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View Full Version : ``EPA`` proposes restrictions for new wood stoves.....................`

02-07-2015, 05:51 PM

`This is your government at work. I realize that in a SHTF situation the rule book gets thrown out but still for those who want to live off the grid this is the first step onto the slippery slope......`

"When these standards are fully implemented, EPA estimates that for every dollar spent to comply with these standards, the American public will see between $118 and $267 in health benefits," it said. "Consumers will also see a monetary benefit from efficiency improvements in the new wood stoves, which use less wood to heat homes. The total health and economic benefits of the proposed standards are estimated to be at $1.8 (billion) to $2.4 billion annually."

`Their idea of "health benefit" is laughable`

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014...w-wood-stoves/ (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/01/07/epa-proposes-new-restrictions-for-new-wood-stoves/)

02-07-2015, 07:06 PM
If onnnnllly ONE life is saved I'm all for it....

only mouth breathing paranoid stupid idiot poorly informed freakazoids social misfits.... who may be sincere so i respect them... would have a problem with this...

the government is keeping us SAFE, what do rights have to do with our safety? huh!!?...

do you know how many lives are lost because of the use of these dangerous things, OF COUSRE people should be barred from using them...

You can't have them in Schools today... so EVERY HOME should be the same... parents who use wood stoves are putting their children at risk... and the children of all the Neighbors.. all the world!!!


02-07-2015, 07:09 PM
this has been in the works for a long time. I believe this legislation or regulation was proposed as far back as Clinton and came up agin during Bush's terms.

EPA's running out of things to do.
Ron Paul was going to element them or Cut them . But that was too craaazzy.

02-07-2015, 07:43 PM
Yeah, they pulled this BS in Fairbanks, Alaska, where they get -65 and colder.

Many people up there use wood heat because there is no natural gas pipeliine from the North Slope. So, they're stuck with Diesel stoves, Propane stoves (both very expensive to run) or wood heat. It's cost prohibitive to heat your house with anything except wood up there because the EPA routinely blocks pipeline development.

The people in Fairbanks (and mostly the rest of us in AK) don't give a damn what the EPA says. We have our own way of doing things, and to hell with them and their greenie agenda.

The EPA is the subject of many jokes and public ridicule here, and it's well deserved.

02-07-2015, 08:02 PM
EPA....Pure Liberal.... `appointed` (regressive Garbage)

http://media.tumblr.com/ec4322594ffc38e1e06d17fc27cbb553/tumblr_inline_mnudjqpznD1qz4rgp.jpg`Obama EPA Chief used fake identity to circumvent record keeping...`

``EPA Waives Fees for 92% of Liberal Groups, Applies Them to Conservative Groups``


``Disgraced EPA Chief Used Fake Name to Coordinate with Liberal Groups``


