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View Full Version : This is how terrible people get elected by terribly-stupid people

01-30-2015, 06:57 AM
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/01/29/look_into_my_eyes_you_are_feeling_ivery_worriedi_a bout_the_climate_so_worried/

This speaks to the mass-hysteria induced by the prophets of man-made-global-warming. But it also speaks to how FOOLS get elected, and enact HORRID laws (see: welfare, taxes, slavery-to-the-government, etc).

Emotion is an integral part of our thinking ... Emotion creates the abiding commitments needed to sustain action on difficult problems, such as climate change ... appropriately framed emotional appeals can motivate action, given the right supporting conditions (in particular a sense of personal vulnerability ... and [a sense of] the support of others).

That's how they do it - Politicians create emotional attraction to a logical/legal position; then 'the people' decide if THEY feel moved it MUST be a good law.

There's no hope.

01-30-2015, 11:44 AM
Too many people seem to formulate their beliefs based upon other people's emotional outburts and bumper stickers rather than rational thought and objective examination of facts. Apparently that is the case all over the country....Usually it is the more liberal-leaning voters who operate this way.

.....That's why political candidates are chosen...(subconsciously or not) on the basis of hair styles or general cuteness. But even without the influence of television, people seem to be easily swayed by sound bites and one-liners....Liberal (or "progressive") politicians and their allies in the news media would like us all to believe that we live in an endless series of crises that only the government can resolve. Every day there's another emergency, another shocking update, or another politically incorrect outburst that must be addressed with more legislation......

*And no matter what evil deed you've done....liberals will forgive you. All you have to do is apologize.....cry on television and go into rehab.....

Exposed EPA Memo:
Tie Fighting Global Warming To Americans' 'Personal Worries'. An Environmental Protection Agency memo sent to top officials implored the agency to build up support for its agenda by tying its regulatory agenda to the "personal worries" of Americans. "Polar ice caps and the polar bears have become the climate change 'mascots,' if you will, and personify the challenges we have in making this issue real for many Americans," reads a memo sent around to top agency officials in March 2009, just months after President Barack Obama took office.


`Muslims and the Left's Death by Tolerance.

`Tolerance always implies a perceived negative. You wouldn't have to tolerate a delectable meal or a beautiful car; you relish those things. But you would have to tolerate a stubborn cold, a painful rash or foul weather. So Tolerance Lesson One for Leftists: If you say you're tolerant of Muslims, it implies that you consider them a negative. If you don't — if instead you like them or just view them neutrally — tolerance doesn't enter the equation...........
