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View Full Version : Leave the gun, bring the Cannolis.

02-01-2015, 10:21 AM
A new place opened in the area serving the needs.


We also have another place that was "grandfathered" in that sells guns, gas, and is a bar. Ever walk into a bar where there is always a gun or two laying on the bar?

02-01-2015, 02:53 PM
Back in the 80's, I was stationed in LaMoure ND at the Omega Station

Great old town, had a bar there that you could buy beer (or booze), get a gun and buy rounds for it.

And all at the same time! :salute:

02-02-2015, 08:20 AM
A new place opened in the area serving the needs.


We also have another place that was "grandfathered" in that sells guns, gas, and is a bar. Ever walk into a bar where there is always a gun or two laying on the bar?

Many bars I have hung at would have weapons of all sorts sitting on the bar, not legally but there just the same. :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-02-2015, 10:50 AM
I hung out in bars like that at 17 years old(1971), Jeff. Hell, nobody there cared about my age , what they cared about was if you could fight, drink and keep your damn mouth shut about any illegal activity you saw. If not, they'd beat the living hell out of you and make damn sure you never dared come back there.
Now pot was not allowed there but just about anything else was. Including very, very friendly "wimmin". ;)
At one located on an Island not belonging to either state that contested its ownership(thus no law there) , I saw several people get cut all to hell in fights and a few others get shot. I was 18 by then and it was the place to go to drink and gamble on Sundays.
44 years ago, my how things have changed--now the new outlaws are the bastards in government stealing this nation blind and the old dogs from back then are all dead or dying--too damn old to do anything other than groan a bit. -Tyr