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View Full Version : `.....A citizen (subject) in the UK wants his guns back................`

01-23-2015, 11:39 PM
``Every citizen in Europe and the UK faces the risk of an Islamic attack merely while going about normal day-to-day business. UK citizens in particular face this risk whilst being denied weapons of self defense. In the past I have fully and enthusiastically supported the UK’s complete ban on hand guns. But immediately after the killing of Lee Rigby I began to reconsider the wisdom of that ban and I now utterly oppose it.``

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```This is where we find ourselves now. Every citizen in Europe and the UK faces the risk of an Islamic attack merely while going about normal day-to-day business```

​http://www.americanthinker.com/artic..._for_arms.html (http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/01/alone_and_defenseless_a_uk_citizens_call_for_arms. html)

01-23-2015, 11:46 PM
`Common sense can be a good thing.... and directly opposes political correctness.....What's the old saying? About someone being anti-gun until they have been mugged once too often?`

01-24-2015, 12:21 AM
`Common sense can be a good thing.... and directly opposes political correctness.....What's the old saying? About someone being anti-gun until they have been mugged once too often?`

The cited mass killings, where it took armed police over 18 minutes to reach the scenes, resulting in heavy killings and the suspects suicides, speak to the problem in Britain. It's virtually impossible for law abiding people to carry. It's also true that many if not most of the police are unarmed.

The one incident with a 'good outcome' had an armed officer that was nearby who returned fire at the suspect. Problem is, that was just a happy happenstance.

01-24-2015, 12:31 AM
The cited mass killings, where it took armed police over 18 minutes to reach the scenes, resulting in heavy killings and the suspects suicides, speak to the problem in Britain. It's virtually impossible for law abiding people to carry. It's also true that many if not most of the police are unarmed.

The one incident with a 'good outcome' had an armed officer that was nearby who returned fire at the suspect. Problem is, that was just a happy happenstance.


`The UK has some of the strictest gun legislation in the world. It is virtually impossible to own a legal handgun in most of Britain. It is impossible to carry it in public. Self-defense is not considered a valid reason to own a gun. If you can convince the government you have “good reason” to own a gun, you can apply for a license.`

How many times do people need to be told? When you outlaw guns, you merely disarm the law abiding. The criminals, being criminals, will ignore anti-gun laws. You end up with a society of armed outlaws and a disarmed public.
`The left would rather go after the symptom – guns – than the disease – thugs. Thug culture is part of the diversity cult worshiped by the left. There is no belief so stupid or outrageous that it doesn’t make sense in the context of the cult of diversity.`


01-24-2015, 05:34 PM
`Common sense can be a good thing.... and directly opposes political correctness.....What's the old saying? About someone being anti-gun until they have been mugged once too often?`




Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-24-2015, 06:09 PM
We have the right to have a gun whether we need the gun or not. People do not need tons and tons of things they have.
Yet it is true when you need a gun --you really need that damn gun!
So those anti-gun fools can kiss my ever loving sweet ass..
I say to them , "ok , you, YOU--come take my gun you ffing weasel"..
NO, not the damn gestapo you vote into office--You come take it!
Takers! No , never on your life will one of the deluded cowardly idiots volunteer to do the deed!
Yet they demand a force, a government controlled force come disarm me by any means possible which includes that force using GUNS!

01-24-2015, 06:23 PM