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02-05-2015, 07:52 AM
An interesting synopsis of Detroit. Short. Two paragraphs.

...The trend of “white flight” immediately hit Detroit harder than anywhere else in the nation, as white (ex-)residents, and many middle-class blacks, understandably, feared for their lives.


02-05-2015, 08:12 AM
Unions, Group-think, Progressives, Liberals, and Human Nature destroyed Detroit.

High Taxation; Entitlements; NO Peformance Audits; and a voting base composed of too many functional idiots.

02-05-2015, 08:44 AM
They're making a "comeback"...

02-05-2015, 08:48 AM
They're making a "comeback"...

Functioning at a 2% level when previously at a 1% level represents a 100% improvement. I can begin a six month study complete with Powerpoint presentations to illustrate this game changing analysis for a $1 million stipend if needed.

02-05-2015, 03:15 PM
The tax base moved to friendlier areas and left the freeloaders behind. Those freeloaders voted dems. into office who promised more free stuff which intimately bankrupted the city.

02-05-2015, 03:44 PM
Every Thinking, Informed American should be aware that Detroit DIED, due to Democrat rule, from top to bottom, where Graft, Extortion, and Professional, Political Liars robbed the city until it was Dry.

The best proof of the terrible conditions in Detroit can be seen from the FIRE DEPARTMENT point of view.

This is pretty widespread with the rest of the City as well.


Take the time to watch, and listen carefully. This could, and probably will happen where YOU live as well.

02-09-2015, 06:31 AM
That may be one of hte last honest journalists since stossel.

The end of the piece bothered me - "We're only doing these stories because we care"

Bullshit. Not their job to care; they should be doing stories that are NEWS - whether they care or not.

not to mention the poor grammar. Should be "We are doing these storys only because we care." :)

02-09-2015, 04:48 PM
That may be one of hte last honest journalists since stossel.

The end of the piece bothered me - "We're only doing these stories because we care"

Bullshit. Not their job to care; they should be doing stories that are NEWS - whether they care or not.

not to mention the poor grammar. Should be "We are doing these storys only because we care." :)

dmp. Weally? Yu spect gud grammar from DE-troit???:laugh:

I see your point, but if they didn't report SOMETHING, nobody would know, and we can see NOBODY CARES.

02-10-2015, 07:04 AM
Detroit doesn't have enough people who care. Working with volunteer organizations I've known groups to be cleaning up blight and garbage thrown in the streets. After completing residents would approach and thank them saying "...we were hoping somebody would come to clean it.."

That's the problem. HOPING is not a plan. HOPING doesn’t fix it. When the residents do NOT fix their condition; merely wait upon others, nothing gets changed.

02-10-2015, 07:45 AM
Detroit doesn't have enough people who care. Working with volunteer organizations I've known groups to be cleaning up blight and garbage thrown in the streets. After completing residents would approach and thank them saying "...we were hoping somebody would come to clean it.."

That's the problem. HOPING is not a plan. HOPING doesn’t fix it. When the residents do NOT fix their condition; merely wait upon others, nothing gets changed.
That's the problem with the dem model of taking care of citizens from the cradle to the grave. They're given money in stead of being expected to work, they're given food, education, and housing all without being expected to raise a finger to help themselves.

Why would it occure to them to clean up their own neighborhoods????

02-10-2015, 08:14 AM
Its probably latent racism on my part to assume people would clean up their own shitpiles. :)

02-10-2015, 09:45 AM

02-10-2015, 09:57 AM
Don't forget....Detroit charges 2.4% Income tax for the privledge of living and working in the city. ONLY 1.2% tax if you work there, but don't live there.

But get this.

That video is compelling. But it misses the point. The PROBLEM? The problem is the voting population. The problem is the citizens. The problem is the citizens allow the government to operate in a vacuum.

As to the last few seconds of that video?

"Hire....less criminals."

Should be 'fewer' criminals.

02-10-2015, 03:25 PM
Don't forget....Detroit charges 2.4% Income tax for the privledge of living and working in the city. ONLY 1.2% tax if you work there, but don't live there.

But get this.

That video is compelling. But it misses the point. The PROBLEM? The problem is the voting population. The problem is the citizens. The problem is the citizens allow the government to operate in a vacuum.

As to the last few seconds of that video?

"Hire....less criminals."

Should be 'fewer' criminals.

Agree completely dmp. But it was the criminal element, called elected politicians, who chased the tax payer/voters out of Detroit. Leaving the Government Dependents, created by Democrat Politicians, to fend for themselves. They weren't smart enough, or educated well enough to know how the Democrats were playing them, until it was too late.