the prime minister's approval. At the meeting, the Head of Mossad stressed the extraordinary effectiveness of the sanctions that have been placed on Iran for several years in bringing Iran to the negotiating table.”

"The Head of Mossad noted that in negotiating with Iran, a policy of 'carrots and sticks' must be adopted, and there are not enough 'sticks' nowadays,” it added.

Furthermore, said the agency, he “said specifically that the agreement that is being formed with Iran is bad and could lead to a regional arms race.”

Sources in Jerusalem told Army Radio Thursday that the story reported in Bloomberg about disagreement between Netanyahu and the Mossad regarding sanctions on Iran is US President Barack Obama administration's “revenge” for Netanyahu's invitation to address Congress.

The invitation was extended by Congress without consulting Obama.

01-23-2015, 12:46 PM
Maybe this is one example of a failure of mine to understand American politics. But I'm really struggling to make the smallest sense of Obama's objection.

Protocol is involved ? A US President shouldn't meet WITH AN ALLY, with another Head of State representing that allied power, 'this close' to an election ???

So what's the great problem ? Are US Presidents forbidden to meet their OWN ALLIES at certain stages of their Presidency ?!?

Nope. To me, this is just an almighty load of rubbish. I don't care who invited Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, or when, or why. Netanyahu represents a power you're meant to be an ally of, moreover, an ally which has permanent security issues. Obama, in refusing to meet HIS ALLY, is abusing that ally, perhaps rendering the whole application of the word, in this instance, utterly meaningless.

And ABUSE is what's involved. Actual hostility to a supposed ally. See this ...


It seems that Netanyahu’s upcoming US visit in March, including his acceptance of an invitation to address the US Congress, has angered the Obama administration and brought the Netanyahu-Obama relationship to a new low.

“There are things you simply don’t do. He spat in our face publicly and that’s no way to behave. Netanyahu ought to remember that President Obama has a year and a half left to his presidency, and that there will be a price.”

Israel and the US are at odds about how to deal with the Iranian nuclear negotiations vs. sanctions issue. President Obama insists that Netanyahu should not attempt to pressure the US to impose additional sanctions against Iran, as this would jeopardize progress made thus far in the negotiations.

The Iranian nuclear issue is expected to be Netanyahu’s main topic in his upcoming address to the US Congress.

The White House was livid that Netanyahu’s visit was not coordinated with them in advance, which was a “breach of protocol.”

Netanyahu’s upcoming trip was reportedly changed from February 11 to March 3 in order to enable the Prime Minister to attend the AIPAC Conference in March. The US then decided that Obama, Biden and Kerry would not meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu, since this is consistent with US policy not to meet with foreign leaders on dates that are “close to” national elections.

It is interesting to note that in 1996, one month before Israeli elections, US President Bill Clinton met with Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres during his trip to the United States.

The Washington Post reported that US Secretary of State John Kerry said that although the relationship between the US and Israel “is unshakable”, when Israel starts “playing politics”, it can “blunt Secretary Kerry’s enthusiasm for being Israel’s primary defender.”

Obama officials reportedly said that the language used in reference to Netanyahu, after the White House learned of Netanyahu’s planned visit, was far worse than the “chickens**t” vulgarity used to insult Israel’s Prime Minister back in October.

Clinton could do it. So can Obama. Israel is an ally with security concerns which SHOULD be receiving due attention within the greater scheme of the need for ongoing dialogue.

Perhaps we should just trust that Iran, and other belligerents, will not consider attacking Israel until after the US's next Presidential election ?????

01-23-2015, 08:46 PM
Why is Boehner inviting the leader of a terrorist state to address Congress? Is a Palestinian leader next?

01-23-2015, 09:17 PM
Why is Boehner inviting the leader of a terrorist state to address Congress? Is a Palestinian leader next?

Put up or shut up.


01-23-2015, 09:25 PM
Maybe this is one example of a failure of mine to understand American politics. But I'm really struggling to make the smallest sense of Obama's objection.

Protocol is involved ? A US President shouldn't meet WITH AN ALLY, with another Head of State representing that allied power, 'this close' to an election ???

So what's the great problem ? Are US Presidents forbidden to meet their OWN ALLIES at certain stages of their Presidency ?!?

No, Netenyahu and the Republicans are excluding him deliberately, so this is the best reason Bambam's people can come up with for not meeting with him - Netenyahu wasn't going to meet with him anyway, so Obama ran this ridiculous statement out there . It's BS, just a way to try and save face.

"He's not going to meet with me? Fine! We'll just make a statement that I'm not going to meet with him!"

This way things can get done and none of the buffoons in the administration will be able to embarrass anyone.

01-23-2015, 09:49 PM
Bibi Netanyahu irritates, and, Out-classes Obama with honesty, truth, logic, and common sense NO ACORN adviser has ever been able to understand.

Truth is. Obama knows Bibi is far more intelligent, experienced, and able to handle dangerous situations that Obama pretends, do not exist. Unless Obama has a Golf club somewhere nearby. He is lost, and will remain the laughing stock of the REST OF THE WORLD, who knows personally...what a FOOL Obama really is.

01-23-2015, 09:51 PM
`......liberals hate Israel.... Because it is essentially an American protectorate..... Israel also affords us an important base of intelligence in the Mid East.
`Liberals hate America. Israel is an extension of American ideas including the control of the Christian/Jewish holy land.
....Liberals hate western religion...Western Religion is the backbone of modern civilization. It gives us faith and hope for the future...God Bless Israel in its fight with muslim terrorists and their ignorant out of control Leftists supporters.`

01-24-2015, 10:18 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10943030_10153231076488455_5878409223369364116_n.j pg?oh=5ed34dd1edfd5d00b0deea25994ea456&oe=5561FEE5&__gda__=1432650394_2c526347615c3ede432067a6dd54a9f e

01-24-2015, 10:26 AM
Why is Boehner inviting the leader of a terrorist state to address Congress? Is a Palestinian leader next?

Gabby, are you anti-Semitic ? I thought you were an International Socialist, not a National Socialist. Of course both Hitler and Stalin persecuted Jews.

01-24-2015, 10:36 AM
Why is Boehner inviting the leader of a terrorist state to address Congress? Is a Palestinian leader next?

Feel free to post what you found on the Department of State's website about this. I really look forward to reading about how Israel is considered a terrorist state. Idiot.

Here's a list of terrorist organizations from the beaureau of counter terrorism. Weird that there are 4 or 5 of them listed from Palestine and none from Israel. And while Palestine was removed as "state sponsored terrorism", they were on that list - whereas Israel NEVER was. Nor do they support and allow terrorists to thrive on their soil. - http://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/other/des/123085.htm

A current list of state sponsored terrorism - http://www.state.gov/j/ct/list/c14151.htm

A long list year by year - http://www.state.gov/j/ct/rls/crt/

So I agree with NT - how about you put up or shut up?

01-24-2015, 10:56 AM
I think it's almost time to resurrect Gabby's Greatest Imbecile Statements thread.

I've got a few more to add to the list.

01-24-2015, 11:01 AM
I think it's almost time to resurrect Gabby's Greatest Imbecile Statements thread.

I've got a few more to add to the list.

And she'll add to that material IF she comes back here to reply to this. She'll make up some excuse and claim to know better than the experts of course, or will claim it was only her opinion. While I look forward to YOUR list, if someone wanted to read ALL of her stupid statements, they need only open her profile and then click on "find latest posts" <---- which brings up of course a list of every post she has ever made. :) :coffee:

01-24-2015, 11:19 AM
I think it's almost time to resurrect Gabby's Greatest Imbecile Statements thread.

I've got a few more to add to the list.

I see nothing imbecilic. At least she has the courage to admit she's an anti-Semite. It's difficult to admit being a bigot in today's PC world. I give her credit.

01-24-2015, 11:28 AM
No, now she'll claim she's not anti-semitic in the least.

She's played out this same bullshit dozens of times in the past, and fled the thread 100% of the time.

I can see you're not familiar with her imbecilic statements. I'd better resurrect it.

01-24-2015, 11:33 AM
No, now she'll claim she's not anti-semitic in the least.

She's played out this same bullshit dozens of times in the past, and fled the thread 100% of the time.

I can see you're not familiar with her imbecilic statements. I'd better resurrect it.

Maybe it's because I see that her value is between her legs (or lips), rather than between her ears.

01-24-2015, 12:04 PM
Maybe it's because I see that her value is between her legs (or lips), rather than between her ears.

C'mon, that's unnecessary. She's given so much ammo to attack her with, but it doesn't need to go personal like that, and vulgar. I assure you that other members, minus one or two, are not going to want to read that either. As they say, keep it above the belt.

01-24-2015, 12:22 PM
C'mon, that's unnecessary. She's given so much ammo to attack her with, but it doesn't need to go personal like that, and vulgar. I assure you that other members, minus one or two, are not going to want to read that either. As they say, keep it above the belt.

Ok, I will just generically point out that a chick can be a source of enjoyment no matter how annoying or obnoxious she is. Ask any guy who past or present had a focus on "gettin' some".

01-24-2015, 12:35 PM
You guys... :rolleyes:

Like I have said many times before. Israel is a terrorist state. Just the same as Saudi Arabia and other extremist states in the Middle East. Our government kowtows to the Saudis because they have oil. We do the same to Israel because they have money and influence. All the while overlooking the grave human rights abuses all are responsible for.

01-24-2015, 01:06 PM
You guys... :rolleyes:

Like I have said many times before. Israel is a terrorist state. Just the same as Saudi Arabia and other extremist states in the Middle East. Our government kowtows to the Saudis because they have oil. We do the same to Israel because they have money and influence. All the while overlooking the grave human rights abuses all are responsible for.

Here you go, Champ : Here's your chance to shine.

Show us how Israel is a terrorist state.

Be sure to include supporting links from professional news outfits that are members of the AP.

01-24-2015, 03:39 PM
I like the move. Yeah, it's definitely breaking protocol, but the Israelis have been snubbed again and again with this incompetent administration.

We are still allies with Israel, despite where Bambam has steered relations. Netanyahu has many contacts in Congress that support Israel, and this way he'll get to talk directly with them instead of having Kerry shove his foot in his mouth or Bambam blundering clumsily around trying to figure out how to be an ally to our friend that is constantly in a war for survival.

It's also a move by Boehner and crew to show Obama that he's viewed as irrelevant... I can't think of any other time where this well-aimed slap was delivered to a sitting President.

I like it. It's ballsy and makes a statement - and achieves something worthwhile all at once.

I agree. why bother with him anymore. The people put Republicans in control of Congress under him after only six years for a reason

01-25-2015, 07:35 PM
Gabby simply cannot handle being less than the center of attention. So, she has programmed herself to always demonstrate...so easily, how being stupid, ignorant, racist, and plain-old-dumb, gets her ALL THE ATTENTION she could ever dream of getting.

(We should also remember. If any of us who disagree with Gabby, happened to live near her. She would also call us Terrorists too!)

02-04-2015, 12:14 AM
Some 'splaining to do, if the media covers this:

Breaking: NYT Admits Obama Deliberately Manufactured Netanyahu Spat

ROB MILLER (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/author/rob-miller/) February 2, 2015, 11:41 am

Read more: Breaking: NYT Admits Obama Deliberately Manufactured Netanyahu Spat | Rob Miller | The Blogs | The Times of Israel (http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/breaking-nyt-admits-obama-deliberately-manufactured-netanyahu-spat/#ixzz3QkZ4fDUe) http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/breaking-nyt-admits-obama-deliberately-manufactured-netanyahu-spat/#ixzz3QkZ4fDUe
Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter (http://ec.tynt.com/b/rw?id=da7qt6C20r440iacwqm_6l&u=timesofisrael) | timesofisrael on Facebook (http://ec.tynt.com/b/rf?id=da7qt6C20r440iacwqm_6l&u=timesofisrael)

President Barack Obama and his minions in the White House and the press have had a lot to say about how ‘disrespectful’ it was for Congress to invite Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of congress without informing the White House. And how wrong it was for Netanyahu to accept when he knew the White House hadn’t been informed.

Read this correction (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/30/us/politics/benjamin-netanyahu-is-talking-to-harry-reid-and-leading-democrats-to-little-effect-so-far.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=4) , from The New York Time’s own website.

Correction: January 30, 2015
An earlier version of this article misstated when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accepted Speaker John A. Boehner’s invitation to address Congress. He accepted after the administration had been informed of the invitation, not before.

Omri Ceren (https://twitter.com/cerenomri/status/561303988768100352) first spotted the correction and explained on Twitter:

NYT tries to promote anti-Netanyahu talking point that #Israel (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Israel?src=hash) blindsided Obama. They got just 1 tiny detail wrong.

Correction: January 30, 2015
An earlier version of this article misstated when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accepted Speaker John A. Boehner’s invitation to address Congress. He accepted after the administration had been informed of the invitation, not before.

This correction literally destroys the entire accompanying NYT article, about how Netanyahu was trying to make peace with Democrats in congress and explain why he had cooperated in ‘bypassing the White House.’

Let’s look at what originally ran, in the print edition:

Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, said Thursday that Mr. Netanyahu had called him the previous afternoon to explain why he had accepted an invitation to speak to Congress without first notifying the White House.

Then it was revised in the online edition:

Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, said Thursday that Mr. Netanyahu had called him the previous afternoon to explain why the White House had been circumvented before he was invited to speak before Congress.

And let’s look again the correction at the bottom of this piece of journalistic chicanery, online:

An earlier version of this article misstated when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel accepted Speaker John A. Boehner’s invitation to address Congress. He accepted after the administration had been informed of the invitation, not before.

Of course, the truth is that the White House was never bypassed or circumvented. Netanyahu only accepted Speaker John Boehner’s invitation after he knew the White House had been informed and had a chance to object.

And if the Obama White House had some objection and had actually communicated it to Netanyahu, do you think that just maybe, he might have made decision not to accept the speaking invitation?

Instead, the Obama White House said nothing, and Netanyahu, whose country gets threatened with destruction by Iran about every other week decided to accept Boehner’s invitation to speak to congress and help provide an impetus for legislation on Iranian sanctions that’s in both Israel and America’s interest .

American Thinker (http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/01/new_york_times_floats_trial_balloon_for_next_obama _admin_antiisrael_initiative.html) (where yours truly has been proud to appear from time to time) blogged on this and revealed another tidbit :

In 2011, Boehner sent a notice to the WH stating his intention to invite Netanyahu to speak before a joint session of Congress. The White House never responded (spite? incompetence?) and Boehner proceeded to extend the invitation to Netanyahu. Netanyahu accepted the invitation and spoke. The White House did not express any outrage (http://nypost.com/2015/01/26/an-unwelcome-ally-white-houses-bizarre-pique-on-bibi-invite/) in 2011.

So there was a precedent set then, and no reason for Boehner or Netanyahu to assume there was any problem when the White House didn’t respond with any objections this time.

The resulting fracas was simply kabuki outrage manufactured to create a negative impression that Israel had somehow ‘disrespected’ an American president. And of course, to assist Netanyahu’s political enemies in the coming election…where the Obama Administration has already sent a crack campaign team (http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=66198) and millions in campaign funds for the same purpose. The shotgun wedding of Labor’s Yitzhak Herzog and Tzipi Livni lost no time in trying to spin this to show that ‘Netanyahu was destroying Israel’s relationship with the U.S.’

Actually, the reality is that it really doesn’t matter what Netanyahu says or what Israel does.If it wasn’t this, President Obama would have set up something else, and there will certainly be more of this coming no matter who gets elected in March and no matter how many of Mahmoud Abbas’s demands Israel submits to.

This president wants very much to curtail America’s alliance with Israel. That’s the goal, and it has been ever since President Barack Hussein Obama first entered the White House.