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View Full Version : TED NUGENT: What Nugent Just Called Obama Will Cause Libs To Throw A Hissy Fit

01-28-2015, 07:35 AM
Ted explains his comment from 2014, yes we are back to the Sub Human Mongrel, which he explains and it makes sense, there is a video of Ted explaining and it truly makes sense.

NUGENT: I think if a person creates an environment where sheeple can be led to gas chambers, I don’t think the term subhuman mongrel is too outrageous. I don’t know if there is any English term, or any term available to mankind to adequately describe the depth of evil to a human who would deny good from winning over evil and with the insanity of our government, the insanity and the abuse of power, the runaway corruption deceit and dishonesty coming out of Barack Obama and Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and the left, they really believe that they can take our tax dollars and hire machine gun-toting security guards while dictating unarmed helplessness to their employers. Can you think of a word that could be offensive enough to describe someone who takes your money to hire security people while passing laws denying you the right to be secure? So subhuman mongrel was probably much too delicate.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-28-2015, 08:55 AM
Ted explains his comment from 2014, yes we are back to the Sub Human Mongrel, which he explains and it makes sense, there is a video of Ted explaining and it truly makes sense.

TRAITOR-- fits better, because that is exactly what Obama and those Nugent named are. They all actively work to advance Obama's treasonous agenda.
Ted nails the lying vermin and of course the leftist media will blow a gasket. They always do when the TRUTH is put out there for others to se and consider!-Tyr

01-28-2015, 09:01 AM
This hymn will tell you why this sub-human / non-human business bothers me. It's in a word: blasphemy


01-28-2015, 09:10 AM
This hymn will tell you why this sub-human / non-human business bothers me. It's in a word: blasphemy


tf I agree it may be the wrong use of words but I am sure Ted isn't actually saying Obama is not a human or that he is a Mongrel ( in fact he explained that in the video ) it was just the worst thing he could think of to describe the traitorous behavior of those running our country.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-28-2015, 09:14 AM
This hymn will tell you why this sub-human / non-human business bothers me. It's in a word: blasphemy


It may bother me that a wild creature, say a beautiful tiger , will eat me if I am not on my guard and recognize its attributes but that in no way leads me to ignore what it truly is and what it will do if given the chance.
The question is --does Islam so brainwash its followers that they will murder without any guilt or any hesitation? Answer is yes!
Thus they become subhuman vermin. No damn different than were the ffing Nazi's...
And don't go crying in the Jews were called subhuman and look how that went!
That label on them had NO JUSTIFICATION--can you say the same about when it applies to either the Nazi's or the damn muslims?
Nazi's and muslim ideology are both in tune to using extreme violence and genocide to advance their agenda!
Both were/are vicious and have no conscience about it. --Tyr

01-28-2015, 09:21 AM
It may bother me that a wild creature, say a beautiful tiger , will eat me if I am not on my guard and recognize its attributes but that in no way leads me to ignore what it truly is and what it will do if given the chance.
The question is --does Islam so brainwash its followers that they will murder without any guilt or any hesitation? Answer is yes!
Thus they become subhuman vermin. No damn different than were the ffing Nazi's...
And don't go crying in the Jews were called subhuman and look how that went!
That label on them had NO JUSTIFICATION--can you say the same about when it applies to either the Nazi's or the damn muslims?
Nazi's and muslim ideology are both in tune to using extreme violence and genocide to advance their agenda!
Both were/are vicious and have no conscience about it. --Tyr

Are you saying Muslims are beyond the reach of Jesus?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
01-28-2015, 09:27 AM
Are you saying Muslims are beyond the reach of Jesus?
As long as they are muslim they are. Do you know of any suicide bombers that converted and were "saved" in the micro seconds it took the explosion to rip them and their victims apart!??
Islam is a cult that was created by Lucifer to counter Christianity, just that simple.. Its the largest and most violent entity against Christians that has ever existed..
With a billion+ followers taught that Jesus was a mere prophet and not the Son of God and the Savior. -Tyr

01-28-2015, 09:42 AM
As long as they are muslim they are. Do you know of any suicide bombers that converted and were "saved" in the micro seconds it took the explosion to rip them and their victims apart!??
Islam is a cult that was created by Lucifer to counter Christianity, just that simple.. Its the largest and most violent entity against Christians that has ever existed..
With a billion+ followers taught that Jesus was a mere prophet and not the Son of God and the Savior. -Tyr

Anyone who's not saved belongs to Lucifer just as much as any Islamonazi.

01-28-2015, 11:50 AM
Ted explains his comment from 2014, yes we are back to the Sub Human Mongrel, which he explains and it makes sense, there is a video of Ted explaining and it truly makes sense.

NUGENT: I think if a person creates an environment where sheeple can be led to gas chambers, I don’t think the term subhuman mongrel is too outrageous. I don’t know if there is any English term, or any term available to mankind to adequately describe the depth of evil to a human who would deny good from winning over evil and with the insanity of our government, the insanity and the abuse of power, the runaway corruption deceit and dishonesty coming out of Barack Obama and Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and the left, they really believe that they can take our tax dollars and hire machine gun-toting security guards while dictating unarmed helplessness to their employers. Can you think of a word that could be offensive enough to describe someone who takes your money to hire security people while passing laws denying you the right to be secure? So subhuman mongrel was probably much too delicate.


At least Ted has the guts to call the Nazis subhuman. A silly analogy though.

01-28-2015, 04:33 PM
Poor Ted, still attempting to remain relevant almost 40 years after his last good album. I consider him a sub human mongrel draft evader. :cool:

01-28-2015, 07:13 PM
Poor Ted, still attempting to remain relevant almost 40 years after his last good album. I consider him a sub human mongrel draft evader. :cool:

Gabs with your bragging about your huge house and posch living style you would think Ted would be one of your idols, after all he is a multimillionaire living in a house that probably would fit yours mine and and 5 others from the board inside it. Just seems someone that is so materialistic would idolize anyone that actually had more than them, but then again I guess there are those that are jealous, hence the 40 years since his last good album :laugh: See Gabs although I agree with you about the last good album was a long time ago, I also know Ted has made millions other ways as well and is still making money. And I can understand being jealous of him after all the man has lived the American dream, to this day he is making money doing what he loves to do and has always made his money doing what he loves to do, while the rest of us work all week to do what we most enjoy on the weekend he makes money doing it when ever he pleases, yup a real has been. :rolleyes:

01-28-2015, 09:13 PM
Poor Ted, still attempting to remain relevant almost 40 years after his last good album. I consider him a sub human mongrel draft evader. :cool:

Funny stuff gabby. Your Jealousy sticks out like the SORE THUMB you actually are. SNOBS never learn because they spend so much time...like you do, trying to impress others who really don't care WHO you claim to be.

01-28-2015, 10:17 PM
Poor Ted, still attempting to remain relevant almost 40 years after his last good album. I consider him a sub human mongrel draft evader. :cool:

I will ask YOU the same question: Do you consider HIM beyond the reach of Jesus?

01-28-2015, 11:03 PM
Gabs with your bragging about your huge house and posch living style you would think Ted would be one of your idols, after all he is a multimillionaire living in a house that probably would fit yours mine and and 5 others from the board inside it. Just seems someone that is so materialistic would idolize anyone that actually had more than them, but then again I guess there are those that are jealous, hence the 40 years since his last good album :laugh: See Gabs although I agree with you about the last good album was a long time ago, I also know Ted has made millions other ways as well and is still making money. And I can understand being jealous of him after all the man has lived the American dream, to this day he is making money doing what he loves to do and has always made his money doing what he loves to do, while the rest of us work all week to do what we most enjoy on the weekend he makes money doing it when ever he pleases, yup a real has been. :rolleyes:

Well... I don't exactly have a large house or a posh living style. I have an expensive house, but that is primarily because of where I live.
I don't idolize or attempt to emulate wealthy people. Nor do I care who is wealthy and who isn't.
I see Ted Nugent as a musician. As a musician, he has been on the decline since 1980 or so. A great many musicians released their best music in the 70's and are still riding that fame. Pat Travers comes to mind.
I view Ted Nugent in the same manner that conservatives regard former Dead Kennedy's singer Jello Biafra. Like Ted, Jello hasn't done much musically since the 70's. But he remains a staunch political advocate. And continues to offend a lot of people.
Trouble is, Jello's audience is much smaller than Ted's. So when Jello advocates executing GW Bush on live TV, it doesn't make the same waves as Ted referring to Obama as a subhuman mongrel.
Jello has been doing this quite a bit longer as well. He has done spoken word shows with a Cabbage Patch Doll named "Ronnie," which he proclaimed as "more intelligent than the President." Jello also publicly celebrated the death of Margaret Thatcher, who is now organizing "tea parties in Hell" with Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao.

No one is begrudging Ted his glorious life style. Everyone is entitled to make a living. But it amuses me that the same people who wanted the Dixie Chicks crucified for insulting Bush are now celebrating Ted Nugent's insults of Obama.

01-29-2015, 07:05 AM
Well... I don't exactly have a large house or a posh living style. I have an expensive house, but that is primarily because of where I live.
I don't idolize or attempt to emulate wealthy people. Nor do I care who is wealthy and who isn't.
I see Ted Nugent as a musician. As a musician, he has been on the decline since 1980 or so. A great many musicians released their best music in the 70's and are still riding that fame. Pat Travers comes to mind.
I view Ted Nugent in the same manner that conservatives regard former Dead Kennedy's singer Jello Biafra. Like Ted, Jello hasn't done much musically since the 70's. But he remains a staunch political advocate. And continues to offend a lot of people.
Trouble is, Jello's audience is much smaller than Ted's. So when Jello advocates executing GW Bush on live TV, it doesn't make the same waves as Ted referring to Obama as a subhuman mongrel.
Jello has been doing this quite a bit longer as well. He has done spoken word shows with a Cabbage Patch Doll named "Ronnie," which he proclaimed as "more intelligent than the President." Jello also publicly celebrated the death of Margaret Thatcher, who is now organizing "tea parties in Hell" with Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao.

No one is begrudging Ted his glorious life style. Everyone is entitled to make a living. But it amuses me that the same people who wanted the Dixie Chicks crucified for insulting Bush are now celebrating Ted Nugent's insults of Obama.

Fair enough Gabby and I appreciate you taking the time and explaining, I may not agree 100% but that is what makes the word go around. :thumb: